Turn your images into Hama beads patterns
With this tool you can:
- Set the dimmension of you beads pad (meant to be squared)
- Set what colors you have available
With this tool you get:
- Number of beads needed of each color
- An image file with the pattern
How do you setup what colors you have available? There is a txt file "Available_Colors.txt". You modify it to mark what colors you have, by entering an X between the [ ] of a given color. Like in this example: "[X]------ White", meaning you have white color or "[ ]------ White", meaning you don't have white color.
To run it, use: python Melty-Beads-Converter.py XXXXX.YYY
(with XXXXX.YYY the name and extension of the image you want to convert)
Some examples of what you can get: https://www.reddit.com/r/beadsprites/comments/yy49la/tool_to_create_template_out_of_an_image/