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Updated strings from microsoft/vscode-loc-drop@0a096612907ae00b4c607486b72dc18ebe928340 #1425

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10191,7 +10191,7 @@
"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": "Určuje, jestli se bude pro tučný text v terminálu vždy používat varianta „bright“ barvy ANSI.",
"terminal.integrated.enableBell": "Určuje, jestli má být povolen zvonek terminálu. Zobrazuje se v podobě vizuálního zvonku vedle názvu terminálu.",
"terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks": "Určuje, jestli se mají povolit odkazy na soubory v terminálech. Odkazy mohou být pomalé, zejména pokud jsou spuštěny na síťové jednotce, protože každý odkaz na soubor se ověřuje v systému souborů. Změna tohoto nastavení bude platit pouze pro nové terminály.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Enables image support in the terminal, this will only work when {0} is enabled. Both sixel and iTerm's inline image protocol are supported on Linux and macOS, Windows support will light up automatically when ConPTY passes through the sequences. Images will currently not be restored between window reloads/reconnects.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Povolí podporu imagí v terminálu. Bude fungovat jenom v případě, že je povolená {0}. V Linuxu a macOS se podporuje protokol vložené image sixelu i iTerm. Když funkce ConPTY projde posloupnostmi, podpora Windows se automaticky rozsvítí. Obrázky se v tuto chvíli mezi opětovným načtením a opětovným připojením okna neobnoví.",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "Umožňuje zobrazit dialogové okno s upozorněním při vkládání více řádků do terminálu. Dialogové okno se nezobrazuje, pokud je povolen režim\r\n\r\n– Vkládání v závorkách (prostředí nativně podporuje víceřádkové vkládání)\r\n– Vložení je zpracováno příkazem readline prostředí (v případě pwsh).",
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": "Zachovat relace nebo historii terminálu pro pracovní prostor mezi načteními oken.",
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": "Objekt s proměnnými prostředí, které se přidají do procesu VS Code, který bude používat terminál v systému Linux. Pokud chcete proměnnou prostředí odstranit, nastavte hodnotu null.",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json
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Expand Up @@ -10191,7 +10191,7 @@
"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": "Controla si el texto en negrita del terminal usará siempre la variante de color de ANSI \"bright\".",
"terminal.integrated.enableBell": "Controla si la campana de terminal está habilitada. Se muestra como una campana visual junto al nombre del terminal.",
"terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks": "Indica si se deben habilitar los vínculos de archivo en los terminales. Los vínculos pueden ser lentos cuando se trabaja en una unidad de red en particular porque cada vínculo de archivo se comprueba en el sistema de archivos. Cambiar esto solo surtirá efecto en los terminales nuevos.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Enables image support in the terminal, this will only work when {0} is enabled. Both sixel and iTerm's inline image protocol are supported on Linux and macOS, Windows support will light up automatically when ConPTY passes through the sequences. Images will currently not be restored between window reloads/reconnects.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Habilita la compatibilidad con imágenes en el terminal; esto solo funcionará cuando {0} esté habilitado. Tanto sixel como el protocolo de imagen en línea de iTerm se admiten en Linux y macOS. La compatibilidad con Windows se activará automáticamente cuando ConPTY pase por las secuencias. Actualmente, las imágenes no se restaurarán entre las recargas o las reconexiones de la ventana.",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "Muestra un cuadro de diálogo de advertencia al pegar varias líneas en el terminal. El cuadro de diálogo no muestra cuando:\r\n\r\n- El modo de pegado entre corchetes está habilitado (el shell admite pegar varias líneas de forma nativa)\r\n- La línea de lectura del shell controla el pegado (en el caso de pwsh)",
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": "Conservar las sesiones de terminal o el historial del área de trabajo entre recargas de ventana.",
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": "Objeto con variables de entorno que se agregarán al proceso de VS Code que el terminal va a usar en Linux. Establézcalo en \"null\" para eliminar la variable de entorno.",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json
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Expand Up @@ -10191,7 +10191,7 @@
"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": "Détermine si le texte en gras dans le terminal doit toujours utiliser la variante de couleur ANSI \"bright\".",
"terminal.integrated.enableBell": "Contrôle si la cloche du terminal est activée. Elle s’affiche sous la forme d’une cloche près du nom du terminal.",
"terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks": "Indique si les liens de fichiers doivent être activés dans les terminaux. Les liens peuvent être lents quand vous travaillez sur un lecteur réseau, car chaque lien de fichier est vérifié par rapport au système de fichiers. Le changement de cette option ne prend effet que sur les nouveaux terminaux.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Enables image support in the terminal, this will only work when {0} is enabled. Both sixel and iTerm's inline image protocol are supported on Linux and macOS, Windows support will light up automatically when ConPTY passes through the sequences. Images will currently not be restored between window reloads/reconnects.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Active la prise en charge des images dans le terminal. Cela ne fonctionnera que lorsque {0} est activé. Le protocole d’image inline sixel et iTerm est pris en charge sur Linux et macOS. La prise en charge de Windows s’allume automatiquement lorsque ConPTY passe par les séquences. Actuellement, les images ne seront pas restaurées entre les rechargements/reconnexions de fenêtre.",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "Afficher une boîte de dialogue d’avertissement lors du collage de plusieurs lignes dans le terminal. La boîte de dialogue ne s’affiche pas quand :\r\n\r\n- Le mode collage entre crochets est activé (l’interpréteur de commandes prend en charge le collage multiligne en mode natif)\r\n- Le collage est géré par la ligne de lecture de l’interpréteur de commandes (dans le cas de pwsh)",
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": "Permet la persistance des sessions/historiques de terminal de l'espace de travail entre les rechargements de fenêtres.",
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": "Objet et variables d'environnement ajoutés au processus de VS Code pour être utilisés par le terminal sur Linux. Affectez la valeur 'null' pour supprimer la variable d'environnement.",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json
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Expand Up @@ -10191,7 +10191,7 @@
"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": "Controlla se il testo in grassetto nel terminale userà sempre la variante di colore ANSI \"bright\".",
"terminal.integrated.enableBell": "Controlla se la campana del terminale è abilitata. Viene visualizzata come una campana visiva accanto al nome del terminale.",
"terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks": "Indica se abilitare i collegamenti di file nei terminali. I collegamenti possono essere lenti se si usa un'unità di rete, in particolare perché ogni collegamento di file viene verificato in base al file system. La modifica di questa impostazione ha effetto solo nel nuovi terminali.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Enables image support in the terminal, this will only work when {0} is enabled. Both sixel and iTerm's inline image protocol are supported on Linux and macOS, Windows support will light up automatically when ConPTY passes through the sequences. Images will currently not be restored between window reloads/reconnects.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Abilita il supporto delle immagini nel terminale, che funzionerà solo quando {0} è abilitato. Sia il protocollo di immagine inline di sixel che quello di iTerm sono supportati in Linux e macOS. Il supporto di Windows sarà automaticamente disponibile quando ConPTY passa attraverso le sequenze. Le immagini non verranno al momento ripristinate tra le operazioni di ricaricamento/riconnessione della finestra.",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "Visualizzare una finestra di dialogo di avviso quando si incollano più righe nel terminale. La finestra di dialogo non viene visualizzata quando:\r\n\r\n- La modalità Incolla tra parentesi quadre è abilitata (la shell supporta l'operazione incolla su più righe in modo nativo)\r\n- L'operazione Incolla viene gestita dalla riga di lettura della shell (nel caso di pwsh)",
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": "Abilita la persistenza delle sessioni del terminale per l'area di lavoro tra un ricaricamento e l'altro della finestra.",
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": "Oggetto con variabili di ambiente che verrà aggiunto al processo VS Code per essere usato dal terminale in Linux. Impostare su `null` per eliminare la variabile di ambiente.",
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"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": "Controla se o texto em negrito no terminal sempre usará a variante de cor ANSI \"brilhante\".",
"terminal.integrated.enableBell": "Controla se a campainha do terminal está habilitada. Isso aparece como um sino visual ao lado do nome do terminal.",
"terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks": "Se deve habilitar links de arquivos em terminais. Os links podem ser lentos ao trabalhar em uma unidade de rede, principalmente porque cada link de arquivo é verificado no sistema de arquivos. Alterar isso terá efeito apenas em novos terminais.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Enables image support in the terminal, this will only work when {0} is enabled. Both sixel and iTerm's inline image protocol are supported on Linux and macOS, Windows support will light up automatically when ConPTY passes through the sequences. Images will currently not be restored between window reloads/reconnects.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Habilita o suporte de imagem no terminal, isso só funcionará quando {0} estiver habilitado. Tanto o protocolo de imagem inline do sixel quanto o iTerm são suportados no Linux e no macOS, o suporte do Windows acenderá automaticamente quando o ConPTY passar pelas sequências. No momento, as imagens não serão restauradas entre recarregamentos/reconexões de janelas.",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "Mostra uma caixa de diálogo de aviso ao colar várias linhas no terminal. A caixa de diálogo não é exibida quando:\r\n\r\n- O modo de colagem entre colchetes está ativado (o shell suporta nativamente a colagem de várias linhas)\r\n- A colagem é tratada pela linha de leitura do shell (no caso de pwsh)",
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": "Persistir sessões/histórico de terminal para o espaço de trabalho em recarregamentos de janela.",
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": "Objeto com variáveis de ambiente que serão adicionadas ao processo do VS Code a ser usado pelo terminal no Linux. Defina como `null` para excluir a variável de ambiente.",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10191,7 +10191,7 @@
"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": "Определяет, будет ли полужирный текст в терминале всегда использовать яркий вариант цвета ANSI.",
"terminal.integrated.enableBell": "Определяет, включены ли звуковые оповещения в терминале. Это отображается в виде колокольчика рядом с именем терминала.",
"terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks": "Указывает, следует ли включить ссылки на файлы в терминалах. Ссылки могут работать медленно при использовании сетевого диска, так как каждая ссылка на файл проверяется в файловой системе. Изменение вступит в силу только в новых терминалах.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Enables image support in the terminal, this will only work when {0} is enabled. Both sixel and iTerm's inline image protocol are supported on Linux and macOS, Windows support will light up automatically when ConPTY passes through the sequences. Images will currently not be restored between window reloads/reconnects.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Включает поддержку изображений в терминале (только при включении {0}). В Linux и macOS поддерживаются протоколы встроенных рисунков Sixel и iTerm. Поддержка в Windows автоматически активируется при прохождении ConPTY через последовательности. Изображения не будут восстанавливаться после перезагрузок/повторных подключений окна.",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "Отображайте диалоговое окно предупреждения при вставке нескольких строк в терминал. Диалоговое окно не отображается, когда:\r\n\r\n– Включен режим вставки в квадратных скобках (оболочка поддерживает многострочную вставку по умолчанию)\r\n– Вставка обрабатывается строкой чтения оболочки (в случае pwsh)",
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": "Сохранять сеансы или журнал терминалов для рабочей области при перезагрузке окна.",
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": "Объект с переменными окружения, которые будут добавлены в процесс VS Code для использования терминалом в Linux. Задайте значение null, чтобы удалить переменную среды.",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10191,7 +10191,7 @@
"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": "Terminaldeki kalın metinlerin her zaman \"parlak\" ANSI renk çeşidini kullanıp kullanmayacağını denetler.",
"terminal.integrated.enableBell": "Terminal zilinin etkin olup olmadığını denetler. Bu, terminal adının yanında görsel bir zil olarak görünür.",
"terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks": "Terminallerde dosya bağlantılarının etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmeyeceğini belirtir. Her dosya bağlantısı dosya sisteminde doğrulandığından bir ağ sürücüsü üzerinde çalışırken bağlantılar yavaş olabilir. Bunun değiştirilmesi yalnızca yeni terminallerde etkili olur.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Enables image support in the terminal, this will only work when {0} is enabled. Both sixel and iTerm's inline image protocol are supported on Linux and macOS, Windows support will light up automatically when ConPTY passes through the sequences. Images will currently not be restored between window reloads/reconnects.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Terminalde resim desteğini etkinleştirir. Bu, yalnızca {0}etkinleştirildiğinde uygulanır. Hem sixel hem de iTerm'in satır içi resim protokolü Linux ve macOS'ta desteklenir, ConPTY dizileri geçtiğinde Windows desteği otomatik olarak açılır. Şu anda pencereyi yeniden yükleme/yeniden bağlanma arasında resimler yeniden yüklenmez.",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "Terminale birden çok satır yapıştırırken bir uyarı iletişim kutusu göster. İletişim kutusu şu durumlarda gösterilmez:\r\n\r\n- Köşeli ayraçlı yapıştırma modu etkin (kabuk çok satırlı yapıştırmayı yerel olarak destekler)\r\n- Yapıştırma, kabuğun okuma çizgisi tarafından işleniyor (pwsh durumunda)",
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": "Pencere yeniden yüklemelerinde çalışma alanı için terminal oturumlarını/geçmişini kalıcı hale getirin.",
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": "Linux üzerinde terminal tarafından kullanılacak VS Code işlemine eklenecek ortam değişkenlerini içeren nesne. Ortam değişkenini silmek için `null` olarak ayarlayın.",
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10191,7 +10191,7 @@
"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": "控制終端內的粗體文字是否一律使用「亮色」ANSI 色彩變化。",
"terminal.integrated.enableBell": "控制是否啟用終端鈴鐺。這會顯示為終端機名稱旁的視覺鈴鐺。",
"terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks": "是否要在終端內啟用檔案連結。因為每個檔案連結都要向檔案系統驗證,所以連結可能會變慢,特別是在使用網路磁碟機時。變更此設定只對新的終端有效。",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "Enables image support in the terminal, this will only work when {0} is enabled. Both sixel and iTerm's inline image protocol are supported on Linux and macOS, Windows support will light up automatically when ConPTY passes through the sequences. Images will currently not be restored between window reloads/reconnects.",
"terminal.integrated.enableImages": "啟用終端中的影像支援,此功能僅在啟用 {0} 時運作。Linux macOS 上都支援 sixel 和 iTerm 的內嵌影像通訊協定,當 ConPTY 通過序列時,Windows 支援會自動亮起。影像目前不會在視窗重新載入/重新連線之間保留。",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "將多行貼上到終端時顯示警告對話方塊。對話方塊不會在下列時間顯示:\r\n\r\n- 加括號貼上模式已啟用 (殼層原生支援多行貼上)\r\n- 貼上會由殼層的讀取行處理 (在 pwsh 的情況下)",
"terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": "在視窗重新載入期間保存工作區的終端機工作階段/記錄。",
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": "具有環境變數的物件,會新增至 Linux 終端使用的 VS Code 處理序。設為 `null` 可刪除環境變數。",
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