The library consists of three clases:
- UndoRedoable: derived classes must implement #undo, #redo methods to define invertible actions
- UndoRedoTransaction: defines a undoredoable transaction (multiple actions treated atomically). Main method #add for adding single actions or another transactions to this one
- UndoRedoManager: stack with all added undoredoable actions and transactions. Main method #addItem for adding new single actions or transactions
Example with StringBuilder
In this test example, a StringBuilder is modified and changes are registered in the undo-redo manger using three derived classes from UndoRedoable ;
- UndoRedoableAppendText
- UndoRedoableInsertText
- UndoRedoableClearText
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*
import undoredomanager.UndoRedoManager
import undoredomanager.UndoRedoTransaction
import undoredomanager.UndoRedoable
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
private val urm = UndoRedoManager()
private val charBuffer = StringBuilder()
class TestUndoRedoManager
fun append1()
assertTrue { charBuffer.isEmpty() }
////////////////// UndoRedoable Action ///////////////////
"Lorem ipsum".also {
charBuffer.append( it )
urm.addItem( UndoRedoableAppendText( charBuffer, it ) )
assertTrue( urm.getDescription().also { urm.undo() } ) { charBuffer.isEmpty() }
urm.redoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum", charBuffer.toString(), it )
fun append2()
assertTrue { charBuffer.isNotEmpty() }
////////////////// UndoRedoable Action ///////////////////
", consectetur adipiscing elit.".also {
charBuffer.append( it )
urm.addItem( UndoRedoableAppendText( charBuffer, it ) )
urm.undoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum", charBuffer.toString(), it )
urm.redoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit.", charBuffer.toString(), it )
fun clear1()
assertTrue { charBuffer.isNotEmpty() }
////////////////// UndoRedoable Action ///////////////////
urm.addItem( UndoRedoableClearText( charBuffer ) ) // must be before clear buffer
assertTrue( urm.getDescription() ) { charBuffer.isEmpty() }
urm.undoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit.", charBuffer.toString(), it )
assertTrue( urm.redoDescription().also { urm.redo() } ) { charBuffer.isEmpty() }
urm.undoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit.", charBuffer.toString(), it )
fun insert1()
assertTrue { charBuffer.isNotEmpty() }
////////////////// UndoRedoable Action ///////////////////
"FOO BAR".also {
charBuffer.insert( 12, it )
urm.addItem( UndoRedoableInsertText( charBuffer, 12, it ) )
urm.undoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit.", charBuffer.toString(), it )
urm.redoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum,FOO BAR consectetur adipiscing elit.", charBuffer.toString(), it )
urm.undoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit.", charBuffer.toString(), it )
fun transaction1()
assertTrue { charBuffer.isNotEmpty() }
val txt = "Hi World!!"
////////////////// UndoRedoable Transaction ///////////////////
val transaction = object: UndoRedoTransaction() {
override fun getDescription() = "Clear and append $txt"
override fun redoDescription() = "Redo ${getDescription()}"
override fun undoDescription() = "Undo ${getDescription()}"
transaction.add( UndoRedoableClearText( charBuffer ) ) // must be before clear buffer
charBuffer.append( txt )
transaction.add( UndoRedoableAppendText( charBuffer, txt ) )
urm.addItem( transaction )
assertEquals( txt, charBuffer.toString(), urm.getDescription() )
urm.undoDescription().also {
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit.", charBuffer.toString(), it )
urm.redoDescription().also {
assertEquals( txt, charBuffer.toString(), it )
fun twoUndos1()
assertTrue { charBuffer.isNotEmpty() }
repeat(2) { urm.undo() }
assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum", charBuffer.toString() )
fun twoRedos1()
assertTrue { charBuffer.isNotEmpty() }
repeat(2) { urm.redo() }
assertEquals( "Hi World!!", charBuffer.toString() )
fun afterEach()
println( "charBuffer: \"$charBuffer\"" )
fun afterAll()
class UndoRedoableAppendText( private val buffer: StringBuilder, private val txt: String ) : UndoRedoable()
override fun getDescription() = "append \"$txt\""
override fun redo()
buffer.append( txt )
override fun undo()
buffer.delete( buffer.length - txt.length, buffer.length )
class UndoRedoableInsertText( private val buffer: StringBuilder, private val idx: Int = 0, private val txt: String )
: UndoRedoable()
override fun getDescription() = "insert in $idx the text \"$txt\""
override fun redo()
buffer.insert( idx, txt )
override fun undo()
buffer.delete( idx, idx + txt.length )
class UndoRedoableClearText( private val buffer: StringBuilder ) : UndoRedoable()
private val oldBuffer = StringBuilder( buffer )
override fun getDescription() = "clear buffer"
override fun redo()
override fun undo()
buffer.append( oldBuffer )
charBuffer: "Lorem ipsum"
charBuffer: "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit."
charBuffer: "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit."
charBuffer: "Lorem ipsum, consectetur adipiscing elit."
charBuffer: "Hi World!!"
charBuffer: "Lorem ipsum"
charBuffer: "Hi World!!"
Source code (included in jar)
// UndoRedoManager is a small library to implement an undo&redo system
// Copyright (C) 2022 Miguel Alejandro Moreno Barrientos
// UndoRedoManager is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// UndoRedoManager is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package undoredomanager
typealias SubscriberAction = (UndoRedoable?) -> Unit
* Base class for any UndoRedoable action
abstract class UndoRedoable
val subscribers = mutableListOf<SubscriberAction>()
abstract fun undo()
abstract fun redo()
open fun canUndo() = true
open fun canRedo() = true
open fun undoDescription() = "Undo ${getDescription()}"
open fun redoDescription() = "Redo ${getDescription()}"
abstract fun getDescription(): String
fun notifySubscribers() = subscribers.forEach { it( this ) }
override fun toString() = "UndoRedoable(undoDescription=${undoDescription()}," +
"redoDescription=${redoDescription()}," +
"canUndo=${canUndo()}," +
* Transaction for grouping several UndoRedoables.
open class UndoRedoTransaction private constructor( private val list: MutableList<UndoRedoable> )
: MutableList<UndoRedoable> by list, UndoRedoable()
constructor(): this( mutableListOf() )
private var undone = false
final override fun undo()
if ( canUndo() )
for ( undoRedoable in reversed() )
undone = true
throw IllegalStateException( "Can't undo" )
final override fun redo()
if ( canRedo() )
for ( undoRedoable in this )
undone = false
throw IllegalStateException( "Can't redo" )
final override fun canUndo() = isNotEmpty() && !undone
final override fun canRedo() = isNotEmpty() && undone
override fun undoDescription() = if ( isNotEmpty() ) last().undoDescription() else "Empty transaction"
override fun redoDescription() = if ( isNotEmpty() ) last().redoDescription() else "Empty transaction"
override fun getDescription() = if ( isNotEmpty() ) last().getDescription() else "Empty transaction"
override fun toString()
= "UndoRedoTransaction(undoDescription=${undoDescription()}, " +
"redoDescription=${redoDescription()}, " +
"list=$list, " +
"canUndo=${canUndo()}, " +
"canRedo=${canRedo()}, " +
} // Class UndoRedoTransaction
* Main class to manage the undo-redo system. ***Note: use implemented methods to modify the manager, to use list methods
* will cause unexpected behaviour***
* @param limit maximum number of UndoRedoable actions.
* If this number is exceeded, first actions are removed (limited queue)
open class UndoRedoManager private constructor( private val list: MutableList<UndoRedoable>,
private var limit: Int )
: MutableList<UndoRedoable> by list, UndoRedoable()
constructor( limit: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE ): this( mutableListOf(), limit )
private var index = list.size - 1
final override fun undo()
if ( canUndo() )
throw IllegalStateException( "Can't undo" )
final override fun redo()
if ( canRedo() )
throw IllegalStateException( "Can't redo" )
final override fun canUndo() = isNotEmpty() && index >= 0 && this[index].canUndo()
final override fun canRedo() = isNotEmpty() && index < size-1 && this[index+1].canRedo()
override fun undoDescription()
= if ( canUndo() ) this[index].undoDescription() else "Can´t undo"
override fun redoDescription()
= if ( canRedo() ) this[index+1].redoDescription() else "Can't redo"
override fun getDescription() = if ( isNotEmpty() && index >= 0 ) this[index].getDescription()
else "Empty or rewound manager"
fun addItem( undoRedo: UndoRedoable)
subList( index + 1, size ).clear()
if ( size >= limit )
subList( 0, size - limit + 1 ).clear()
add( undoRedo )
index = size - 1
fun clearAll()
index = size - 1
override fun toString() = "UndoRedoManager(list=$list, limit=$limit, canUndo=${canUndo()}, canRedo=${canRedo()})"
} // class UndoRedoManager