This is a bun monorepo for my personal websites. Everything is licensed under the MIT license, so feel free to use any of this for your own development as you see fit.
- mikeallisonJS
- Captain
- Captain's Sounds (currently rebuilding)
- Monorepo: bun
- Framework: Next.js
- Package Manager: bun
- Deployment: Vercel
- Database: Postgres on Vercel
- ORM: Drizzle
- IDE: VSCode with devcontainers
- eCommerce Backend: Shopify & Gumroad
- Styles: Tailwind
- Components: ShadCN
- Analytics: Posthog
- Logging: Sentry
- Authentication: Clerk
- Formatting/Linting: Biome
Login to vercel (you will need your own account, don't worry it's free to get started)
bunx vercel login
Fetch secrets for all projects (you will need to change org_id and project_id in each package project.json)
sh scripts/
Run a project
bun w packagename serve