This repository publishes the engineering specs for a number of DirectX features. It supplements the official API documentation with an extra level of detail that can be useful to expert developers.
Note that some of this material (especially in older specs) may not have been kept up to date with changes that occurred since the spec was written.
These specs are presented with different interfaces at two different URLs:
- To read the specs, use
- To view history, clone, file an issue or prepare a pull request, use
Make sure that you visit the DirectX Landing Page for more resources for DirectX developers.
Rendering Pipeline
Structure of D3D
- Motion Estimation
- Protected Resources
- Video Protected Resource Support
- Video Encoding
- Video Encoding AV1
- Video Encoding HEVC 422/444
- Video Encoding Subregion Notification
- Video Encoding Readable Reconstructed Picture
- Video Encoding Extended metadata stats
- Video Encoding QPMap, Dirty rects/map, Motion rects/map
Developer Features
- D3D12 on Windows 7
- Translation Layer Resource Interoperability (9on12 and 11on12)
These D3D12 specs were written as incremental deltas, with a separate spec per feature area. Baseline information about rendering pipeline behaviors that are common between D3D11 and D3D12 was inherited from the D3D11 spec rather than being duplicated into the 12 documentation. We have an ambition of refactoring this material to present more of a unified how-things-are-now view, rather than a historical what-changed-to-get-here, and to merge in foundational information from the D3D11 spec. Contributions welcome if you'd like to help with that!
This is not yet a complete set of D3D12 specs: we'll be adding more as time permits. Please let us know if there are particular areas you'd like to see prioritized.
Direct3D 11.3 Functional Specification
This is a single combined spec, covering all functionality of D3D versions from 10 to 11.3.
- DirectX API documentation
- DirectX Developer Blog
- DirectX team on Twitter
- DirectX Discord server
- PIX on Windows
- DirectX Graphics Samples
- D3DX12 (the D3D12 Helper Library)
- D3D12 Raytracing Fallback Layer
- D3D12 Residency Starter Library
- D3D12 MultiGPU Starter Library
- DirectX Tool Kit
- D3DDred debugger extension
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