fsgraph is a GraphQL interface for a file system, built with gqlgen.
Build it:
$ go get -v github.com/millerlogic/fsgraph/...
$ go install github.com/millerlogic/fsgraph/cmd/fsgraph
$ fsgraph --help
Usage of fsgraph:
-address string
HTTP address for the GraphQL server (default "localhost:8080")
Writes go to a temporary location (default true)
-root string
Root path of the file system to serve (default "/current/dir")
-scope string
Set the file ID scope, before hashing (defaults to hostname:root)
$ fsgraph &
2018/11/06 20:30:22 FS root: /current/dir
2018/11/06 20:30:22 file ID scope: e3248d8392f13fa55fc3dc192ed4e793 (hashed from myhost:/current/dir)
2018/11/06 20:30:22 protected: temporary overlay dir: /tmp/fsgraph923227248
2018/11/06 20:30:22 connect to http://localhost:8080/ for GraphQL playground
By default it serves files from your current directory on localhost:8080 (only localhost can connect), and protected is enabled which means any writes will go to a separate temporary location. Scope is used to create file IDs, as a way of attempting to make them global IDs. By default it is your computer's host name, a colon, and the root dir path, which all gets hashed. All of these defaults can be overridden on the command line.
See the GraphQL schema file: schema.graphql
query ls {
root {
children {
mode {
"data": {
"root": {
"children": [
"name": ".git",
"mode": {
"type": "dir"
"name": "schema.graphql",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "LICENSE",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "gqlgen.yml",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "fsgraph_test.go",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "cmd",
"mode": {
"type": "dir"
"name": "generated.go",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "resolver.go",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "README.md",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "fs.go",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "models_gen.go",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"
"name": "types.go",
"mode": {
"type": "regular"