torch_soft is a high level implementation of pytorch for some of claasification implementation with ease...
You can use pip to install torch_soft using pip.
pip install torch-soft==0.1.1
TensorNet currently supports the following features
- Model architectures
- ResNet18
- A custom model called naiveresnet
- Model utilities
- Loss functions
- Cross entropy loss
- nll_loss
- Optimizers
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Regularizers
- L1 regularization
- L2 regularization
- LR Schedulers
- Step LR
- Reduce LR on Plateau
- One Cycle Policy
- LR Range Test
- Loss functions
- Model training and validation
- Datasets (data is is returned via data loaders)
- TinyImageNet
- Data Augmentation
- Resize
- Padding
- Random Crop
- Horizontal Flip
- Vertical Flip
- Gaussian Blur
- Random Rotation
- CutOut
- GradCAM and GradCAM++ (Gradient-weighted Class Activation Map)
- Result Analysis Tools
- Plotting changes in validation accuracy and loss during model training
- Displaying correct and incorrect predictions of a trained model
- Plotting images in a batch for visualization
- Plotting gradcam outputs
For examples on how to use torch_soft, refer to the examples directory.
torch_soft has the following third-party dependencies
- torch
- torchvision
- torchsummary
- tqdm
- matplotlib
- albumentations
- opencv-python