Contracts can be deployed to the various networks configured in truffle.js.
To set up your environment for deploying contracts, you will need to create a .env file. .env defines the various Ethereum blockchain environment variable.
cp env.example .env
Once created, change the mnemonic and network settings to match your environment.
To deploy a contract to a network, run:
truffle deploy --network NETWORK_NAME
where NETWORK_NAME is the network you wish to deploy to. The names of the various networks are listed in truffle.js.
For example, to deploy to Ropsten:
truffle deploy --network ropsten
The source code will need to be flattened to register a contract on Etherscan.
To flatten the contract code:
cd /path/to/project/files/
npx truffle-flattener contracts/Miner.sol > build/contracts/Miner.flattened.sol
Go to Etherscan ( and load the contract. There will be a "verify" link. Click on this link and specify the following:
Contract Type: single file Contract Compiler Version: 0.6.4
(There are now two other Contract Types for registering source code; multi-file, and json; these are experimental and will require more investigation).
Automated audits are run using Truffle Security, the truffle implementation of Mythril.
To install:
npm i -D
or to install from package.json:
npm i
(NOTE: currently there is a bug in the tag releases for Truffle Security Consensys/truffle-security#255. Once this is resolved, the npmjs package will be referenced and these documents updated).
To run a security audit:
Firstly, a Mythx account is required so an API KEY can be registered. An account can be created at Once, registered, generate the API KEY and copy it.
Once copied, open up a command line terminal, and, once in the miner-site project directory, declare the API KEY as an environment variable, E.g.
export MYTHX_API_KEY=abc123
where abc123 is your MYTHX API KEY.
To launch an audit, run:
truffle run verify
Once completed, you can retrieve the report from your account.
Solidity coverage checks that all tests cover all Solidity contract code.
To install:
npm i -D solidity-coverage
or to install from package.json:
npm i
To launch a code coverage test, run:
truffle run coverage
To see which files are covered by solidity coverage or to add and remove files files from the code coverage, see .solcover.js.