Guided Project Exploring Hacker News Posts In this project, I will look at the data set of submissions to the Hacker News website and analyse last 12 months (up to September 26, 2016) posts and their comments.
Dataset includes following columns:
title: title of the post url: the url of the item being linked to num_points: the number of upvotes the post received num_comments: the number of comments the post received author: the name of the account that made the post created_at: the date and time the post was made (the time zone is Eastern Time in the US)
In this project I will analize posts which titles begin with Ask HN or Show HN. Ask HN posts to ask the Hacker News community a specific question. Show HN posts to show the Hacker News community a project or present something interesting to the public.
The two tasks for this excersie are:
Do Ask HN or Show HN receive more comments on average? Do posts created at a certain time receive more comments on average?