2021/2022 - 2nd Year, 1st Semester
Course - BD (Base de Dados | Databases)
Project developed by
- Ana Rita Carneiro (up202008569)
- Milena Gouveia (up202008862)
- Sofia Moura (up201907201)
The goal of this project was to create and query a database for an online clothing store. The project was divided into three parts:
Part 1:
- Conceptual Model Definition
Part 2:
- Relational Schema Definition
- Functional Dependencies Analysis and Normal Forms
- Database Creation in SQLite
- Adding Constraints to the Database
- Data Loading
Part 3:
- Database querying
- Adding Triggers to the Database
- criar.sql - SQL statements for creating all the database tables
- povoar.sql - SQL statements for populating the tables created
- queries/ - files with SQL statements for querying the database
- triggers/ - files with SQL statements for creating, removing and testing triggers
- report.pdf - project report (pt)