Tools for local and remote testing for SWMM and EPANET
- Zero configuration local testing
- Simple CI setup
- Support for Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms
- Unique identification of Software Under Test (SUT) and benchmarks
- Creation of manifest and receipt artifacts to document QA/QC activities
- Management of tests and benchmarks in separate repository
- Automatic generation of test artifacts to simplify benchmark maintenance
Before the project can be built and tested the required dependencies must be installed.
Summary of Build Dependencies: Windows
- Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017
- CMake 3.17
Regression Test
- Python 3.7 64 bit
- curl
- git
- 7z
Once Python is present, the following command installs the required packages for regression testing.
\> cd < PROJECT_ROOT >
\>pip install -r tools\requirements-< PROJECT >.txt
EPANET can be built with one simple command.
This command runs regression tests for the local build and compares them to the latest benchmark.