Micronaut Data 3.2.1
v3.2.1 (2021-12-07)
Fixed bugs:
- Problems with the Micronaut Data @where since the last update #1233
- javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update after upgrading to Micronaut 3.1+ #1230
- NPE when returning NULL from Specification implementing PageableRepository, JpaSpecificationExecutor #1224
Closed issues:
- InvalidPathException when using join in Specification implementing PageableRepository, JpaSpecificationExecutor #1225
Merged pull requests:
- Disable runtime version incrementer for Hibernate #1236 (@dstepanov)
- Fix setting null Hibernate query values #1235 (@dstepanov)
- Fix JPA specification bugs #1234 (@dstepanov)
- Fix GraalVM warning #1232 (@ilopmar)
- Fix NPE when returning NULL from Specification implementing PageableRepository #1226 (@dstepanov)
- Use interface default methods in Kotlin example #1222 (@dstepanov)
- Docs: Fix MySQL and MariaDB R2DBC dependencies #1221 (@debuglevel)
- [data] Update common files for branch master #1217 (@micronaut-build)