This Python script is designed to analyze public transportation data for Mexico City. It utilizes various libraries such as GeoPandas, Folium, Pandas, and others to visualize and explore transportation-related information. The script covers the following aspects:
- Folium Map Visualization
The script creates an interactive Folium map, sets its initial location and zoom level, and adds various map layers such as Positron and Dark Matter. The map is saved as an HTML file for better visualization.
- Adding Shapefile Data to Folium Map
The script further enhances the Folium map by adding geospatial data in the form of polygons representing different delegations within Mexico City.
- Data Separation by Transportation Modal
It separates transportation data into different modal categories, such as RTP, Corredores Concessionados, Metro, Metrobus, Trolebus, Tren Ligero, Suburbano, Cablebus, and Pumabus.
- Analysis of Metro Data
The script performs an analysis of the Metro data, combining information from routes and trips to gain insights into Metro routes and trips in Mexico City.