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Microsoft Graph TypeScript Types Beta

The Microsoft Graph TypeScript definitions enable editors to provide intellisense on Microsoft Graph /beta endpoint objects including users, messages, and groups.

NOTE: APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change.


We recommend including the .d.ts file by downloading this package through npm.

# Install types and save in package.json as a development dependency
npm install @microsoft/microsoft-graph-types-beta --save-dev


The following examples assume that you have a valid access token. The following example uses isomorphic-fetch and Microsoft Graph JavaScript client library -

import { User } from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types-beta";

import { Client } from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-client";

import 'isomorphic-fetch';

const client = Client.initWithMiddleware({
	defaultVersion: 'beta',

const response = await client.api("/me").get();
const user = response as User;

Example of creating an object

// Create the message object

// Note that all the properties must follow the interface definitions.
// For example, this will not compile if you try to type "xml" instead of "html" for contentType.

let mail:MicrosoftGraphBeta.Message = {
    subject: "Microsoft Graph TypeScript Sample",
    toRecipients: [{
        emailAddress: {
            address: ""
    body: {
        content: "<h1>Microsoft Graph TypeScript Sample</h1>Try modifying the sample",
        contentType: "html"

Example of using v1 types and beta types together

  "devDependencies": {
    // import published v1.0 types with a version from NPM
    "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types": "^0.4.0",
    // import beta types with a version from NPM
    "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types-beta": "^0.1.0-preview"
import * as MicrosoftGraph from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types"

import * as MicrosoftGraphBeta from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types-beta"

const v1User: MicrosoftGraph.User = {
	givenName: "V1 User"

const betaUser: MicrosoftGraphBeta.User = {
	givenName: "Beta User"

Supported editors

Any TypeScript project can consume these types when using at least TypeScript 2.0. We've tested including the types as a dependency in the following editors.

Questions and comments

We'd love to get your feedback about the TypeScript definitions project. You can send your questions and suggestions to us in the Issues section of this repository.


Please see the contributing guidelines.

Additional resources


Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.