Voting done simply in real-time with Polldle. PollDLE ~= Poll + the last part of Doo DLE (an Internet calendar tool for time management, famous for its simplification)
Some technicals concepts in this application:
- front-end in Vue.js 3 and Vite,
- back-end in Java with MicroProfile and KumuluzEE implementation (JAX-RS and CDI),
- using the given/when/then style for Java unit test,
- full build with Docker with multi-stage build feature,
- deployement with Docker.
All instructions to understand how to develop a front part with Vue.js can be found here (in french): and
- Docker (that's all)
Polldle building and deployement have been tested on:
- macOS Monterey (with Docker for Mac),
- Linux Ubuntu.
In fact, all operating systems that support Docker can build and test PollDLE.
Clone the latest development source:
$ git clone
In the case you do not need a subpath, go to the next section.
If you want to use a subpath to deploy PollDLE (i.e. http://localhost/YOUR_SUBPATH), edit the subpath.conf and replace all YOUR_SUBPATH
string by your preferred value (i.e. polldle
server {
listen 80;
location /YOUR_SUBPATH/server/ {
proxy_pass http://backend:9991/;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
location /YOUR_SUBPATH/ {
rewrite ^/YOUR_SUBPATH(/.*)$ $1 break;
proxy_pass http://frontend;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
To build without subpath: https://localhost, execute this command line:
$ docker compose build --build-arg script_name=build
To build with subpath: http://localhost/YOUR_SUBPATH, execute this command line:
$ docker compose build --build-arg script_name=subpath
To check if the images are been built, execute this command line:
$ docker compose ps
vuejs3-polldle-tutorial-src-backend-1 "java -cp /polldle/c…" backend running>9991/tcp
vuejs3-polldle-tutorial-src-frontend-1 "nginx -g 'daemon of…" frontend running 80/tcp
vuejs3-polldle-tutorial-src-rp-1 "/docker-entrypoint.…" rp running>80/tcp
From the root of the project, execute this command line:
$ docker compose up -d
Open your favorite web browser and go to this url: http://localhost (without subpath) or http://localhost/YOUR_SUBPATH (with a subpath).