This is an e-commerce app that I built using React.js. Due to the 2019-2020 COVID-19 pandemic, products such as Hand Sanitizer, Wet Wipes, and Face Masks have been in high demand, so I thought I would "open" my "own" Sanitizing Shop.
It is deployed on Heroku, at
The corresponding backend of the app is also hosted on Heroku. Its corresponding Github repository can be found here:
Some of the technologies and websites I used for this project:
- Redux for state management
- Redux Persist to persist Redux state in local storage
- Firebase for user authentication
- Material UI to easily create React UI components
- Free Logo Design to design the logo of my "own shop"
- Day.js for dates formatting
- Numeral.js for number formatting
- validator.js for form validation
To test the app, please use the following credentials:
- E-mail address:
- Password: Testp@ss
The only requirement is for all fields to be filled, and a valid Canadian postal code to be provided. The postal code can either have a space or no space in between, so both A1B2C3 and A1B 2C3 are accepted, for example.
This app features a credit card payment page. Please note that no credit card payment will actually be processed, nor any credit card data will be stored in the server. Please enter the following credit card details when prompted:
- Card Number: 4242424242424242
- Expiry Date: Any date in the future
- Security Code: Any valid whole number (non-decimal)