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A collection of custom shell scripts, functions, alias and configurations to enhance comand-line experience.


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Custom Shell Environment

A collection of custom shell scripts, functions, and configurations to enhance your comand-line experience.


This repository contains a set of customizable shell scripts, functions, alias and configurations that can be used to personalize your shell environment. It's designed to be adaptable to different shell environments, including Bash and Zsh


  • Customizable prompt and theme settings
  • Enhanced command-line completion and suggestion features
  • Improved file searching capabilities
  • Additional shell functions for tasks such as file management


  • A script to search for files on the entire system in a case-insensitive manner and count the lines in each file
  • aliases: Alias to common linux commands
  • PS1 prompt: A customized PS1 (prompt string 1) used to customize the appearance of the prompt, which includes information such as the username, hostname, and current working directory and git status
  • History enhancement and auto complete: History enchancement like HISTCONTROL environment variable used to control how the command history is handled. HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE:Used to increase the number of commands stored in the history list and history file. Setting these variables to -1 allows unlimited history.


To install the custom shell environment, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Enter the directory
cd Custom-Shell-Environment
  1. Make the file executable
chmod +x
  1. Source the file

5.After the installation of the necessary files downloaded nano editor For zsh

apt-get install nano

then do

nano ~/.bashrc

copy the search function and paste to .bashrc

# Function to search for files on the entire system in a case-insensitive manner and count lines in each file
search() {
    if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
        echo "Usage: search filename"
        return 1


    # Search for files on the entire system in a case-insensitive manner
    find / -type f -iname "$filename" 2>/dev/null | while read file_path; do
        echo "File: $file_path"
        # Count the lines in the file
        line_count=$(wc -l < "$file_path")
        echo "The file has $line_count lines."
        echo # Empty line for better readability

For the now function copy and paste

watch -n1 "date '+%T' | figlet -f script -k"

For the PS1

export PS1='\[\e[32m\]\u@\h\[\e[00m\]:\[\e[34m\]\w\[\e[00m\] \[\e[91m\]\$(git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null)\[\e[00m\] \$ '

For the welcome Function

  figlet "WELCOME"
   cowsay -f turtle  "....YOU CAN DO IT.... " | lolcat

For fox function

fox() { firefox \"\$*\" & }

For aliases

# Git aliases
alias gs='git status'
alias gc='git commit -m'
alias gp='git push'
alias gl='git log'
alias gb='git branch'
alias gco='git checkout'

# VSCode editor alias
alias c='code'

# File system aliases
alias lh='ls -lh'
alias tree='tree -a'

# System administration aliases
alias r='sudo reboot'
alias s='sudo shutdown'
alias u='sudo apt update'
alias i='sudo apt install'

After paste the functions you need run

source ~/.bashrc

mock files

  1. mock_file are present for tests
  2. try the search function with
3. try the now function with

  1. Try the fox function with

About the Search Function

A bash function to search for files on the entire system in a case-insensitive manner and count the lines in each file.

Description The search function is a bash function that searches for files on the entire system in a case-insensitive manner and counts the lines in each file. It uses the find command to search for files and the wc command to count the lines.

Usage Here's how to use search function, simply call it with the file name you want to search for as an argument like this:

search filename

Replace file name with the actual file name you are looking for and wait for result.

About Prompt string 1(PS1)

Use the PS1 to Display username, hostname, current directory, and Git branch, with diffenet colors when the terminal is launched remember the color intensity can be increased to change the colors. Click here to know more about the prompt and how to customise to reach your desired needs.

About Aliasses

Git and System Administration Aliases

Git Aliases

  • alias gs='git status': Quickly check the status of your Git repository.
  • alias gc='git commit -m': Commit changes with a message. Note that you will need to provide the commit message after running this alias, e.g gc "message".
  • alias gp='git push': Push changes to a remote repository.
  • alias gl='git log': View the commit history.
  • alias gb='git branch': List all branches in the repository.

VSCode Editor Alias

  • alias c='code': Open the VSCode editor. You can use this alias to open a file or directory in VSCode, e.g., c project.

File System Aliases

  • alias ls='ls -lh': List files and directories in a human-readable format. The -lh option displays file sizes in a readable format and sorts the output by file type.
  • alias tree='tree -a': Display a tree-like representation of the directory structure. The -a option includes hidden files and directories in the output.

System Administration Aliases

  • alias r='sudo reboot': Reboot the system with superuser privileges.
  • alias s='sudo shutdown': Shut down the system with superuser privileges.
  • alias u='sudo apt update': Update the package list on a Debian-based system.
  • alias i='sudo apt install': Install packages on a Debian-based system.

About Autocomplete and History enhancement

  • For Zsh, the compinit function is used to initialize the completion system. The autoload -Uz compinit line loads the compinit function, and the compinit line initializes the completion system.
# Enable autocomplete for aliases and functions
autoload -Uz compinit
  • For Bash, the bash_completion script is used to enable completion for commands and aliases. The source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion line loads the bash_completion script.
# Enable autocomplete for aliases and functions
source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
  • HISTSIZE=1000 means that the bash history list will store the last 1000 commands.
  • HISTFILESIZE means that the bash history file will store up to 2000 lines of commands.
  • HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth Ignore duplicate commands and commands that start with a space.


It's a function redirected to bashrc and zshrc that uses firefox browser with google search engine to open a new tab and search the internet


fox (what you want to search)

About the

It's a function that show the time using watch command watch, date, and figlet



For more information about this repository, including detailed instructions and examples, please see the README file.

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A collection of custom shell scripts, functions, alias and configurations to enhance comand-line experience.







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