Web site for openly writing the ultimate book about working on iPad in the open!
See license.md for details.
The contents of the book are in the /book folder
To create a new chapter file follow these simple steps:
- Simply create a blank text file "example.md" in the "book" folder.
- Add two things in to the front matter (between "---" signs):
- "part" set to the part of the book
- "title" of the chapter you're writing
- Once you've saved this file, please add it as well to the Table of Contents file: toc.yml under appropriate book part and chapter, for example:
- title: TITLE
subtitle: SUBTITLE
url: /book/example/
- (optional and default) You can add "a mini chapter-only table of contents" if the chapter very long by pasting these two lines of code right after the front matter of the page:
Here's a simple template for minimal code and maximum content:
part: PART
title: TITLE
* TOC (optional)