Unity extension to integrate with Common.Logging logging abstraction.
Common.Logging.Unity is available on NuGet. Just search for "Common.Logging.Unity" in NuGet Package Manager or use command:
Install-Package Common.Logging.Unity
- Add
container = new UnityContainer();
- Add
interface to constructor of the class that depends on Common.Logging.
public class CommongLoggingExtensionTestClass
public CommongLoggingExtensionTestClass(ILog logger)
- That's it!
Dual licensed under "The Unlicense" and "MIT" .
"The Unlicense" is recommended for most cases, because it let's you use extension with no restrictions under no conditions. If "The Unlicense" is for some reason not suitable for you, take it under MIT license.
In any case, feel free to use this piece of software for any purposes (including commercial use).