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A Streamlit App for interactive Benford Analysis


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Interactive Benford Analysis App

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This project brings benford_py, benfordviz, and streamlit together in an interactive Benford Analysis.

Analysis video


If you find benford-streamlit useful in your research, please consider adding the following citation:

      author = {Marcel, Milcent},
      title = {{benford-streamlit: an Interactive Benford Analysis App}},
      year = {2021},
      publisher = {GitHub},
      journal = {GitHub repository},
      howpublished = {\url{}},

Version 0.1.0

Python versions and dependencies

This implementation has been tested in python versions 3.7.9 and 3.8.10, and with streamlit versions 0.68 and 0.82. The most important configuration is letting bokeh in version 2.2.2 (not the most recent), as the charts for some reason do not show with 2.3.2. Setting up the environment with therequirements.txt file should work fine.


Clone the repo and go into the recently created benford-streamlit folder:

git clone
cd benford-streamlit

venv and pip

Create a virtual environment for the repo:

python -m venv venv

Acivate the environment

  • On windows:
  • On Linux / Mac:
source venv/bin/activate

Update pip and install the dependencies:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


If you use conda, setting up an environment with it has also worked:

conda env create -n benford-streamlit
conda activate benford-streamlit
conda install pandas bokeh=2.2.2

But streamlit, benford_py, and benfordviz must be installed with pip anyway, so you will have to use it in this last part:

pip install streamlit benford_py benfordviz

Launching the interactive analysis through streamlit after setup

streamlit run

A message lik the one bellow will appear:

You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.

Local URL: http://localhost:8501
Network URL:

If your browser does not open automatically, open it and go to http://localhost:8501.


I have also created a Docker container with the interactive app in it ready to go here, so if you have docker installed, type:

docker run --rm -p 8501:8501 milcentm/benford-streamlit



The first option is the file selector, with which you choose the file to upload. As of now, it supports only .csv files, and make sure yours really uses commas (,) as separators and is encoded in utf-8. I have tried to insert some pandas extra loading options (sep, encoding, decimal, thousands), but ran into a lot of trouble and the sidebar got poluted. Maybe later or with some PR.


Next up, select the column you want to analyse. You can change it at any time. Just remember to choose a numeric column. benford_py, and pandas for that matter, will try to convert numeric columns loaded as strings, but it is not guaranteed.


While you do not choose a column with the right dtype, the message below will be on.


Then, you must choose the sign of the records you want to analyse. Under the hood, benford_py will turn all numbers to their absolute values, but you may want to run your analyses only on the positive or negative records (defaults to all).


A message similar to the one below will show on the top right side if your data has negative numbers and you choose only the positive ones.


The next selector is the decimal places one. benford_py lets you tune this paramenter based on the type of data you have. The default is 2, for currencies, but you may need to decrease it down to 0, when dealing with integers, or increase it, when analysing really small numbers, with lots of decimal places, such as log-returns of a stock.


If you know your data, though, this parameter should be set once and forgotten. Having sad that, dependent on the Benford Test you choose to apply to the dataset, you will be informed how many, if any, records were discarded from the analysed sample due to your decimal places choice.


Getting closer now! You will choose the Benford Test to apply in the next dropdown.


The analysis covers the:

  • First Digit Test;
  • Second Digit Test;
  • First Two Digits Test;
  • First Three Digits Test; and
  • Last Two Digits Test.

The final selector in the sidebar is the confidence level one. Some of the statistics computed in the tests (Chi-square, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Z scores) need a confidence level set, so there can be critical values to compare the findings with.


Central panel

The main analysis area starts with some basic info about the sample and the respective test plot. See the example of a First Two Digits test bellow.

Test Plot

According to the confidence level chosen, banfordviz draws upper and lower bounds, and the bars whose values lay outside them get colored in yellow. The plot has all bokeh interactive features, like tooltips, zooming, panning, and hiding an especific element by clicking on its legend.

The next section displays the results of the scalar (single value) statistics. I do not presume to tell you which is best, so the choice is all yours.

Scalar stats

The first row brings the statistis, and the second, their respective reference values, when applicable. Some are dependent on sample size and confidence level, like the Chi-square and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The others are not. I know, I know, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov is not that appropriate for comparing discrete distributions, but it is implemented in benford_py, so it is here.

Then comes the Z scores table, which correlates with the test plot analysis, since failing in this test, i.e., showing a Z score higher than the critical value set by the confidence level, means falling outside the plot's confidence bounds. It also shows the counts and the found and expected proportions for every digit.

Z table

A note in the upper right remenbers the confidence level and its respective Z critical value, and values higher than this are colored in red.

In the following section, you will be able to select one of the failing digits from the Z score table to filter your original data. This has been shown invaluable when auditing other columns of the data (even non-numerical ones) for other important information. The selected column is highlighted for reference.

Z selection

That's it. I hope you like it!


A Streamlit App for interactive Benford Analysis



GPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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