Log mailer for (Node) JS. Aggregate your log/error mail from all over your app and send it when you want.
Please see here npmjs.com/package/emailjs! Without emailjs logmailer would not exist. Special thanks/credits to eleith!
Think of the following scenario: There are several events in your app and you want to be noticed about them via email. Well, if you have one notification, then you have one email. That's fine. But what if you have lots of notifications over runtime, thrown by functions scattered all over your app? Then you would have to aggregate all those notifications to a (log) file and send it when your app run is finished. Lots of loggers are able to write into files. But what if you want to have a well formatted html email? Then you can use logmailer. :)
Nov 09, 2019 I am happy to announce that logmailer is production ready. 🎉 Logmailer proofed itself over the last 3 or 4 months within the context of my current side project, the Globallytics Fund No. 1, which is a machine learning based fund. I use logmailer in several scripts running on our server. It is very stable and there weren't any issues all this time.
Sep 29, 2019 I just wrote an article about logmailer. You can find it on Medium and Dev.to.
Jun 28, 2020 No news about the code but still using logmailer in heavy production and it works and works and works. :) Logmailer has generated and sent over 18.000 mails now during the first year of our ML based stock fund Globallytics Fund No. 1. Logmailer is an irreplacable tool for us. We get notified on errors and also have a kind of documentation for the BAFIN like "hey, we know it and we immediately take action if something goes wrong".
- 0.0.3
- with logmailer you can add content to your log mail from anywhere
- use as much html & css as you want (as long as it can be handled by email clients)
- the aggregated mail can be sent at the end of your app run, when your app crashes, or just when you need it
- format your objects or arrays of objects as beautiful html tables
- 0.1.0
- your mail is separated in chapters which are stacked on each other e.g.
"Summary" -> "Errors" -> "Warnings" -> "Logs" (StandardChapters)
- you can adjust which mail recipient can see which chapters, e.g. the manager is only allowed to see the (custom) chapter
"Management Summary"
- you can adjust that a specific mail recipient only gets an email if a certain chapter is not empty, e.g. I only want to receive an email personally if there is at least one error in the
- your mail is separated in chapters which are stacked on each other e.g.
- 1.0
- just an announcement, that logmailer is production ready! no code changes! you can update without any problems
- ideas for the future
- logmailer runs in a separate process which is independent to the original process
- I would be happy to read your ideas
Using npm:
$ npm install logmailer
Create a file to create and configure the logmailer (e.g. logmailer.js). Make sure to export the logmailer itself and your chapters.
let { logmailer, Recipient, Chapter, StandardChapters } = require("logmailer");
// import { logmailer, Recipient, Chapter, StandardChapters } from "logmailer";
// the order in this object is the order of the chapters in the email
let chapters = {
summary: StandardChapters.Summary,
ffOnly: new Chapter("Firefighter only", false, "DeepPink"),
managerOnly: new Chapter("Manager only", false, "DarkSlateBlue"),
errors: StandardChapters.Errors,
logs: StandardChapters.Logs
appName: "My App",
mailAlias: "myapp@mymail.com",
client: {
host: "smtp.googlemail.com",
user: "user",
password: "password",
ssl: true
recipients: [
"baerbel@gmx.de", // receives everything
// receives email if the "managerOnly" chapter is not empty
// receives only the chapter "managerOnly"
new Recipient("guenther@gmail.com", [chapters.managerOnly], [chapters.managerOnly]),
// receives email if the "ffOnly" chapter is not empty
// receives only the chapters "ffOnly" and "errors"
new Recipient("horst@web.de", [chapters.ffOnly], [chapters.summary, chapters.ffOnly, chapters.errors]),
chapters: chapters
module.exports.logmail = chapters;
module.exports.logmailer = logmailer;
is a single chapter object
let Chapter: new (name: string, hasCount?: boolean, color?: string) => Chapter
- @param
— chapters name e.g. "Summary" - @param
— (optional, default is false) set to true if you want to count how often you added content to the chapter (good for errors or warnings) - @param
— (optional, default is "black") use colors to colorize headlines (you can use hex, rgb, rgba, color codes etc. but it is important that the email client can display the color correctly)
a single recipient object
let Recipient: new (emailAddress: string, getsEmailOnlyIfChaptersNotEmpty?: Chapter[], canOnlySeeChapters?: Chapter[]) => Recipient
- @param
- @param
— (optional) array of chapters e.g. [chapters.errors], the recipient will get the email only if there is at least 1 logged error - @param
— (optional) array of chapters e.g. [chapters.summary, chapters.errors], the recipient can only see the summary and the logged errors
In all your other files you can simply import your chapters and the logmailer and use them.
let { logmailer, logmail } = require("./logmailer");
// import { logmailer, logmail } from "./logmailer";
logmail.summary.add("Starting time", `Starting app run now: ${new Date().toISOString()}`);
// ..
logmail.errors.add("Error heading", "Info about error");
logmail.errors.add(null, "Further info about error");
logmail.errors.add(null, "Further info about error");
// ..
logmail.managerOnly.add("Info for the manager heading", "Info for the manager");
logmail.managerOnly.add(null, "Further info for the manager");
logmail.managerOnly.add(null, "Further info for the manager");
// ..
logmail.ffOnly.add("Info for the firefighter heading", "Instructions for the firefighter");
logmail.ffOnly.add(null, "Further instructions");
logmail.ffOnly.add(null, "Further instructions");
logmailer.sendMail(err => {
if (err) {
console.log("error while sending", err);
} else {
console.log("mail sent successfully");
let object = {
"row1, col1": "row1, col2",
"row2, col1": "row2, col2",
"row3, col1": {
"row3.1, col2.1": "row3.1, col2.2",
"row3.2, col2.1": "row3.2, col2.2"
logmail.logs.add("My object as a html table", logmailer.convertObjectToHTMLTable(object));
let arrayOfObjects = [object, object];
logmail.logs.add("My object array as a html table", logmailer.convertObjectArrayToHTMLTable(arrayOfObjects));
index.js or server.js
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
logmail.errors.add("Uncaught exception", `► Error message: ${err.message}<br/>Error stack: ${err.stack}`);
process.on('unhandledRejection', function (err) {
logmail.errors.add("Unhandled rejection", `► Error message: ${err.message}<br/>Error stack: ${err.stack}`);
unplannedExit("rejection error");
function unplannedExit(info) {
logmail.errors.add("Unnormal exit:", `► Info: ${info}`);
logmail.summary.add("Ending time", `Ending app run now: ${new Date().toISOString()}`);
logmailer.sendMail(err => {
if (err) {
console.log("error while sending", err);
} else {
console.log("mail sent successfully");
process.on('beforeExit', function (exitCode) {
process.on("SIGTERM", function (signal) {
process.on("SIGINT", function (signal) {
// ..