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A PortAudio based audio_common with text to speech for ROS 2


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This repositiory provides a set of ROS 2 packages for audio. It provides a C++ version to capture and play audio data using PortAudio.

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Humble main Humble Build Docker Image Doxygen Deployment
Iron main Iron Build Docker Image Doxygen Deployment
Jazzy main Jazzy Build Docker Image Doxygen Deployment
Rolling main Rolling Build Docker Image Doxygen Deployment

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Docker
  3. Nodes
  4. Demos


cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/ros2_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
pip3 install -r audio_common/requirements.txt
colcon build


You can create a docker image to test audio_common. Use the following common inside the directory of audio_common.

docker build -t audio_common .

After the image is created, run a docker container with the following command.

docker run -it --rm --device /dev/snd audio_common



Node to obtain audio data from a microphone and publish it into the audio topic.

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  • format: Specifies the audio format to be used for capturing. Common values are paInt16 (16-bit format) or other formats supported by PortAudio. Default: paInt16

  • channels: The number of audio channels to capture. Typically, 1 for mono and 2 for stereo. Default: 1

  • rate: The sample rate that is is how many samples per second should be captured. Default: 16000

  • chunk: The size of each audio frames. Default: 4096

  • device: The ID of the audio input device. A value of -1 indicates that the default audio input device should be used. Default: -1

  • frame_id: An identifier for the audio frame. This can be useful for synchronizing audio data with other data streams. Default: ""

ROS 2 Interfaces

  • audio: Topic to publish the audio data captured from the microphone. Type: audio_common_msgs/msg/AudioStamped


Node to play the audio data obtained from the audio topic.

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  • channels: The number of audio channels to capture. Typically, 1 for mono and 2 for stereo. Default: 2

  • device: The ID of the audio input device. A value of -1 indicates that the default audio input device should be used. Default: -1

ROS 2 Interfaces

  • audio: Topic subscriber to get the audio data captured to be played. Type: audio_common_msgs/msg/AudioStamped


Node to play the music from a audio file in wav format.

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  • chunk_time: Time, in milliseconds, that last each audio chunk. Default: 50

  • frame_id: An identifier for the audio frame. This can be useful for synchronizing audio data with other data streams. Default: ""

ROS 2 Interfaces

  • audio: Topic to publish the audio data from the files. Type: audio_common_msgs/msg/AudioStamped


Node to generate audio from a text (TTS).

Click to expand


  • chunk: The size of each audio frames. Default: 4096

  • frame_id: An identifier for the audio frame. This can be useful for synchronizing audio data with other data streams. Default: ""

ROS 2 Interfaces

  • audio: Topic publisher to send the audio data generated by the TTS. Type: audio_common_msgs/msg/AudioStamped

  • say: Action to generate audio data from a text. Type: audio_common_msgs/action/TTS


Audio Capturer/Player

ros2 run audio_common audio_capturer_node
ros2 run audio_common audio_player_node


ros2 run audio_common tts_node
ros2 run audio_common audio_player_node
ros2 action send_goal /say audio_common_msgs/action/TTS "{'text': 'Hello World'}"

Music Player

ros2 run audio_common music_node
ros2 run audio_common audio_player_node
ros2 service call /music_play audio_common_msgs/srv/MusicPlay "{audio: 'elevator'}"