- 🔭 I’m currently working on Write.JS
- 🌱 I like Python and Javascript
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on python projects
- 💬 Ask me about game development, qa, Python
- ⚡ Fun fact: I have a very small cat
Website: Write.JS dev environment
Short description
Crossplatform, FastApi + vanilla JS web-based text editor with remote saving of documents.
GitHub: playwright-js-demo
Short description
Functional tests for Write.JS application written with Playwright.
GitHub: template-fastapi-auth
Short description
Auth backend engine provided with:
- account management ( register / login / delete / edit password )
- forgot password functionality ( via sending mail )
- blocking account after n number of tries for given time
- shipped with simple web interface
- supports jwt and database authorizations
GitHub: pyTestCases
Short description
Simple Application to run and manage test cases written in PyQt5
Website: pyClocks page
GitHub: pyClocks
Short description
PyQt5 application to track your activities. App, where you can setup multiple timers and measure time of given tasks.
GitHub: pyTranslate
Short description
PyQt5 application, it's a compact and simple GUI for UlionTse/translators library.
GitHub: facebook-scrapper
Short description
Post scrapper built with Python + Browser Library
Python mail client that can send and recievie e-mail. It is provided with CLI, but can be used as command line program, or it can be used by other Python programs, when imported as module.
GitHub: robot-portfolio
Short description
It's my demo of Robot Framework tests implementation with Requests and Browser libraries. It also contains a dockerfile
GitHub: pymdc
Short description
Do you want to read Markdown file as fast as with cat
, but you need some colors? PyMDc is an answer for you needs!