Public location of delivered Artificial Intelligence Presentations
Machine Intelligence - Decision Analysis
Description: Applying Machine Intelligence to Decision Theory. Includes demos of AI assisted Decision Support Systems and Decision Management Systems
Microsoft AI Platform Update
Description: Presentation on the latest Microsoft AI Platform features (high level presentation).
DevOps for AI
DevOPs for AI.pptx
Description: CI/CD for Models for application developers + data scientists.
P20 OCP Conference - Chicago - 09/15/2019
Description: Applying Machine Intelligence to Decision Theory. Includes demos of AI assisted Decision Support Systems and Decision Management Systems
Angelbeat Conference - Philadelphia - 08/13/2019
Description: Presentation from the Angelbeat Philadelphia Conference. Overview of AI for all types of personas.
Tibco Artificial Intelligence Conference - 06/12/2019
Description: Presentation from the Tibco Artificial Intelligence Conference. How does Microsoft think about AI for all different personas.
Microsoft Financial Services Summit | AI Executive Technical Briefing - 05/13/2019
Description: Presentation from the FSI Summit covering Artificial Intelligence for financial services partner executives.
Azure Cognitive Services Strategy - 02/28/2019
Description: Presentation on the Azure Cognitive Services strategy and differentation between competitors including GDPR and Docker containers (AI on the edge).
MSUS Partner Community Presentation - 02/21/2019
Description: Presentation on ML.NET (Machine Learning .NET) an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework. Includes links to GitHub demos and ML.NET resources.
Microsoft AI Platform Update - 12/18/2018
Description: Presentation on the latest Microsoft AI Platform (high level presentation).
Philadelphia AI Conference - 09/20/2018
Description: Presentation from the Philadelphia AI Conference covering examples around using baseball data.
Why R? 2018 Conference Wroclaw, Poland - 07/05/2018
Description: Presentation from the WhyR? Conference covering R language scenarios on the Microsoft AI platform.