This repository contains code for getting automatic evaluation results as reported for the WebnLG+ 2020 Shared Task: bleu, nltk-bleu, meteor, ter, chrf++, bertScore and bleurt. It uses the original codes of Thiago Castro Ferreira (metrics) and Anastasia Shimorina (data), with some minor modifications for it to run on Colab.
- Information about WebNLG+ can be found on the challenge website (;
- The data is available on GitLab (;
- The evaluation scripts, submissions and evaluation results on GitHub (
The provided code allows for reproducing exactly the scores reported in the Shared Task report except for BLEURT, for which the scores are slightly lower. When running the original evaluation code, an error was thrown for BLEURT, stating that the scorer does not take positional arguments; the line that calls the scorer was modified accordingly to flag the arguments for reference and candidate files. It remains to be verified if this could affect the scoring.
- Select a GPU runtime (needed for bertScore and bleurt; it should be the runtime by default).
- Run the first cell.
- For WebNLG, drag the file(s) to evaluate in the hypotheses folder, located directly in /content/ on the leftside (follow Input specifications below).
- Run the second cell.
- Run the third cell (see Parameters below).
- Run the fourth cell.
- Gather results in /content/log_eval or run the fifth cell to download the folder.
It takes about 15 minutes (+/- 5 min) to evaluate one output file in English (1,779 texts) with all metrics, and about 3 minutes (+/- 1 min) without TER.
Description of the cells:
Cell#1: to download and install metrics, download data and original code, clone repos, install python dependencies.
Cell#2: to create a slightly modified version of the evaluation and reference data creation codes.
Cell#3: to set evaluation parameters.
Cell#4: to create files with the reference texts and run the evaluation. There are up to 5 references for each input triple set, each file contains one reference for a given input (5 files in total for English, 3 for Russian).By default, all metrics are run; see Parameters below.
Cell#5: to zip and download the evaluation log folder that contains the evaluation results for all files uploaded to the hypotheses folder.
There are four parameters for Cell#3:
- shared_task='WebNLG+'/'GEM': to choose the task you want to evaluate outputs for (the references come from different places for each task).
- lang='en'/'ru': to choose the language of the texts to evaluate.
- metrics: allows for choosing which metric(s) to apply. The value must be a single string, which can contain multiple parameter names separated by a comma: 'bleu,meteor,ter,chrf++,bert,bleurt'.
- small_test='yes': allows for fast-testing the code on a small dataset of 10 texts.
In the following, the specifications for the files that contains the texts to evaluate; they are exactly the same as for the WebNLG+ shared task ( In a nutshell, in each file:
- Should be encoded in utf-8 without BOM.
- Should have the .txt extension.
- Should contain true-cased and detokenised text.
- Shoud contain one text per line:
- each line corresponds to one output;
- the outputs must be in the same order as the input file;
- if there is no output for an input, the line should be empty (only linebreak);
- unless there is no output for the last input, the file should NOT end with a linebreak (so the last line contains a text instead of being empty).
For instance, the English file must contain 1,779 lines as the following two:
Aaron Turner plays Post-metal and electric guitar and played with Lotus Eaters. He was active from 1995.
English Without Tears, released on July 28, 1944, has a runtime of 89. Nicholas Brodszky composed its music.