Fork to your directory the code here:
Clone it locally:
git clone[YOURNAME]/HHbbgg_ETH.git HHbbgg_ETH_devel
You should create your own branch, then do pull requests when you are done.
In order to run the notebooks on the browser you need an ssh tunnel on a machine where jupyter is running.
Opening it in a screen session allows you to detach it and not redoing it every time
(you will only need to ssh).
One-time initialization of Jupyter:
- Start jupyter on t3:
ssh -L 8002:localhost:8002; //this first line has to be done every time
cd HHbbgg_ETH_devel;
jupyter notebook --port 8002 --no-browser;
ctrl-a-d //detaches screen session
In your browser open: http://localhost:8002
The code is organized in notebooks, the programs you execute directly in the browser. They
are in the "notebooks" folder.
This folder contains all the notebooks needed
-- trainMVAHHbbgg.ipynb
Trains a Gradient Boost Classifier to separate signal/backgrounds. All re-weighting implemented, output saved.
-- createTrees.ipynb
It runs on ntuples, applies a given MVA and saves a reduced ntuples which includes the MVA scores
-- optimizeClassifier.ipynb
Optimize parameters of the classifier. In Training/scropts/ there is a (probably not-updated) version of this optimization code wich runs without using notebooks. -
This folder contains all the tools needed by the notebooks: data format, train/test splitting, plotting... These classes have to be loaded at the beginning of your notebook.
The instructions for this part of the analysis are in the README in folder Limits/macros
The instructions for this part of the analysis are in the README in folder Limits/combine_macros