- Register faculty account implemented
- Logins for faculty, with user Authentication
- Faculty features: Display all Classes
- Add class
- Add student to class
- Add survey to class
- Quick edit survey faculty use (limited)
- Name, start date, end date, GPA Category
- Delete Class
- Email students after adding a class
- Email survey the day survey opens to students
- Limited time period surveys
- Team Criteria Features (limited): number of members, GPA priority, Generate Team based on Criteria
- All Group Criteria Features
- Change Team Members after Generation
- Release info via email to students
- Add students to survey?
- Load Student data in a CSV file
- Student
- Student Password Creation
- Login and password recovery features
- take survey from webpage
- Team Info display
- Admin: Display to verify faculty accounts
- Features fully implemented
- Webpage Styled
- Optionals