An arduino code that reads Honda OBD Protocol and translates it to ELM327 protocol. This fork will add three Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensors to the system created by kerpz. The sensors output will be available on the LCD as a second screen OR will be spliced into the OBD data sent to the OBD2 conversion routines.
- Honda ECU's before 2002
- This fork will be tested on a 1999 Honda S2000 used for track days.
- hobd_uni - implements Honda OBD with ELM OBD2 protocol (bluetooth) and LCD display
- LCD_wiring.png - LCD wiring for arduino uno (10k potentiometer)
Honda 3 Pin DLC Arduino Uno
Gnd --------------------- Gnd
+12 --------------------- Vin
K-line ------------------ Pin12
HC-05 Bluetooth Arduino Uno
Rx ---------------------- Pin11
Tx ---------------------- Pin10
LCD 16x2 Arduino Uno
RS ---------------------- Pin9
Enable ------------------ Pin8
D4 ---------------------- Pin7
D5 ---------------------- Pin6
D6 ---------------------- Pin5
D7 ---------------------- Pin4
Honda 3 Pin DLC Arduino Uno
Gnd --------------------- Gnd
+12 --------------------- Vin
K-line ------------------ Pin12
HC-05 Bluetooth Arduino Uno
Rx ---------------------- Pin11
Tx ---------------------- Pin10
- Upload alpha version
- Code tidy-up ;)