Restful service exposing kafka topics for browsing
Supports all major clients (JAVA, POSTMAN, PYTHON, etc)
base url: http://hostname:port/
returns apps landing page
All post requests will be made to this endpoint
param | type | description | Required | example |
searchParam | string | all messages that include this string will be returned | YES | "searchParam": "900001" |
json_topics | JSONArray | list of json topic names to be included in search | YES, if including json topics in search | "json_topics": ['example-json-topic'] |
avro_topics | JSONArray | list of avro topic names to be included in search | YES, if including avro topics in search | "avro_topics": ['example-avro-topic'] |
includeDelimiter | string | If true, results will include delimiter between messages | NO | "includeDelimiter": "false" |
environment | string | Choose kafka environment | NO, defaults to value in | "environment": "example_environment" |
Supports form-data, x-www-form-urlencoded, and raw JSON body requests
Example Raw JSON body request:
"searchParam": "example_string",
"environment": "example_environment",
NOTE: Unless your intention is to send the request via x-www-form-urlencoded, please ensure Content-Type -- application/x-www-form-urlencoded is unchecked, under the 'Headers' tab.
Sometimes postman will save this setting even though you have selected another content-type option.
build JSON body
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("searchParam", "example_string");
JSONArray jsonTopics = new JSONArray();
jsonObject.put("json_topics", jsonTopics);
JSONArray avroTopics = new JSONArray();
jsonObject.put("avro_topics", avroTopics);
String postRequestBody = jsonObject.toString()
Response response = RestAssured.given().config(RestAssured.config().sslConfig(config)).contentType(ContentType.JSON).body(postRequestBody).post(http://<hostname>:<port>>/search);
JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.body().asString());
Using requests library
import requests
URL = "http://<hostname>:<port>/search"
PARAMS = {'searchParam': 'example_string', 'json_topics': ['example-json-topic'],
'avro_topics': ['example-avro-topic']}
response =, json=PARAMS)
data = response.json()
List of JSON message objects for each topic included in the search (example below)
"JSON_TOPIC_example-json-topic": [
"example_response_key": "example_response_value"
Recommended deployment as Windows Service
- Service Name: <service_name>
- Project Path: <project_path>
- Logs Path: <log_file_path>
- Startup Type: Automatic (will start during the boot process)
- Service Manager Used: NSSM (
Windows Users:
From command line, run as administrator
- stop service:
$ sc \\<hostname> stop <service_name>
- start service
$ sc \\<hostname> start <service_name>
Mac Users: TBD
Adding json topics is relatively straight forward. The only addition that needs to be made is to the UI (templates/splash.html).
Replace "new-json-topic" in the below example with the new topic's full name and place in the desired location.
<input type="checkbox" name="json_topics[]" value="new-json-topic"> new-json-topic <br>
Adding avro topics will require making (3) changes
- Similar to json topics, you will need to add the new topic's full name to the UI (templates/splash.html) using the following convention.
<input type="checkbox" name="avro_topics[]" value="new-avro-topic"> new-avro-topic <br>
- Add new topic's schema to directory: avro_schemas/
avro schema filename extension is .avsc
- Add topic name and schema file name to static/avro_topic_names.yml. Example:
new-avro-topic: "newAvroTopic.avsc"
The filename added in step 3 must match the schema file name added in Step 2