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BOSH CPI for VMWare Workstation/Fusion Pro using vmrun and related binaries


You can find bre-built tarballs on the releases page.

There are currently no published releases on


  • The following VMware vmrun hypervisors are known to work:
    • VMware Fusion 8.5 for MacOS
    • VMware Fusion 11.5 Pro for MacOS
    • VMware Workstation 14 for Windows
    • VMware Player 14.1.1 download with VMware VIX 1.17.0 download
  • Linux or Windows Stemcell for vsphere

Deployment scenarios

  • Stand-alone VMs created with bosh create-env
    • bosh CLI communicates directly with the hypervisor on the host machine
  • BOSH director via bosh create-env and deployments via bosh deploy over localhost SSH tunnel
    • SSH server must be running on vmrun hypervisor with public key enabled
    • OS-specific CPI binary will be installed on the hypervisor
    • CPI must run as user with privileges to execute vmrun


Follow the instructions for your VMware product:

Fusion setup

  • Find the paths for these binaries: vmrun andovftool
    • Fusion defaults:
      • /Applications/VMware
      • /Applications/VMware OVF Tool/ovftool
  • Network configured for NAT
    • VMware Fusion Menu -> Preferences -> Network
    • Create/choose a network with these settings
      • Allow virtual machines on this network to connect to external networks (using NAT)
      • Connect this host Mac to this network
      • Provide addresses on this network via DHCP
      • Choose a specific subnet range (ex:
  • Note: Do not open Fusion while CPI is active during VM creation/updating - you'll see errors about files being inaccessible. It's fine to open after VMs are all up and running.
    • Tip: To exit Fusion and leave VMs running, right-click the Fusion Dock icon, hold Option and Force Quit.

Workstation for Linux/Windows setup

  • Find the paths for these binaries: vmrun and ovftool
    • Windows defaults:
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\OVFTool\ovftool.exe
    • Linux:
      • /usr/bin/vmrun
      • /usr/bin/ovftool
  • Network configured for NAT
    • Edit -> Virtual Network Editor
    • Create/choose a network with these settings
      • NAT (share host's IP address with VMs)
      • Use local DHCP service to distribute IP addresses to VMs
      • Connect a host virtual adapter ([your vm network name]) to this network
      • Choose a specific subnet range (ex:
  • Note: Do not open any BOSH VMs in Workstation while CPI is active during VM creation/updating - you'll see errors about files being inaccessible. It's fine to open and view VMs are they are all up and running.

Player for Linux setup

  • Install each .bundle file with appropriate license.
  • Find the paths for these binaries: vmrun and ovftool
    • /usr/bin/vmrun
    • /usr/bin/ovftool
  • Use the existing NAT network vmnet8:
    • Print network info: ip -4 addr show vmnet8
    • Example output:
    6: vmnet8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
        inet brd scope global vmnet8
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Example deployment

# create the vm <example manifest below>
bosh create-env my-vm.yml \
  --vars-store ./state/vm-creds.yml \
  --state ./state/vm_state.json \
  -v cpi_url="" \
  -v cpi_sha1="f2c971abbc4be6c97f77306fd49ad23fac238099" \
  -v stemcell_url="" \
  -v stemcell_sha1="9e832921a4a1279b8029b72f962abcb2f981b32c" \
  -v vmrun_bin_path="$(which vmrun)" \
  -v ovftool_bin_path="$(which ovftool)" \
  -v vm_store_path="/tmp/vm-store-path" \
  -v internal_ip=  \
  -v internal_range= \
  -v internal_cidr= \
  -v internal_gw= \
  -v network_name=vmnet3 \

Example manifest

name: my-vm

- name: bosh-vmrun-cpi
  url: ((cpi_url))
  sha1: ((cpi_sha1))

- name: vms
  network: default
    url: ((stemcell_url))
    sha1: ((stemcell_sha1))
    cpu: 2
    ram: 4_096
    disk: 40_000

    # optional bootstrap script, runs before bosh-agent starts
      script_content: |
        # add your own bootstrap actions here
      script_path: '/tmp/'  # full path where to write temporary script on VM
      interpreter_path: '/bin/bash'     # full path to script interpreter
      username: 'vcap'                  # VM username with permissions to run the script
      password: 'c1oudc0w'              # hard-coded stemcell password (eventually changed by bosh-agent)
      ready_process_name: 'bosh-agent'  # process name that the script should wait for before running
      min_wait_seconds: 180             # time to sleep before polling for ready_process_name (defaults to 0)
      max_wait_seconds: 300             # max time to wait for ready_process_name - fails if exceeded  env:

- name: disks
  disk_size: 65_536

- name: default
  type: manual
  - range: ((internal_range))
    gateway: ((internal_gw))
    static: [((internal_ip))]
    reserved: [((internal_gw))]
    dns: []
      name: ((network_name))

- name: my-vm
  instances: 1
  jobs: []
  resource_pool: vms
  persistent_disk_pool: disks
  - name: default
    static_ips: [((internal_ip))]
        bosh: {}
    ntp: &ntp
  mbus: https://mbus:((mbus_bootstrap_password))@((internal_ip)):6868
      provider: local
      path: '/var/vcap/micro_bosh/data/cache' #depends on agents internal location
    agent: {mbus: "https://mbus:((mbus_bootstrap_password))@"}
    ntp: *ntp
      vmrun_bin_path: "((vmrun_bin_path))"
      ovftool_bin_path: "((ovftool_bin_path))"
      vm_store_path: "((vm_store_path))"
      vm_start_max_wait_seconds: 600
      vm_soft_shutdown_max_wait_seconds: 30
    name: vmrun_cpi
    release: bosh-vmrun-cpi

- name: mbus_bootstrap_password
  type: password


Common errors

  • Error: The operation was canceled

    • Usually indicates your host is out of memory
  • Error: This VM is in use.

    • Usually indicates VMWare Fusion or Workstation is open. This prevents the vms being modified and can leave them in an invalid state.
    • Resolution: usually closing Fusion/Workstation resolves it issue. If not, you may need to manually delete the entire VM directory and use bosh to recreate.
  • VMs not starting or failing to come up

    • Check if there are any unknown running VMs
    vmrun list
    • If so, shut down all running vms
    vmrun list | grep vmx | while read vmx; do [ -d $(dirname $vmx) ] || mkdir $(dirname $vmx); [ -f $vmx ] || curl -L -o $vmx; vmrun stop $vmx hard; done   
    • Reattempt operation

Recovery from a hard-shutdown

If you have shutdown the physical machine running the Workstation/Fusion, your VMs are likely in a very inconsistent state. There are at least two ways to go about recovering

Delete all state and recreate all VMs:

  1. Stop all running VMs
  2. Remove entire vm-store-path directory
  3. Remove any BOSH deployment state.json files
  4. Redeploy all VMs


Running tests


export SSH_HOSTNAME="localhost"
export SSH_PORT="22"
export SSH_USERNAME=<user with priveledges to execute vmrun>
export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_vmrun)"
export SSH_PLATFORM=<"windows" | "linux" | "darwin">

cd src/bosh-vmrun-cpi
ginkgo -r


$env:SSH_USERNAME=<user with priveledges to execute vmrun>
$env:SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=@(cat ~\.ssh\id_rsa_vmrun | out-string)
$env:SSH_PLATFORM=<"windows" | "linux" | "darwin">

cd .\src\bosh-vmrun-cpi
ginkgo -r