Based on the Efficient-market hypothesis (EFH), the stock price reflects all the available information, such as the piece of news published in a newspaper, which makes it extremely hard to predict the stock trend. This notebook has introduced a quantitative trading model based on financial market sentiment.
First and foremost, we will declare the constants to be used for the quantitative trading model, which are demonstrated as follows.
: The observation window size is the period of time which is used to estimate the financial market sentiment. Based on the research, we will choose the first 50 min after the market is open as the observation window size.MARKET_SENTIMENT_THRESHOLD
: The market sentiment threshold is defined as a standard of the volatility of the stock market. Specifically, if the market sentiment is larger than the threshold, then we can say that the stock market is volatile. Otherwise, the stock market is considered to be stable, and suitable for further transactions.STOP_LOSS_THRESHOLD
: The stop-loss threshold is defined as a standard showing whether an action shall be performed to stop-loss. Specifically, if the stop-loss ratio is larger than the threshold, then we shall sell the stock to stop-loss. Otherwise, we may hold the stock until the market is closed.
: 观察窗口用来判断当前市场情绪平稳度。根据经验调查,我们选取开盘之后的50分钟作为观察窗口。MARKET_SENTIMENT_THRESHOLD
: 市场情绪平稳度阈值用来描述市场的趋势相对于噪声的程度,即平稳度,从而判断当日是否具有开仓条件。例如,若市场情绪平稳度指标小于阈值,则说明当日行情趋势明显,可以开仓。若情绪平稳度指标大于阈值,则说明当日行情震荡,趋势难以把握,从而放弃开仓。STOP_LOSS_THRESHOLD
: 止损阈值用来描述是否需要采取措施平仓止损。例如,若开盘之后损失超过止损阈值,则选择平仓止损,反之则 一直持有仓位至收盘平仓。
# 情绪平稳度观察窗口 Observation window size after market open
# 情绪平稳度阈值 Market sentiment threshold
# If market sentiment >= threshold, then the stock market is volatile
# If market sentiment < threshold, then the stock market is stable
# 止损阈值 Stop-loss threshold
# If loss >= threshold, then sell the stock to stop-loss
# If loss < threshold, then hold the stock until market close
Then, let's create some fake stock price data for demonstration purpose, and show the data in the diagram below.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Create fake stock price data
a = np.random.randn(1000)
prices = np.cumsum(a) + 100
# Show diagram
plt.title('Stock price diagram')
We will choose the stock price within the first 50 min after the market is open as the observation window, which is used to determine the financial market sentiment.
# Pick up the stock price in the observation window
sample_prices = prices[:OBSERVATION_WINDOW_SIZE]
# Show diagram
x = ['9:00', '9:10', '9:20', '9:30', '9:40']
x_loc = np.arange(0, OBSERVATION_WINDOW_SIZE, step=step)
plt.title('Stock price diagram in observation window (50 min)')
plt.xticks(x_loc, x)
The maximum drawdown is used to measure the maximum decline from a historical peak, which is calculated in the formula below.
We will then calculate the average maximum drawdown with the following formula.
import sys
import pandas as pd
def calculate_drawdown(prices):
Calculate max drawdown of stock market
prices = pd.Series(prices)
cummax = prices.cummax()
drawdown = (cummax - prices) / cummax
return drawdown
# Calculate max drawdown
drawdown = calculate_drawdown(sample_prices)
max_drawdown = max(drawdown)
print('Max drawdown: {}'.format(max_drawdown))
# Calculate averate max drawdown
avg_max_drawdown = max_drawdown / OBSERVATION_WINDOW_SIZE
print('Average max drawdown: {}'.format(avg_max_drawdown))
Max drawdown: 0.07719140875004761
Average max drawdown: 0.00038595704375023806
Then, we will also calculate the maximum reverse drawdown, which measures the maximum increase from a historical valley floor.
We will then calculate the average maximum reverse drawdown with the following formula.
def calculate_reverse_drawdown(prices):
Calculate reverse max drawdown of stock market
prices = pd.Series(prices)
cummin = prices.cummin()
reverse_drawdown = (prices - cummin) / cummin
return reverse_drawdown
reverse_drawdown = calculate_reverse_drawdown(sample_prices)
max_reverse_drawdown = max(reverse_drawdown)
print('Max reverse drawdown: {}'.format(max_reverse_drawdown))
avg_max_reverse_drawdown = max_reverse_drawdown / OBSERVATION_WINDOW_SIZE
print('Average max reverse drawdown: {}'.format(avg_max_reverse_drawdown))
Max reverse drawdown: 0.29385793539668315
Average max reverse drawdown: 0.0014692896769834156
Then, let's show the diagram with the above figures.
_, ax1 = plt.subplots()
line1 = ax1.plot(sample_prices, color='m', label = 'Stock price')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
line2 = ax2.plot(drawdown, color='g', label = 'Drawdown')
line3 = ax2.plot(reverse_drawdown, color='b', label = 'Reverse drawdown')
lines = line1 + line2 + line3
labels = [line.get_label() for line in lines]
ax1.legend(lines, labels, loc=0)
plt.title('Stock price diagram in observation window (50 min)')
plt.xticks(x_loc, x)
Next, we will need to calculate the financial market sentiment, which chooses the smaller one between the average maximum drawdown and average maximum reverse drawdown.
market_sentiment = min(avg_max_drawdown, avg_max_reverse_drawdown)
print('Market sentiment: {}'.format(market_sentiment))
Market sentiment: 0.00038595704375023806
Finally, we will calculate the profit based on the financial market sentiment. If the financial market sentiment is larger than the threshold, then we will not open a position, as the stock market is considered to be volatile. Otherwise, we will open a position as the stock market is stable enough.
Then, we will compare the current price with the initial price when the market is open. If the current price is larger than the initial price, we can say that the stock price is increasing, and therefore we may choose to purchase the stock.
Furthermore, if the stop-loss rate is larger than the threshold, we will sell the stock immediately to stop-loss. Otherwise, we will not sell the stock and calculate the profit until the transaction market is closed.
if market_sentiment >= MARKET_SENTIMENT_THRESHOLD:
print('The stock market is volatile, therefore will not open a position')
print('The stock market is stable')
initial_price = sample_prices[0]
current_price = sample_prices[OBSERVATION_WINDOW_SIZE - 1]
print('Initial price: {}, current price: {}'.format(initial_price, current_price))
if initial_price < current_price:
print('The stock price is increasing. Let\'s purchase the stock.')
# Get stock price after the observation window
prices_after_window = prices[OBSERVATION_WINDOW_SIZE:]
profit = prices_after_window[len(prices_after_window) - 1] - current_price
for price in prices_after_window:
if price < current_price:
loss = current_price - price
loss_rate = loss / current_price
if loss_rate >= STOP_LOSS_THRESHOLD:
print('Stop loss by selling the stock. Loss: {}, Loss Rate: {}'.format(loss, loss_rate))
profit = price - current_price
print('Total profit: {}'.format(profit))
The stock market is stable
Initial price: 101.62434536366324, current price: 121.3377629695897
The stock price is increasing. Let's purchase the stock.
Total profit: 17.47471319001201
To put it in a nutshell, we use the minimum value of the average maximum drawdown and the average maximum reverse drawdown to create a quantitative trading model based on financial market sentiment.