A minimalistic site template for developers. Featuring portfolio-like features as highlighting projects and about me section, and above all, a blog, featuring search by tags.
2. Create a Contentful space with content types: Person, Project, BlogPost At least following fields are required.
BlogPost fields:
- Title, short text
- Body, rich text
- Tags, short text, list
- Slug, short text
Person fields:
- Avatar, media
- Display name, short text
- Description title, short text
- Github, short text
- Email, short text
- Twitter, short text
- Facebook, short text
- Linkedin, short text
- Short bio, short text
- Skills, short text, list
- Long bio, rich text
Project fields:
- Title, short text
- Role, short text
- Description, short text
- URL, short text
- Source URL, short text
Update your Person ID to queries at the bottom of src/pages/index.js and src/pages/about.js
in here:
contentfulPerson(contentful_id: { eq: "your id" })
3. Get your Contentful content delivery API key and space ID And place them in .env. See .env.example.
Run 'gatsby develop'
Set up a Firebase project with Authentication and Firestore. Then copy over your configuration variables to your env. See .env.example for reference. On src/config.js, set commentsEnabled to true. I highly recommend to use different Firebase projects for local testing and production.
Feel free to submit an issue or pull request!