Release 4.2.7 of Microsoft plugins for Moodle 4.2
50 commits
since this release
Release 4.2.7 of Microsoft plugins for Moodle 4.2
This is a bug fix release to 4.2.6 to fix a PostgreSQL DB compatibility issue introduced in the 4.2.6 release. The following release notes are taken from the 4.2.6 release.
Thanks to @usqfowlerj who reported the issue.
Major feature in this release is:
- Support Silent SSO in the auth_oidc plugin (#2156): Silent login mode automatically detects active Microsoft user sessions in client browser, and would login the user silently (without user interaction) if a non-ambiguous user session if found. Otherwise it would show Moodle login page and allows users to choose the most appropriate login method.
Other changes included in this release are:
- Fix bug in local_o365 unit test #2540, thanks to @CarlosArceLopera.
- Fix bug missing class import 'action_failed' in utils.php in auth_oidc plugin #2571, thanks to @christianabila.
- Remove creation of dynamic properties that is deprecated in PHP 8.2 #2547, thanks to @opitz.
- Fix a bug where only the first 25 cohorts are shown as options in cohort and Microsoft group sync config page #2553.
- Avoid sending skiptoken and deltatoken in the same call in user sync task #2535.
- Fix "invalid URL" error when showing the Microsoft block in course context while odburl config is empty #2533.
- Move Moodle Teams tab name from a language string to a setting #2542.
- Fix a bug in which calendar sync last run time is saved with wrong value #2589.
- Use application token for calendar sync wherever possible.
- Fix bugs in course sync that may result in invalid or duplicate course connection records.
- Remove duplicate course section header in Microsoft block.