Pickle is a little tool for picking pixels.
Provide a JPG or PNG filepath and the X,Y coordinates of a pixel within the image. Pickle reads the image and can return the pixel value as either RGBA {uint8 uint8 uint8 uint8} or RGBa {uint8 uint8 uint8 float64}.
>>> pickle -h
Usage of ./pickle:
Optional: Return alpha value as float instead of int (default false)
-path string
Path to JPG or PNG file
-x int
X coordinate of the pixel
-y int
Y coordinate of the pixel
# color image with standard output
>>> pickle -path=./examples/gophers.jpg -x=300 -y=130
Pixel at (300, 130) has RGBA values of R: 90, G: 218, B: 255, A: 255
# color image with floating alpha output
>>> pickle -path=./examples/gophers.jpg -x=300 -y=130 -af
Pixel at (300, 130) has RGBA values of R: 90, G: 218, B: 255, A: 1.000000
# grayscale image with standard output
>>> pickle -path=./examples/gophers_grayscale.png -x=300 -y=130
Pixel at (300, 130) has RGBA values of R: 184, G: 184, B: 184, A: 255
# grayscale image with floating alpha output
>>> pickle -path=./examples/gophers_grayscale.png -x=300 -y=130 -af
Pixel at (300, 130) has RGBA values of R: 184, G: 184, B: 184, A: 1.000000