1.) About
2.) How to Use
3.) Tech Stack
Restaurant finder is a boilerplate PERN stack application to help practice common full stack methodologies:
- Learning the architectural considerations of building a full stack app
- Connecting a front-end Create-React-App server to a NodeJS and Express backend
- Communicate data from a postgresql database to a React application
- Understand how to route user requests on the front end with React Router and on the backend with Express
- Build reusable user inputs with Redux Form, complete with navigation
- Manage CRUD operations fluently without experiencing lag or delay
- Download npm (https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm)
- run [npm i] on the command line to install all dependencies
- run [npm start] to begin the application
This application was build using the PERN stack:
1.) (P)ostgreSQL for the database
2.) (E)xpress for backend api management
3.) (R)eact for all frontend UI
4.) (N)ode.js - javascript runtime environment