- FindDuplicateItems.java: Find duplicate items in an unsorted array where all elements are in the range of 1 to n where n is length of array with time complexity O(n) and space complexity O(1).
- RemoveDuplicateItems.java: Remove duplecate items from sorted array with time complexity O(n)
- ABCFinder.java: Find out elements a, b and c from an unsorted array which satisfy the equation a + b = c.
- NthHighestItem.java: Find out nth highest item in an unsorted array.
- SecondHighestItem.java: Find out second highest item in an unsorted array.
- MaxDifference.java: Find out max difference of any two elements in an unsorted aray.
- MaxSumSubArray.java: Find out a sub array whose sum of the elements is highest.
- LeftRotationUsingRecursion.java: Left rotation of the array using recursion.
- Segrigate_0_1_2.java: Given an array which contains only 0's, 1's and 2's as elements. Segregate these numbers in such a way that all 0's come first then all 1's and then all 2's.
- Segrigate0.java: Segregate only 0's from a given array.
- ArrayUtils.java: Array utility class.