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Releases: micycle1/PGS


11 Jan 22:07
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PGS now uses Java 17+.

And you can now install PGS through the Processing contribution manager!


  • findShortestTour() to PGS_PointSet. Computes an approximate Traveling Salesman path for a set of points.
  • pruneSparsePoints() to PGS_PointSet. Prunes a list of points by removing points that are considered not sufficiently dense (far away from their nearest neighbours); a counterpart to prunePointsWithinDistance().
  • Additional method signature for PGS_Morphology.variableBuffer() that accepts a callback function to define the buffer value at each vertex.
  • boundsCenter() to PGS_Transformation. Computes the center of the bounding box of a shape.
  • Additional method signature for delaunayTriangulation(points) that supports a boundary constraint.
  • fix() to PGS_Processing. Attempts to fix shapes with invalid geometry.
  • Additional method signature for frontChainPack() that accepts a random seed.
  • isClockwise() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Determines if the vertices of the specified shape form a clockwise loop.
  • extractInnerVertices() to PGS_Meshing. Extracts all inner vertices from a mesh.
  • thomasClusters() to PGS_PointSet. Generates random points having clustered properties using the Thomas Point Process.
  • transform() and transformWithIndex()* to PGS_Processing. Applies a specified transformation function to each child of the given PShape and returns a new PShape containing the transformed children (*additionally with child's index).
  • apply() and applyWithIndex()* to PGS_Processing. Applies a specified function to each child of the given PShape (*additionally with child's index).
  • toContours() to PGS_Conversion. Extracts the contours from a POLYGON or PATH PShape, represented as lists of PVector points.
  • segmentsOnExterior() to PGS_Processing. Extracts evenly spaced dashed line segments along the perimeter of a shape.
  • multiplicativelyWeightedVoronoi() to PGS_Voronoi . Generates a Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi Diagrams diagram for a set of weighted sites.
  • applyRandomWeights() to PGS_PointSet. Applies random weights within a specified range to a list of points.
  • findContainingFace() to PGS_Meshing. Finds the single face from the mesh that contains the query point.
  • findBreaks() to PGS_Meshing. Returns the locations of invalid mesh face boundary segments if found.
  • pinchWarp() to PGS_Morphology. Applies a pinch warping effect to a shape, distorting vertices towards a specified point.


  • Packed circles from PGS_CirclePacking.stochasticPack() will now always lie within shape bounds.
  • PGS_Processing.pointsOnExterior() methods now respect GROUP shapes and holes (inner rings) and will populate them with points.
  • PGS_Morphology.simplifyDCE() now supports GROUP shapes and polygon holes.
  • PGS_Morphology.interpolate() is much faster on shapes with many vertices.
  • Removed superfluous height argument from PGS.createSupercircle() method signature.
  • Renamed fromPVector(shell, holes) in PGS_Conversion to fromContours(shell, holes).
  • Moved PGS_Processing.cleanCoverage() to PGS_Meshing and renamed to fixBreaks().


  • urquhartFaces(), relativeNeighborFaces(), gabrielFaces() and spannerFaces() from PGS_Meshing now preserve holes from the input.
  • The output of PGS_Morphology.smoothGaussian() is no longer (slightly) affected by the vertex ordering of the input.
  • The transform and reference arguments for PGS_Transformation.align() were the wrong way round.


  • simplifyDCE(shape, targetNumVertices) and simplifyDCE(shape, vertexRemovalFraction) in favour a single method that accepts a user-defined termination callback that is supplied with the current vertex candidate's coordinate, relevance score, and the number of vertices remaining.


27 Jul 18:16
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Fix a now-broken dependency that was preventing maven build.


29 Jul 18:03
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  • sobolLDS() to PGS_PointSet. Generates a set of 2D deterministic stratified points from the Sobol low discrepancy sequence.
  • cluster() to PGS_PointSet. Clusters a collection points into N groups (using k-means).
  • double[][] conversion methods to PGS_Conversion. Converts simple PShapes to and from their double[p1, p2, ...][x, y] representation.
  • weightedMedian() to PGS_PointSet. Finds the geometric median point of a set of weighted sample points.
  • median() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Computes the geometric median location of a shape's vertices.
  • isConformingMesh() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Determines whether a GROUP shape forms a conforming mesh / valid coverage.
  • createRandomSFCurve() to PGS_Construction. Creates a random space-filling curve.
  • createTaijitu() to PGS_Construction. Creates a Taijitu shape (a geometric representation of the Taoist symbol of yin and yang).
  • createArbelos() to PGS_Construction. Creates an arbelos figure.
  • createTeardrop() to PGS_Construction. Creates a teardrop figure.
  • createGear() to PGS_Construction. Creates a gear figure.
  • createSponge() to PGS_Construction. Creates a sponge-like porous structure.
  • createRandomBezierPolygon() to PGS_Construction. Generates a smooth or spiky random polygon comprising Bezier curves.
  • createSuperRandomPolygon() to PGS_Construction. Generates a highly customisable random polygon based on a square grid of cells.
  • maximumPerimeterSquare() to PGS_Optimisation. Finds the largest square whose 4 vertices each lie on the perimeter of a shape.
  • rectPack() to PGS_Optimisation. Packs a collection of rectangles into rectangular 2D bin(s).
  • reorderChildren() to PGS_Conversion. Reorders the child shapes of a shape according to given comparator.
  • scaleAreaTo() to PGS_Transformation. Scales a given shape to a target shape area.
  • scaleArea() to PGS_Transformation. Scales the area of a given shape by a specified scale factor.
  • circleCoverage() to PGS_Optimisation. Covers a polygon with n circles.
  • Additional method signature for PGS_Conversion.fromPVector() that accepts a list of holes, each defined a list of by PVectors.
  • simpleSubtract() to PGS_ShapeBoolean. Subtracts inner holes that lie within a given shell from the shell, without geometric processing.
  • fromQuadraticBezier() and fromCubicBezier() to PGS_Conversion. Makes a PATH shape representing a bezier curve (having equidistant sampling) given by its parameters.
  • simplifyHobby() to PGS_Morphology. Creates a smooth Hobby Curve from the vertices of a shape.
  • toPShape() to PGS_Triangulation. Converts a triangulated mesh object to a PShape representing the triangulation -- helpful when working with the raw mesh.
  • extractHoles() to PGS_Processing. Extracts all the holes from a shape.
  • Additional method signature for PGS_Processing.fromPVector() that accepts a random seed.
  • visibilityPolygon() to PGS_Optimisation. Computes the area visible from a given point in a space, considering occlusions caused by obstacles.
  • Additional method signature for PGS_CirclePacking.stochasticPack() that accepts a random seed.
  • filterChildren() to PGS_Processing. Filters the children of a shape object based on a given Predicate function.
  • fromGraph() to PGS_Conversion. Converts a graph consisting of PVectors and PEdges into a PShape by polygonizing its edges.
  • smoothMesh() to PGS_Meshing. Smoothes a mesh via iterative weighted Laplacian smoothing.
  • stochasticMerge() to PGS_Meshing. Randomly merges together adjacent faces of a mesh.
  • areaMerge() to PGS_Meshing. Merges/dissolves small faces of a mesh into their neighboring faces.
  • simplifyMesh() to PGS_Meshing. Simplifies the boundaries of the faces in a mesh while preserving the original mesh topology.
  • nodeNonMesh() to PGS_Meshing. Transforms a non-conforming mesh shape into a conforming mesh via "noding".
  • splitEdges() to PGS_Meshing. Splits each edge of a given mesh shape into a specified number of equal parts.
  • subdivideMesh() to PGS_Meshing. Subdivides the faces of a mesh using the simple Catmull-Clark split approach.
  • toCircles() to PGS_Conversion. Creates a PShape having circle geometries representing a collection of circles.
  • fromPShape() to PGS_SegmentSet. Extracts a list of unique PEdge segments representing the given shape.
  • stretch() to PGS_SegmentSet. Stretches segments in a list by a specified factor.
  • nest() to PGS_Processing. Creates a nested shape having n levels of inner polygons.
  • largestEmptyCircles() to PGS_Optimisation. Finds the N largest empty circles amongst a set of obstacle geometries within a boundary.
  • Additional method signature for PGS_CirclePacking.maximumInscribedPack() that accepts a minimum radius threshold.
  • getPolygonInteriorSegments() to PGS_SegmentSet. Retains line segments from a set of line segments that are wholly contained within a given shape.
  • minimumAreaRectangle() to PGS_Optimisation. Computes the minimum-area rectangle that encloses a shape.
  • binPack() to PGS_Optimisation. Packs irregular polygonal shapes into rectangular containers (bins).
  • smoothEllipticFourier() to PGS_Morphology. Smoothes a shape using its elliptic fourier descriptors.
  • efdSimilarity() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Quantifies the similarity between two shapes, using elliptic fourier descriptors.
  • dissolve() to PGS_SegmentSet. Dissolves a collection of edges into a set of maximal-length linestrings.
  • toCentroidDualGraph() to PGS_Conversion. Converts a mesh-like PShape into its centroid-based undirected dual-graph.
  • isValid() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Checks if a PShape is valid, and reports the validation error if it is invalid.
  • obstaclePack() to PGS_CirclePacking. Packs circles of varying radii within a given shape, whilst respecting pointal obstacles.
  • align() to PGS_Transformation. Aligns one polygon shape to another, by finding the optimal transformation.
  • extractInnerEdges() to PGS_Meshing. Extracts all inner edges from a mesh.
  • centerLine() to PGS_Contour. Determines the longest center line passing through a given shape.
  • Additional signatures for PGS_Conversion.toWKB() and .fromWKB() that write/read the binary shape representation into a file.
  • pointOnExteriorByDistance() to PGS_Processing. Extracts a point from the perimeter (exterior) of the given shape at some distance along its perimeter.
  • A new mesh-coloring strategy: RLF_BRUTE_FORCE_4COLOR. Repeatedly calls (upto 250 times) the recursive largest-first (RLF) algorithm until a 4-coloring is found.


  • Reimplemented PGS_Processing.equalParition(). New algorithm is ~2x faster. Also removed precise parameter from method signature (no longer necessary).
  • Reimplemented PGS_Processing.simplifyDCE(). New algorithm is much faster, particularly on large inputs.
  • Reimplemented PGS_Processing.cleanCoverage(). New algorithm is much faster, particularly on large inputs.
  • toPVector() now works on GROUP shapes (returning vertices from all child shapes).
  • Improved Doyle Spiral implementation. Outputs on some combinations of argument inputs should be better.
  • PGS_ShapePredicates.holes() now supports GROUP shapes.
  • PGS_Morphology.smoothGaussian() now supports GROUP shapes.
  • Reimplemented PGS_Hull.convexHull(). New algorithm is faster, and particularly so on large input sizes.
  • Added a relaxations parameter to innerVoronoi() methods in PGS_Voronoi. Performs Lloyd's relaxations leading to centroidal voronoi.
  • Improved how shapes containing bezier vertices are sampled during conversion. Bezier elements are now sampled at exactly equidistant steps.
  • Replaced all instances of System.currentTimeMillis() with System.nanoTime(). Helps the randomness of outputs when called quickly within a loop.
  • Offset curve methods now handle (unclosed) path shapes.
  • Improved robustness of PGS_ShapePredicates.maximumInteriorAngle().
  • The 4 simple PGS_ShapeBoolean methods now preserve the style of input shape a in their output.
  • PGS_createRandomPolygon can now accept a random seed.
  • Reimplemented PGS_CirclePacking.maximumInscribedPack(). New algorithm is faster, particularly so on higher circle counts.
  • Renamed miniumumBoundingRectangle() to minimumWidthRectangle().
  • intersectMesh() and subtractMesh() now fully preserve the styling of original mesh faces.
  • PGS_Contour.medialAxis() now returns dissolved maximal-length lines, rather than line segments only.
  • PGS_Processing.tangentAngle() values correspond to the angle that the tangent line makes with the positive x-axis (east), orientated clockwise, regardless of polygon orientation.


  • A slow collections size call included in prunePointsWithinDistance() was making it much slower than it should have been.
  • Shape Y coordinates were being inverted during fromJava2D() conversion.
  • The from and to arguments for interpolate() were the wrong way round.
  • Hearts produced by PGS_Construction.createHeart() were slightly squished in the vertical direction.
  • PGS_ShapeBoolean.unionMesh() now handles meshes with holes correctly (holes were filled in previously).
  • PGS_Processing.extractPerimeter() now behaves as expected when perimeter location values are negative.
  • Positive-valued offset arguments passed to point[s]OnExterior() methods could incorrectly produce offsets towards the interior of a shape. Such values will now always correspond to offset away from a shape's interior.
  • PGS_ShapePredicates.holes() now identifies and counts gaps in meshes as holes.
  • Quads made by splitQuadrangulation were unclosed and are now closed polygons.
  • PGS_Conversion.toGraph() no longer adds a spurious closing edges on LI...
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PGS 1.3.0

20 Oct 15:46
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  • PGS_Hull — a dedicated class for convex and concave hulls of polygons and point sets.
  • PGS_SegmentSet — a class that generates random sets of non-intersecting line segments.


  • equalPartition() to PGS_Processing. Partitions a shape into N approximately equal area polygons.
  • trapezoidPartition() to PGS_Processing. Partitions a shape into axis-aligned trazepoids.
  • fromChildren() to PGS_Conversion. Creates a single GROUP parent shape from a list of child shapes.
  • WKT and WKB conversion methods to PGS_Conversion. Converts PShapes to and from their Well-Known Text / Well-Known Binary representation.
  • Encoded Polyline conversion methods to PGS_Conversion. Converts PShapes to and from a Google Encoded Polyline representation.
  • GeoJSON conversion methods to PGS_Conversion. Converts PShapes to and from a GeoJSON representation.
  • toJava2D() and fromJava2D() to PGS_Conversion. Converts PShapes to and from Java2D/java.awt shape objects.
  • originScale() to PGS_Transformation. Scales a shape relative to the origin (0, 0).
  • resizeByWidth() and resizeByHeight() to PGS_Transformation. Resizes a shape to a given width/height, whilst resizing the height/width to maintain the original aspect ratio.
  • resizeByMajorAxis() to PGS_Transformation. Resizes a shape (based on the longest axis of its envelope) to a given size.
  • translateEnvelopeTo() and translateCornerTo() to PGS_Transformation. These methods translate a shape based on its envelope.
  • A new mesh-coloring algorithm: GENETIC, which finds a coloring via a genetic algorithm.
  • toGraph() to PGS_Conversion. Converts a shape to a (jGraphT) graph, representing its dual-graph (this method was previously private).
  • fromGraph() to PGS_Conversion. Converts a (jGraphT) graph to a shape, using a Force-Directed placement algorithm.
  • sphericity(), elongation() and maximumInteriorAngle() to PGS_ShapePredicates.
  • findContainingShape() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Finds the child shape in a GROUP shape that contains a query point.
  • overlap() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Measures the degree of mutual overlap between two shapes.
  • equalsExact(), equalsNorm() and equalsTopo() to PGS_ShapePredicates. These methods test for equality between two shapes according to different criteria.
  • createRectangularSpiral() to PGS_Construction. Creates a rectangular-shaped spiral.
  • createBlobbie() to PGS_Construction. Creates a "blob"-like shape.
  • largestEmptyCircle() to PGS_Optimisation. Finds the largest empty circle in a set of obstacle geometries.
  • hilbertSort() to PGS_PointSet. Sorts a list of points according to their location on a Hilbert curve.
  • tangentAngle() to PGS_Processing. Finds the angle a the line tangent to a shape at a certain point on its perimeter.
  • variableBuffer() to PGS_Morphology. Buffers a shape with a buffer whose distance varies along the shape's perimeter.
  • toGraph() and toDualGraph() to PGS_Triangulation. Converts a triangulation mesh to a direct, or dual, (jGraphT) graph representation.
  • chordalAxis() to PGS_Contour. Finds the chordal axis (a type of skeleton) of a shape.
  • tangencyPack() to PGS_CirclePacking. Generates a circle packing having a pattern of tangencies specified by a triangulation.
  • Added methods for Hilbert Curve, Sierpinski Carpet, Koch Snowflake and Sierpinski Tri-Curves to PGS_Construction.
  • poissonN() to PGS_PointSet. Produces as Poisson distribution having exactly N points.
  • removeHiddenLines() to PGS_Processing. Removes hidden lines from a set of overlapping/occluded polygons.
  • relativeNeighborFaces() to PGS_Meshing. Finds the relative neighbour faces of a triangulation.
  • spannerFaces() to PGS_Meshing. Finds the relative neighbour faces of a greedy sparse spanner of a triangulation.
  • minimumSpanningTree() to PGS_PointSet. Finds the Euclidean minimum spanning tree of a set of points.
  • repulsionPack() to PGS_CirclePacking. Generates a circle packing of a shape via iterative pair-repulsion.
  • simplifyDCE() to PGS_Morphology. Simplifies a shape using Discrete Curve Evolution.
  • compoundVoronoi() to PGS_Voronoi. Creates a Voronoi diagram for a set of disjoint shapes.
  • Additional method signature for buffer() that accepts a buffer style parameter.
  • Additional method signature for offsetCurvesInward() that accepts a curves number parameter.
  • intersectMesh() and subtractMesh() to PGS_ShapeBoolean. Performs the associated boolean operations on mesh-like shapes, preserving individual faces during the operation (rather than dissolving remaining elements).
  • dilationErosion() to PGS_Morphology. Applies a positive followed by a negative buffer (in a single operation).
  • eliminateSlivers() to PGS_Processing. Removes narrow areas ("slivers") from a shape.
  • reducePrecision() to PGS_Morphology. Reduces the precision of a shape, whilst ensuring the output shape is valid.
  • distanceField() to PGS_Contour. Generates a contour map based on a distance field of a shape.
  • hatchSubdivision() to PGS_Tiling. Randomly subdivides the plane into equal-width strips having varying lengths.
  • squareTriangleTiling() to PGS_Tiling. Generates a non-periodic tiling, comprising squares and equilateral triangles.
  • cleanCoverage() to PGS_Processing. Removes gaps and overlaps from meshes/polygon collections.
  • sineWarp() to PGS_Morphology. Warps/perturbs a shape by displacing vertices according to a sine wave following the perimeter.
  • hilbertSortFaces() to PGS_Optimisation. Sorts the faces of a GROUP shape according to hilbert curve index of each face's centroid coordinate.


  • NOTE: Moved all hull methods from PGS_Processing to PGS_Hull.
  • Renamed partition() to convexPartition().
  • PGS_Conversion.fromPShape() (a major method used internally) now applies any shape affine transformations (such as rotate(), scale(), translate()) to the resulting geometry.
  • earCutTriangulation() now uses JTS' implementation which supports inputs with holes.
  • PGS_Morphology.smoothGaussian() now uses a higher default resolution.
  • PGS_Contour.straightSkeleton() now supports multi-polygonal inputs and outputs faces (in addition to bones and branches, as before).
  • PGS_Contour.straightSkeleton() uses a different implementation that is ~50x faster!
  • Renamed maximumInscribedRectangle() to maximumInscribedAARectangle() ("axis-aligned").
  • PGS_Optimisation.maximumInscribedRectangle() now finds the maximum-area inscribed rectangle of arbitrary orientation.
  • PGS_Transformation.touchScale() now scales shapes that are contained within a larger shape.
  • Reimplemented PGS_CirclePacking.maximumInstribedPack(). New algorithm is perfectly accurate and is ~10x faster!
  • PGS_Conversion.fromPVector() now outputs an unclosed path shape if the input vertices are unclosed (rather than always treating the input as a closed polygon).
  • PGS_Transformation.resize() now resizes a shape with respect to its center.
  • PGS_Morphology.smoothGaussian() now supports polygons with holes.
  • Reimplemented PGS_PointSet.poisson(). New algorithm is faster and produces better quality point set outputs.
  • Styling methods in PGS_Conversion() (such as setAllFillColor()) now return the (mutated) input (rather than being public void), to help method chaining.
  • GROUP PShapes having different child types (paths and polygons for instance) are now fully preserved during PShape<->Geometry conversion.
  • snapHull() now uses a JTS-based implementation which improves the range of output and meaningfulness of the snap parameter (now 0...1).
  • All methods in PGS_ShapePredicates() now output double.


  • NPE when shapes created with createShape() in the P2D renderer were passed to fromPShape() (#55).
  • slice() would sometimes fail to return some rectangular slices on a concave input (and it's more robust too now).
  • Error if a GROUP shape was passed to point(s)OnExterior() methods.
  • Triangulation methods now respect holes on shapes whose vertices wind opposite to convention (such as letter shapes created from PFonts).
  • fromPShape() now properly converts singular shapes consisting of multiple contours that in turn represent multiple polygons (#67). (Note boolean flag HANDLE_MULTICONTOUR should be toggled to enabled this feature).
  • Conversion error with shapes created via createShape(TRIANGLE).
  • edgeCollapse and centroid quadrangulation methods now respect shape/triangulation holes.


  • earCutTriangulation(List<PVector> points) from PGS_Triangulation.
  • isolinesFromGrid() from PGS_Contour (dependency too large).
  • voronoiCirclesDiagram() from PGS_Voronoi (achieved by compoundVoronoi()).
  • voronoiCells() from PGS_Voronoi (replaced by innerVoronoi()).
  • voronoiDiagram(IncrementalTin tin) from PGS_Voronoi.

Bonus: the size of the .jar has been reduced a lot by removing a couple of dependencies that had many transitive dependencies!

PGS Latest [2.0]

20 Oct 15:47
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This tag hosts the latest release of PGS, and is used to provide PGS as a library via the Processing contribution manager.

PGS 1.2.0

15 Dec 14:05
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This is a large update that introduces 4 new geometry classes.


  • PGS_PointSet — a class that generates sets of 2D points having a variety of different distributions and constraints.
  • PGS_Coloring — a class for intelligent coloring of meshes (or mesh-like shapes) such that no two adjacent faces have the same color, while minimising the number of colors used.
  • PGS_Tiling — a class for tiling, tessellation and subdivision of the plane using periodic or non-periodic geometric shapes.
  • PGS_Meshing - a class to host mesh generation methods (excluding triangulation).
  • toPointsPShape() to PGS_Conversion. Generates a POINTS type PShape from a list of PVector points.
  • 3 additional method signatures (one for each return type) for delaunayTriangulation() that accept a PShape only, returning a constrained triangulation.
  • minimumBoundingTriangle() to PGS_Optimisation. Computes the minimum-area bounding triangle that encloses a shape or point set.
  • unionMesh() to PGS_ShapeBoolean. Quickly and efficiently unions/merges the faces of a mesh-like shape together.
  • setAllStrokeToFillColor() to PGS_Conversion. Sets the stroke color to the fill color for a PShape and all its descendants (separately).
  • copy() to PGS_Conversion. Deep copies / clones a PShape.
  • A number of new primitives to PGS_Construction: serpinskiCurve, linearSpiral, fermatSpiral.
  • extractPerimeter() to PGS_Processing. Extracts a portion/subline of the perimeter of a shape between two locations.
  • interpolate() to PGS_Morphology. Generates an intermediate shape between two shapes by interpolating/morphing between them.


  • PGS_Construction now preserves a PShape's fillColor, strokeColor and strokeWeight throughout forward-backward conversion. This behaviour can be toggle using the class's PRESERVE_STYLE flag (default = true). Note that PGS' methods will generally not preserve the style of the original PShape because JTS does not preserve geometry user data during its operations.
  • fieldWarp() now supports POINTS and GROUP PShapes.
  • removeSmallHoles(), round() and chaikinCut() now support GROUP PShape inputs.
  • partition(), split() and slice() (from PGS_Processing) now output a single GROUP PShape (rather than a list of PShapes).
  • During conversion, JTS MultiGeometries that contain a single geometry only will be converted to a first-class PShape (rather than a GROUP PShape containing one child).
  • Output PShapes are now always created with a shape family of PATH (rather than GEOMETRY) to maximise compatibility with the P2D renderer.
  • PGS_Contour.isolines() now accepts a contour smoothing parameter.
  • PGS_Processing.polygonizeLines() is now more robust and faster.
  • Moved urquhartFaces() and gabrielFaces() from PGS_Triangulation to PGS_Meshing.
  • Renamed micycle.pgs.utility package to micycle.pgs.commons.


  • Occasional out of bounds error with Poisson Distribution.
  • Error when constrained voronoiDiagram called with GROUP PShape input.
  • Removing duplicate vertices during PShape->JTS conversion would remove every vertex (not just the duplicated ones).


  • PGS_Contour.straightSkeletonSolub() (didn't meet robustness standards)

PGS 1.1.3

01 Sep 19:54
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  • diameter() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Computes the diameter of a shape.
  • width() and height() to PGS_ShapePredicates.
  • createRing() to PGS_Construction. Generates ring-shaped PShapes.
  • roundVertexCoords() to PGS_Conversion. Rounds the x and y coordinates of all vertices belonging to a shape.


  • The approach used by PGS_Triangulation.urquhartFaces(). The new approach is typically ~3.5x faster!
  • polygonizeLines() now returns a GROUP PShape (where each face is a child shape), rather than List<PShape>.
  • Reduced buffer line simplification applied during offsetCurvesOutwards() (outer-most lines are now noticeably more smooth).
  • offsetCurvesOutward() now supports multi polygons (GROUP PShapes).
  • Algorithm used by PoissonDistribution; poisson point outputs are now more densely packed and more regularly spaced.
  • Triangulation methods now output GROUP PShapes, so individual triangles are more easily accessible.


  • PGS_Triangulation.gabrielFaces() no longer retains some edges that should have been removed according to the Gabriel graph condition.
  • Error that occurred during PShape conversion from very small ELLIPSE primitives.
  • Conversion now supports GROUP PShapes containing multiple shape types (such as line and polygon).
  • offsetCurvesInward() applied to GROUP PShapes no longer has a line joining shape islands.

PGS 1.1.2

10 Aug 18:39
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  • polygonizeLines() to PGS_Processing. Computes the polygonal faces formed by a set of intersecting line segments.
  • Additional method signature for PGS_Processing.generateRandomGridPoints() that accepts a random seed.
  • fieldWarp() to PGS_Morphology. Warps a shape by displacing vertices according to a 2D noise vector field.
  • radialWarp() to PGS_Morphology. Warps a shape by displacing vertices along a line between each vertex and the shape centroid.
  • Expand PGS_Conversion to support conversion between:
    • TRIANGLES PShape➜JTS MultiPolygon
    • QUADS PShape➜JTS MultiPolygon


  • Issue with negative rotation values in PGS_Transformation.rotateAroundCenter().

PGS 1.1.1

28 Jul 15:00
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  • voronoiCells() to PGS_Voronoi. Generates Voronoi diagrams from shapes or point sets, outputting the diagram as polygonal cells (rather than lines only, as before).
  • Additional method signature for voronoiDiagram() that accepts a list of points (rather than PShapes only, as before).
  • findContainedPoints() to PGS_ShapePredicates. Tests each point in a given point set whether it is contained in a shape, returning only those points that are contained.


  • Constrained Voronoi diagrams are now constrained to envelope of input shape, rather than a arbitrarily large area.
  • Refactored List<PVector> method arguments to Collection<PVector> where possible.


  • generateRandomPoints() no longer skips over small subsections of shapes when generating random points.

PGS 1.1.0

13 Jun 21:12
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  • PGS_CirclePacking — a class for circle packings of shapes, subject to varying constraints and patterns of tangencies
  • closestPointPair() to PGS_Optimisation. Efficiently computes the closest pair of points in a set of points.
  • farthestPointPair() to PGS_Optimisation. Efficiently computes the farthest pair of points in a set of points.
  • chaikinCut() to PGS_Morphology. Smoothes shapes via iterated corner cuts.
  • createHeart() to PGS_Construction. Generates heart-shaped PShapes.
  • urquhartFaces() to PGS_Triangulation. Tesselates a triangulation into polygons corresponding to the faces of an Urquhart graph.
  • gabrielFaces() to PGS_Triangulation. Tesselates a triangulation into polygons corresponding to the faces of an Gabriel graph.
  • Additional method signature forearCutTriangulation() accepts a PShape argument (previously it accepted a list of points only)
  • Additional method signature for generateRandomPoints() that accepts a random seed.
  • Additional method signature for each of the existing 3 Delaunay Triangulation methods, accepting a collection of points only.
  • Expand PGS_Conversion to support conversion between:
    • PATH PShape<->JTS LineString
    • POINTS PShape<->JTS MultiPoint
    • LINES PShape<->JTS MultiLineString


  • Split PGS_Processing.concaveHull() into concaveHullDFS() and concaveHullBFS() (the method previously used the BFS approach only).
  • Compute (rather than ignore) circle sites of radius 0 (these are effectively points) in PGS_Voronoi.voronoiCirclesDiagram()
  • Replaced the algorithm used by PGS_Processing.generateRandomPoints() with a triangulation-based approach. The new approach is ~10x faster!
  • Renamed delaunayTriangulationTin() to delaunayTriangulationMesh().
  • Renamed poissonTriangulation() to poissonTriangulationPoints() (the method of the same original name now outputs a PShape).


  • Error when concaveHull2() was called with alpha > 1.
  • Concave hull methods no longer mutate the input point set.
  • PShapes marked as closed and having less than 3 vertices could cause an error during conversion (#22).
  • PGS_Conversion.toPVector() now handles primitive PShapes
  • Constrained Delaunay triangulations now respect shape holes


  • PGS_Processing.concaveHull() (see Changed)