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v6.0 - Upgrade to StrongSORT

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@mikel-brostrom mikel-brostrom released this 09 Jun 17:36
· 3072 commits to master since this release

Important updates

StrongSORT implemented (

  • stronger appearance descriptor (OSNet)
  • camera motion compensation (ECC)
  • NSA Kalman filter (NSA)
  • EMA feature updating mechanism (EMA)
  • matching with motion cost (MC)
  • abandone matching cascade in favor of a vanilla global linear matching (woC)

Distance metric changed to cosine according to KaiyangZhou/deep-person-reid#502
Complete arguments refactor

MOT16 Train evaluation results

Relevant changed/used hparams: imgz 1280, crowdhuman_yolov5m, OSNet_x0_25_msmt17, StrongSORT. Notice that
none of the models used during the evaluation has ever seen any of the MOT16 data and that our object detection model is a modest Yolov5m.

HOTA: kf-pedestrian                HOTA      DetA      AssA      DetRe     DetPr     AssRe     AssPr     LocA      RHOTA     HOTA(0)   LocA(0)   HOTALocA(0)
MOT16-02                           36.417    36.273    36.741    38.196    76.251    39.184    77.59     81.577    37.433    46.154    77.361    35.705    
MOT16-04                           59.324    58.508    60.726    63.282    76.509    64.924    79.5      81.075    61.927    78.835    75.37     59.418    
MOT16-05                           40.098    37.281    43.23     39.956    74.391    51.86     69.098    81.876    41.554    51.282    77.049    39.512    
MOT16-09                           53.181    57.122    49.57     65.872    74.664    54.868    78.804    85.721    57.137    65.772    82.193    54.06     
MOT16-10                           49.705    49.813    49.762    53.696    74.831    53.942    77.666    80.652    51.686    65.955    75.773    49.976    
MOT16-11                           62.896    59.81     66.362    71.318    73.696    72.965    82.899    86.879    68.784    74.954    83.531    62.61     
MOT16-13                           45.203    41.504    49.567    44.959    72.74     54.969    74.378    80.493    47.163    59.49     75.279    44.784    
COMBINED                           53.005    50.992    55.641    55.611    75.463    60.424    79.256    81.937    55.531    68.581    76.857    52.709    

CLEAR: kf-pedestrian               MOTA      MOTP      MODA      CLR_Re    CLR_Pr    MTR       PTR       MLR       sMOTA     CLR_TP    CLR_FN    CLR_FP    IDSW      MT        PT        ML        Frag      
MOT16-02                           43.56     78.641    44.451    47.272    94.369    16.667    53.704    29.63     33.463    8430      9403      503       159       9         29        16        377       
MOT16-04                           69.786    78.669    69.956    76.334    92.289    49.398    34.94     15.663    53.503    36302     11255     3033      81        41        29        13        582       
MOT16-05                           43.018    79.285    43.825    48.768    90.797    17.6      62.4      20        32.916    3325      3493      337       55        22        78        25        210       
MOT16-09                           61.29     84.193    62.165    75.195    85.231    52        48        0         49.404    3953      1304      685       46        13        12        0         108       
MOT16-10                           61.154    77.435    61.788    66.772    93.054    29.63     55.556    14.815    46.087    8225      4093      614       78        16        30        8         558       
MOT16-11                           63.56     85.508    63.942    80.358    83.037    53.623    36.232    10.145    51.915    7372      1802      1506      35        37        25        7         145       
MOT16-13                           50.629    77.098    51.397    56.603    91.578    26.168    44.86     28.972    37.666    6481      4969      596       88        28        48        31        291       
COMBINED                           60.025    79.394    60.516    67.104    91.06     32.108    48.549    19.342    46.198    74088     36319     7274      542       166       251       100       2271      

Identity: kf-pedestrian            IDF1      IDR       IDP       IDTP      IDFN      IDFP      
MOT16-02                           47.717    35.81     71.488    6386      11447     2547      
MOT16-04                           75.047    68.56     82.891    32605     14952     6730      
MOT16-05                           54.752    42.08     78.345    2869      3949      793       
MOT16-09                           65.124    61.29     69.47     3222      2035      1416      
MOT16-10                           66.758    57.331    79.896    7062      5256      1777      
MOT16-11                           74.053    72.858    75.287    6684      2490      2194      
MOT16-13                           60.474    48.926    79.158    5602      5848      1475      
COMBINED                           67.195    58.357    79.189    64430     45977     16932     

Count: kf-pedestrian               Dets      GT_Dets   IDs       GT_IDs    
MOT16-02                           8933      17833     146       54        
MOT16-04                           39335     47557     139       83        
MOT16-05                           3662      6818      136       125       
MOT16-09                           4638      5257      57        25        
MOT16-10                           8839      12318     122       54        
MOT16-11                           8878      9174      164       69        
MOT16-13                           7077      11450     135       107       
COMBINED                           81362     110407    899       517

Performance boosts from updating DeepSORT to StrongSORT

Bug fixes

Confidences are now extracted correctly: #375