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Localization - Translated Strings (#4310) (#4318)
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Co-authored-by: csigs <>
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gcampbell-msft and csigs authored Mar 3, 2025
1 parent 83dc477 commit 1a34fe3
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Showing 13 changed files with 26 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/chs/src/extension.i18n.json
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"loading.extension.commands": "正在加载扩展命令",
"register.command": "注册 CMakeTools 扩展命令 {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "请卸载 CMake Tools 扩展的所有较早版本。现在自版本 1.2.0 起,它由 Microsoft 发布。",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "卸载 twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "建议卸载 twxs.cmake 扩展。CMake 工具扩展现在提供语言服务,已不再依赖于 twxs.cmake。",
"language.service.failed": "未能初始化语言服务",
"options.moved.notification.body": "CMake 工具中的某些状态栏选项现在已移动到 CMake 工具边栏中的项目状态视图。可以在设置中使用“cmake.options”属性自定义视图。",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "配置 CMake 选项可见性",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/cht/src/extension.i18n.json
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"loading.extension.commands": "正在載入延伸模組命令",
"register.command": "註冊 CMakeTools 延伸模組命令 {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "請將所有較舊的 CMake 工具延伸模組版本解除安裝。它現在由 Microsoft 從版本 1.2.0 開始發佈。",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "解除安裝 twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "建議您解除安裝 twxs.cmake 延伸模組。CMake Tools 延伸模組現在提供語言服務,且不再依賴 twxs.cmake。",
"language.service.failed": "無法初始化語言服務",
"options.moved.notification.body": "CMake 工具中的部分狀態列選項現在已移至 CMake 工具提要欄位中的 [專案狀態檢視]。您可以在設定中使用 'cmake.options' 屬性自訂您的檢視。",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "設定 CMake 選項可見度",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/csy/src/extension.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"loading.extension.commands": "Načítání příkazů rozšíření",
"register.command": "Zaregistrujte příkaz rozšíření CMakeTools {0}.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Odinstalujte prosím všechny starší verze rozšíření CMake Tools. Od verze 1.2.0 jej publikuje Microsoft.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "Odinstalovat twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "Doporučujeme odinstalovat rozšíření twxs.cmake. Rozšíření CMake Tools nyní poskytuje jazykové služby a již nezávisí na twxs.cmake.",
"language.service.failed": "Nepodařilo se inicializovat jazykové služby.",
"options.moved.notification.body": "Některé možnosti stavového řádku v nástrojích CMake se teď přesunuly do zobrazení stavu projektu na bočním panelu nástrojů CMake. Zobrazení můžete přizpůsobit pomocí vlastnosti cmake.options v nastavení.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "Nakonfigurovat viditelnost možností CMake",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/deu/src/extension.i18n.json
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"loading.extension.commands": "Erweiterungsbefehle werden geladen.",
"register.command": "Registrieren von CMakeTools-Erweiterungsbefehl {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Deinstallieren Sie alle älteren Versionen der CMake Tools-Erweiterung. Sie wird jetzt von Microsoft ab Version 1.2.0 veröffentlicht.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "„twxs.cmake“ deinstallieren",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "Es wird empfohlen, die Erweiterung „twxs.cmake“ zu deinstallieren. Die Erweiterung „CMake Tools“ bietet jetzt Sprachdienste und ist nicht mehr von „twxs.cmake“ abhängig.",
"language.service.failed": "Fehler beim Initialisieren der Sprachdienste.",
"options.moved.notification.body": "Einige Statusleistenoptionen in den CMake-Tools wurden jetzt in die Projektstatusansicht in der Randleiste der CMake-Tools verschoben. Sie können Ihre Ansicht mit der Eigenschaft „cmake.options“ in den Einstellungen anpassen.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "Konfigurieren der Sichtbarkeit von CMake-Optionen",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/esn/src/extension.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"loading.extension.commands": "Cargando los comandos de la extensión",
"register.command": "Registrar el comando de la extensión CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Desinstale cualquier versión anterior de la extensión Herramientas de CMake, que ahora publica Microsoft a partir de la versión 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "Desinstalar twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "Se recomienda desinstalar la extensión twxs.cmake. La extensión Herramientas de CMake ahora proporciona Language Services y ya no depende de twxs.cmake.",
"language.service.failed": "No se pudieron inicializar los servicios de lenguaje",
"options.moved.notification.body": "Algunas opciones de la barra de estado de herramientas de CMake se han movido a la vista Estado del proyecto en la barra lateral de herramientas de CMake. Puede personalizar la vista con la propiedad \"cmake.options\" en la configuración.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "Configurar la visibilidad de las opciones de CMake",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/fra/src/extension.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"loading.extension.commands": "Chargement des commandes d'extension",
"register.command": "Inscrire la commande d'extension CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Désinstallez les anciennes versions de l'extension CMake Tools. Elle est désormais publiée par Microsoft à partir de la version 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "Désinstaller twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "Nous vous recommandons de désinstaller l’extension twxs.cmake. L’extension CMake Tools fournit désormais des services de langage et ne dépend plus de twxs.cmake.",
"language.service.failed": "Échec de l’initialisation des services linguistiques",
"options.moved.notification.body": "Certaines options de la barre d'état dans CMake Tools ont maintenant été déplacées vers la vue d'état du projet dans la barre latérale de CMake Tools. Affichez le nœud dans la vue d'état du projet. Vous pouvez personnaliser votre vue avec la propriété « cmake.options » dans les paramètres.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "Configurer la visibilité des options CMake",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/ita/src/extension.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
"loading.extension.commands": "Caricamento dei comandi dell'estensione",
"register.command": "Registra il comando {0} dell'estensione CMakeTools",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Disinstallare le versioni precedenti dell'estensione CMake Tools. Tale estensione è ora pubblicata da Microsoft a partire dalla versione 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "Disinstalla twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "È preferibile disinstallare l'estensione twxs.cmake. L'estensione CMake Tools ora fornisce Servizi di linguaggio e non dipende più da twxs.cmake.",
"language.service.failed": "Non è stato possibile inizializzare i servizi di linguaggio",
"options.moved.notification.body": "Alcune opzioni della barra di stato in CMake Tools sono state spostate nella visualizzazione stato progetto nella barra laterale di CMake Tools. È possibile personalizzare la visualizzazione con la proprietà 'cmake.options' nelle impostazioni.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "Configurare la visibilità delle opzioni di CMake",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/jpn/src/extension.i18n.json
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"loading.extension.commands": "拡張コマンドを読み込んでいます",
"register.command": "CMakeTools 拡張コマンド {0} の登録",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "以前のバージョンの CMake Tools 拡張機能をすべてアンインストールしてください。バージョン1.2.0 以降、Microsoft によって公開されるようになりました。",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "twxs.cmake をアンインストールする",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "twxs.cmake 拡張機能をアンインストールすることをお勧めします。CMake ツール拡張機能は、言語サービスを提供し、twxs.cmake に依存しなくなりました。",
"language.service.failed": "言語サービスを初期化できませんでした",
"options.moved.notification.body": "CMake Tools の一部のステータス バー オプションが、CMake ツール サイド バーのプロジェクト状態スビューに移動されました。設定の 'cmake.options' プロパティを使用してビューをカスタマイズできます。",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "CMake オプションの可視性の構成",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/kor/src/extension.i18n.json
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"loading.extension.commands": "확장 명령을 로드하는 중",
"register.command": "CMakeTools 확장 명령 {0} 등록",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "이전 버전의 CMake Tools 확장을 제거하세요. 버전 1.2.0부터 이제 Microsoft에서 게시합니다.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "twxs.cmake 제거",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "twxs.cmake 확장을 제거하는 것이 좋습니다. 이제 CMake 도구 확장은 언어 서비스를 제공하며 더 이상 twxs.cmake에 의존하지 않습니다.",
"language.service.failed": "언어 서비스를 초기화하지 못했습니다.",
"options.moved.notification.body": "이제 CMake 도구의 일부 상태 표시줄 옵션이 CMake 도구 사이드바의 프로젝트 상태 보기로 이동되었습니다. 설정에서 'cmake.options' 속성으로 보기를 사용자 지정할 수 있습니다.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "CMake 옵션 표시 여부 구성",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/plk/src/extension.i18n.json
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"loading.extension.commands": "Ładowanie poleceń rozszerzenia",
"register.command": "Zarejestruj polecenie rozszerzenia CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Odinstaluj wszystkie starsze wersje rozszerzenia narzędzi CMake. Jest ono teraz publikowane przez firmę Microsoft, począwszy od wersji 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "Odinstaluj rozszerzenie twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "Rekomendujemy odinstalowanie rozszerzenia twxs.cmake. Rozszerzenie CMake Tools udostępnia teraz usługi językowe i nie zależy już od rozszerzenia twxs.cmake.",
"language.service.failed": "Nie można zainicjować usług językowych",
"options.moved.notification.body": "Niektóre opcje paska stanu w narzędziach CMake zostały przeniesione do widoku stanu projektu na pasku bocznym narzędzi CMake. Widok można dostosować za pomocą właściwości „cmake.options” w ustawieniach.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "Konfiguruj widoczność opcji narzędzia CMake",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/ptb/src/extension.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
"loading.extension.commands": "Carregando comandos de extensão",
"register.command": "Registrar o comando de extensão de CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Desinstale as versões mais antigas da extensão de Ferramentas CMake. Iniciando com a versão 1.2.0, a extensão passou a ser publicada pela Microsoft.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "Desinstalar twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "Recomendamos que você desinstale a extensão twxs.cmake. A extensão de ferramentas do CMake agora fornece Serviços de Linguagem e não depende mais de twxs.cmake.",
"language.service.failed": "Falha ao inicializar os serviços de idioma",
"options.moved.notification.body": "Algumas opções da barra de status nas Ferramentas do CMake agora foram movidas para a Exibição de Status do Projeto na barra lateral de Ferramentas do CMake. Você pode personalizar sua exibição com a propriedade ''cmake.options'' nas configurações.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "Configurar a Visibilidade das Opções do CMake",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/rus/src/extension.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"loading.extension.commands": "Загрузка команд расширения.",
"register.command": "Регистрация команды расширения CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Удалите все старые версии расширения \"Средства CMake\". Начиная с версии 1.2.0, это расширение публикуется корпорацией Майкрософт.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "Удалить twxs.cmake",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "Рекомендуется удалить расширение twxs.cmake. Расширение CMake Tools теперь предоставляет языковые службы и больше не зависит от twxs.cmake.",
"language.service.failed": "Не удалось инициализировать языковые службы",
"options.moved.notification.body": "Некоторые параметры строки состояния в Средствах CMake перемещены в представление состояния проекта на боковой панели Средств CMake. Вы можете настроить представление, используя свойство \"cmake.options\" в параметрах.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "Настроить отображение параметров CMake",
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions i18n/trk/src/extension.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"loading.extension.commands": "Uzantı komutları yükleniyor",
"register.command": "{0} CMake Araçları uzantısını komutunu kaydet",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Lütfen CMake Araçları uzantısının eski sürümlerini kaldırın. Uzantı, 1.2.0 sürümünden itibaren Microsoft tarafından yayımlanmaktadır.",
"uninstall.twxs.uninstall": "twxs.cmake'i kaldırın",
"uninstall.twxs.cmaketools": "twxs.cmake uzantısını kaldırmanızı öneririz. CMake Araçları uzantısı artık Dil Hizmetleri sunmaktadır ve twxs.cmake'e bağımlı değildir.",
"language.service.failed": "Dil hizmetleri başlatılamadı",
"options.moved.notification.body": "CMake Tools'daki bazı durum çubuğu seçenekleri artık CMake Tools kenar çubuğundaki Proje Durumu Görünümüne taşındı. Görünümünüzü ayarlardaki 'cmake.options' özelliğiyle özelleştirebilirsiniz.",
"options.moved.notification.configure.cmake.options": "CMake Seçenekleri Görünürlüğünü Yapılandır",
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