This is a simple resource manager where "administrator" can add resources and "visitor" can browse them. As you can see there are two types of user for the application. So there routes are separated with a prefix.
For 'Administrator' the routes are:
/administrator/attachments (which let him to add/edit/delete pdf resources)
/administrator/snippets (which let him to add/edit/delete html snippets)
/administrator/links (which let him to add/edit/delete link resources)
For 'Visitor' the routes are:
/attachments (which let him to browse and download pdf resources)
/snippets (which let him to browse and copy html snippets)
/links (which let him to follow link resources)
Go to the project directory and open the terminal and hit
composer install
Then add an .env file in the root of the project directory and copy the .env.example contents, or you may copy the .env.copy file and rename it to .env
Next you should fill up the APP_KEY in the .env file with a long random string, or you hit the command below
php artisan key:generate
You need to fill up the database credentials in the .env file. Create a database according to you connection. The following fields need to filled up in the .env file
default is mysql
default is
default is 3306
After setting up the credentials you need to hit the following command
php artisan migrate
The default file storage settings is set to 'public'
. So set
in you .env file and hit the following command
php artisan storage:link
The max file upload size is kept to 5Mb.
Before running the application you need to install the node modules in your project. Hit the following commands to install them
npm install && npm run dev
You're ready to go. Serve the application and visit it at the url provided in the terminal.
php artisan serve