Author: Mikko Parviainen (
In this repository there are demo programs I have written for the Commander X16. That project is not mine, but I'm interested in it.
The demos are written for the ACME compiler but can probably be reasonably easily ported to other ones. I have written these using the CX16 320x240 8bpp mode (mode 7), because it has the easiest pixels to use. Modifying the code to work in other modes is of course possible and a good learning experience.
The demos are meant to be examples of how to program the CX16 and not complete useful programs.
This demo initializes the VERA graphics mode, clears the screen, and then draws pixels at random positions with random colors. Currently there is no way to stop the demo, so reset the emulator (or boot the hardware) if you need to stop it.
Most of the code is in the includes, see the documentation about them.
The random number generator is not by me, see the license section.
The demo still does not have any way to stop it, so reset the computer to stop it. It also does not reset the graphics mode. The random number generator is slow, but might represent the game logic in a possible game.
This demo initializes the VERA graphics mode, clears the screen, and then draws various line demos.
At the moment there is only the horizontal line drawing example. It draws ten horizontal lines to lines 0-10, with line length 256-265.
There is one include file at the moment. The include files are in the includes
This include file contains the macro basic_sys
and the pseudo random functions
and getrandom
The functions in this include file are set to start at *=$8000
. Make sure nothing else
comes over them.
The macro basic_sys
just inserts the line "1 SYS2061" into the code. This is
meant to be used after *=$0801
so the program can be run with just RUN
The function getrandom
calculates sixteen bits of random number into the bytes
and random+1
The function getrandom_bounded
gets the 16-bit bound from the memory locations
and bound+1
. It then gets a random number from the getrandom
sees if the number is less than the bound. If not, it tries again. For purposes
of these demos, the random numbers are assumed to be less than 512, so the function
masks away the higher bits. This is to make it faster to get random numbers -
trying to get a number less than 320 when randomizing all the 65536 values would
take too much time.
The randomness of the bits is not that high, though, but it's sufficient for demo purposes.
This include functions and constants for graphics routines.
The functions in this include file are set to start at *=$7000
. Make sure nothing else
comes over them.
The function vera_init_320x240_8bpp
does what its name says. It initializes the
registers and sets the mode.
The graphics functions use certain locations in memory to pass the parameters. I
considered using something else, but this was simple enough and especially the
pixel drawing routine needs to be fast. The global colour
location is the drawing
color for all the functions. Do not assume anything from the VERA registers
after calling the functions.
The function clear_screen
should be simple to understand. The 320x240 8bpp mode
is a bunch of pixels and the function just writes those 320x240 pixels with the
set color. It needs to do the double looping twice, because 320x240 is more than
255x255, and so can't be looped using the X
and Y
registers once. It uses
the VERA functionality for increasing the index after each write, so the meat of the
loop is just the sta veradat
The macro PIXPOS
is used to calculate the pixel position in draw_pixel
The calculation of the correct graphics memory location is not very clear from the code. The basic premise is that the linear position in the memory is calculated with
MEMPOS = 320 * Y + X
This calculation is complicated by the fact that the 6502 does not have a multiplication instruction. However, it does have the shift operations, which either multiply or divide by two. The result memory position has to be three bytes long, because the graphics memory is larger than 64 KB. This calculates the memory position with
MEMPOS = (256 + 64) * Y + X = 256 * Y + 64 * Y + X
(256 + 64 = 320) The multiplication of Y by 256 is easily done: just move the two bytes of the Y coordinate into the mid and high bytes of the result. The multiplication by 64 is done in two parts. First the low byte of the Y coordinate is shifted left six times and it's moved to the low byte of the result. At this point the low byte is zero, so no addition is needed.
Secondly, the low byte of the Y coordinate is re-loaded into the accumulator and
shifted right twice. This results in the upper byte of the Y*64
result and is
the same as grabbing the left shifted bytes in the previous step would have been.
In my view this is simpler. This byte is then added to the mid byte of the result
and the carry is carried on to the high byte.
Then the same operation is done for the higher byte of the Y coordinate, but because
we assume that it's either $00
or $01
, the upper bytes are not considered.
After this the result contains MEMPOS = 320 * Y
. Then we just add the two-byte
X coordinate to the result to get the final memory position using the regular addition
The function draw_pixel
draws a pixel in the coordinates given in the memory
locations x
and y
. These are 16-bit values, because in this mode at least
the X coordinate can be more than 255, and to be more future proof the Y coordinate
is treated as such. This function assumes a useful input of less than 512 for
each coordinate and it ignores the bits 1-7 of the upper bytes of the parameters.
It uses the PIXPOS
macro to calculate the pixel position.
Finally the result coordinate is sent to VERA and then a color byte written there.
The function hline
draws a horizontal line. It uses the same X and Y coordinates
as the draw_pixel
function at x
and y
as the starting point of the line.
It also uses the hline_len
for the length of the line towards the right side
of the screen from the starting position. It does not check for screen
boundaries, so it's possible to draw a horizontal line spanning more than one
screen line.
I am sure the routines can be optimized and I'm happy to listen to improvements.
The code in this repository is mostly mine. The random number generator in the code is from the Codebase 64 and it's page is this. The license of that is LGPL, so if I'm conservative, everything here is also LPGL. I'd argue though that using it in this context is using it as a library, so my code wouldn't be LPGL. This repository is meant to be more of a demo, and I'm not sure of the commercial possibilities of the CX16, but if you use my code I'd appreciate at least a mention.
Some portions of the code are taken from the CX16 repository, like the start which lets users just type 'RUN' to run the code.