PadelConnect est une application décentralisée de gestion de tournois de Padel permettant de créer une communauté autour de ce sport en proposant notamment un réseau social décentralisé.
- Maquettes réalisées sur
- Url de la dApp déployée (connecté au contrat déployé sur Goerli) :
- Adresse du contrat sur Goerli : 0x4aCB6c67D15E3251299614832E6bA94B98a0Dd80
- Le contrat a également été déployé sur Sepolia : 0x5b3e6a0027439Ab1F439A41B22DF2AB26Bc82719
- Tableau de bord des issues :
- Vidéo de la démo :
Solidity / Hardhat / React / Nextjs / Wagmi / Viem / Rainbow Kit / Chakra-ui / Ethers.js / chai.js
Rôle | Description |
Owner | Le propriétaire est l'administrateur de l'application. |
Manager | Un manager est celui qui gère ses tournois. |
Player | Toute personne n'étant pas manager ni owner est un joueur. |
Le schéma ci-dessous montrent les interactions entre le frontend et le smart contract :
flowchart >
A[ /home] -->|If owner| B[ /admin]
A -->|If manager| C[ /tournament/add]
A -->|Any user| D[ /tournament/id]
A -->|If manager| H[ /messageboard]
A -->|Any user| F[ /profile]
D -->|Any user| G[ /ask/address]
B -.->|add manager| I((Smart Contract))
C -.->|add tournament| I
D -.->|get info tournament| I
D -.->|register in tournament| I
D -.->|add winners| I
D -.->|add comment| I
D -.->|follow| I
F -.->|get tournaments by player| I
G -.->|add comment to manager| I
G -.->|add response to player| I
H -.->|find messages| I
I -.->|event tournaments| A
I -.->|event managers| B
I -.->|event followed tournaments| F
Se baser sur le fichier .env.example pour configurer la partie backend.
Pour ajouter les dépendances :
npm install
Pour déployer le smart contract en local :
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
Pour déployer sur un testnet comme Sepolia :
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia
Pour déployer sur un testnet comme Goerli :
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network goerli
Se baser sur le fichier .env.example pour configurer la partie frontend.
Pour ajouter les dépendances :
npm install
Pour démarrer la partie frontend en local :
npx next dev
3 scripts ont été créés dans scripts/datas permettant l'insertion de jeux de données :
- add_datas.js : ajoute un manager, plusieurs tournois et un commentaire ;
- add_messages_to_manager.js : crée 3 messages entre un joueur et un manager (pré-requis : add_datas.js);
- add_newtournament.js : ajoute un nouveau tournoi (pré-requis : add_datas.js);
- register_player.js : enregistre 2 joueurs sur un tournoi et crée 2 commentaires sur ce même tournoi (pré-requis : add_datas.js / Attention, vous n'avez que 30s pour exécuter ce script après le pré-requis !);
Pour les exécuter :
npx hardhat run scripts/datas/add_datas.js --network localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/datas/add_messages_to_manager.js --network localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/datas/add_newtournament.js --network localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/datas/register_player.js --network localhost
Exécuter un noeud Hardhat :
npx hardhat node
Puis il faut soit exécuter les tests seuls soit les tests avec la couverture :
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat coverage
Résultat :
Test PadelConnect
✔ should deploy the smart contract
Adding managers
✔ should add a new manager
✔ should revert when caller is not the owner
✔ should revert when the manager address is the zero address
✔ should revert when the address was ever registered
Adding tournaments
✔ should add a new tournament
✔ should emit an event when adding a new tournament
✔ should revert when caller is not a manager
✔ should revert when caller to get the tournaments is not a manager
✔ should revert when the city is empty
✔ should revert when the date is in the past
✔ should revert when the number of players is odd
✔ should return the informations of a tournament with a difficulty p500
✔ should return the difficulty p25
✔ should return the difficulty p100
✔ should return the difficulty p250
✔ should return the difficulty p1000
✔ should return the difficulty p2000
✔ should revert if the difficulty is unknown
After registrering players
✔ should adding a follower to a tournament
✔ should emit an event when adding a follower to a tournament
✔ should deleting a follower to a tournament
✔ should revert if id does not exist
Adding winners
✔ should add the winners
✔ should revert when caller is not the good manager
✔ should revert if the two winners are the same person
✔ should revert if id does not exist
✔ should revert if winner1 is the 0 address
✔ should revert if winner2 is the 0 address
✔ should revert if a winner has been not registered
✔ should add a new commment
✔ should revert if id does not exist
✔ should revert when player send many messages in a short time
✔ should revert if message is empty
Messages from a player to a manager
✔ should add a new message to a manager
✔ should not modify the exchanges array when adding two new messages to a manager (3028ms)
✔ should revert if id does not exist
✔ should revert when player send many messages in a short time
✔ should revert if message is empty
Response to the messages by the manager
✔ should add a new response
✔ should revert when caller is not a manager
✔ should revert if id does not exist
✔ should revert when player send many messages in a short time
✔ should revert if message is empty
✔ should revert when player address is the zero address
✔ should revert if id does not exist when getting messages
✔ should revert when player address is the zero address when getting messages
Registering players
✔ should decrease the number of registrations allowed when adding a new player
✔ should add a new tournament for the player registered
✔ should revert if the id does not exist
✔ should revert when the player is already registered
✔ should revert when the tournament is complete
✔ should revert when tournament is already started
53 passing (5s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
contracts/ | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
IPadelConnect.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
PadelConnect.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
All files | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
En version web via le fichier ./coverage/contracts/index.html :
Ajout de la librairie @nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers pour manipuler la date de la blockchain.
it('should revert when tournament is already started', async function() {
await time.increaseTo(2087697299); // 27/02/2036
await expectRevert(
Ajout de la librairie timers/promises pour forcer un temps d'attente entre 2 messages envoyés.
✔ should not modify the exchanges array when adding two new messages to a manager (3025ms)
- Ne pas signer à chaque message ajouté dans les chats ;
- Front-end à revoir ;
- Voir les issues restantes (améliorations / évolutions) ;