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戴铭的 Swift 小册子 4.0
update:内容已更新到 4.0 版本。
越来越多同学打算开始用 Swift 来开发了,可很多人以前都没接触过 Swift。这篇和我以前文章不同的是,本篇只是面向 Swift 零基础的同学,内容主要是一些直接可用的小例子,例子可以直接在工程中用或自己调试着看。
记得以前 PHP 有个 chm 的手册,写的很简单,但很全,每个知识点都有例子,社区版每个知识点下面还有留言互动。因此,我弄了个 Swift 的手册,是个 macOS 程序。建议使用我开发的这个 macOS 程序来浏览。源码地址:KwaiAppTeam/SwiftPamphletApp,直接下载 dmg 地址:戴铭的Swift小册子4.3.dmg.zip
变量是可变的,使用 var 修饰,常量是不可变的,使用 let 修饰。类、结构体和枚举里的变量是属性。
var v1:String = "hi" // 标注类型
var v2 = "类型推导"
let l1 = "标题" // 常量
class a {
let p1 = 3
var p2: Int {
p1 * 3
属性没有 set 可以省略 get,如果有 set 需加 get。变量设置前通过 willSet 访问到,变量设置后通过 didSet 访问。
let i = 14
for i in 1...3{
// output:
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 使用terminator使循环打印更整洁
for i in 1...3 {
print("\(i) ", terminator: "")
// output:
// 1 2 3
// 单行注释
// MARK: 会在 minimap 上展示
// TODO: 待做
// FIXME: 待修复
可能会是 nil 的变量就是可选变量。当变量为 nil 通过??操作符可以提供一个默认值。
var o: Int? = nil
let i = o ?? 0
闭包也可以叫做 lambda,是匿名函数,对应 OC 的 block。
let a1 = [1,3,2].sorted(by: { (l: Int, r: Int) -> Bool in
return l < r
// 如果闭包是唯一的参数并在表达式最后可以使用结尾闭包语法,写法简化为
let a2 = [1,3,2].sorted { (l: Int, r: Int) -> Bool in
return l < r
// 已知类型可以省略
let a3 = [1,3,2].sorted { l, r in
return l < r
// 通过位置来使用闭包的参数,最后简化如下:
let a4 = [1,3,2].sorted { $0 < $1 }
函数也是闭包的一种,函数的参数也可以是闭包。@escaping 表示逃逸闭包,逃逸闭包是可以在函数返回之后继续调用的。@autoclosure 表示自动闭包,可以用来省略花括号。
// 为参数设置默认值
func f1(p: String = "p") -> String {
"p is \(p)"
// 函数作为参数
func f2(fn: (String) -> String, p: String) -> String {
return fn(p)
print(f2(fn:f1, p: "d")) // p is d
// 函数作为返回值
func f3(p: String) -> (String) -> String {
return f1
print(f3(p: "yes")("no")) // p is no
函数可以返回多个值,函数是可以嵌套的,也就是函数里内可以定义函数,函数内定义的函数可以访问自己作用域外函数内的变量。inout 表示的是输入输出参数,函数可以在函数内改变输入输出参数。defer 标识的代码块会在函数返回之前执行。
函数在 Swift 5.4 时开始有了使用多个变量参数的能力,使用方法如下:
func f4(s: String..., i: Int...) {
f4(s: "one", "two", "three", i: 1, 2, 3)
/// ["one", "two", "three"]
/// [1, 2, 3]
func f5() {
func nf5() {
print("this is nested function")
f5() // this is nested function
在 Xcode 里的 target 就是模块,使用 import 可导入模块。模块内包含源文件,每个源文件里可以有多个类、结构体、枚举和函数等多种类型。访问级别可以通过一些关键字描述,分为如下几种:
- open:在模块外可以调用和继承。
- public:在模块外可调用不可继承,open 只适用类和类成员。
- internal:默认级别,模块内可跨源文件调用,模块外不可调用。
- fileprivate:只能在源文件内访问。
- private:只能在所在的作用域内访问。
重写继承类的成员,可以设置成员比父类的这个成员更高的访问级别。Setter 的级别可以低于对应的 Getter 的级别,比如设置 Setter 访问级别为 private,可以在属性使用 private(set) 来修饰。
数字的类型有 Int、Float 和 Double
// Int
let i1 = 100
let i2 = 22
print(i1 / i2) // 向下取整得 4
// Float
let f1: Float = 100.0
let f2: Float = 22.0
print(f1 / f2) // 4.5454545
let f3: Float16 = 5.0 // macOS 还不能用
let f4: Float32 = 5.0
let f5: Float64 = 5.0
let f6: Float80 = 5.0
print(f4, f5, f6) // 5.0 5.0 5.0
// Double
let d1: Double = 100.0
let d2: Double = 22.0
print(d1 / d2) // 4.545454545454546
// 字面量
print(Int(0b10101)) // 0b 开头是二进制
print(Int(0x00afff)) // 0x 开头是十六进制
print(2.5e4) // 2.5x10^4 十进制用 e
print(0xAp2) // 10*2^2 十六进制用 p
print(2_000_000) // 2000000
// isMultiple(of:) 方法检查一个数字是否是另一个数字的倍数
let i3 = 36
print(i3.isMultiple(of: 9)) // true
处理数字有 floor、ceil、round。floor 是向下取整,只取整数部分;cell 是向上取整,只要有不为零的小数,整数就加1;round 是四舍五入。
布尔数有 true 和 false 两种值,还有一个能够切换这两个值的 toggle 方法。
var b = false
b.toggle() // true
b.toggle() // false
let t1 = (p1: 1, p2: "two", p3: [1,2,3])
// 类型推导
let t2 = (1, "two", [1,2,3])
// 通过下标访问
print(t2.1) // two
// 分解元组
let (dp1, dp2, _) = t2
let s1 = "Hi! This is a string. Cool?"
/// 转义符 \n 表示换行。
/// 其它转义字符有 \0 空字符)、\t 水平制表符 、\n 换行符、\r 回车符
let s2 = "Hi!\nThis is a string. Cool?"
// 多行
let s3 = """
This is a string.
// 长度
// 拼接
print(s3 + "\nSure!")
// 字符串中插入变量
let i = 1
print("Today is good day, double \(i)\(i)!")
/// 遍历字符串
/// 输出:
/// o
/// n
/// e
for c in "one" {
// 查找
print(s3.lowercased().contains("cool")) // true
// 替换
let s4 = "one is two"
let newS4 = s4.replacingOccurrences(of: "two", with: "one")
// 删除空格和换行
let s5 = " Simple line. \n\n "
print(s5.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines))
// 切割成数组
let s6 = "one/two/three"
let a1 = s6.components(separatedBy: "/") // 继承自 NSString 的接口
print(a1) // ["one", "two", "three"]
let a2 = s6.split(separator: "/")
print(a2) // ["one", "two", "three"] 属于切片,性能较 components 更好
// 判断是否是某种类型
let c1: Character = "🤔"
print(c1.isASCII) // false
print(c1.isSymbol) // true
print(c1.isLetter) // false
print(c1.isNumber) // false
print(c1.isUppercase) // false
// 字符串和 Data 互转
let data = Data("hi".utf8)
let s7 = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
print(s7) // hi
// 字符串可以当作集合来用。
let revered = s7.reversed()
Unicode、Character 和 SubString 等内容参见官方字符串文档:Strings and Characters — The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.1)
字符串字面符号可以参看《String literals in Swift》。
// 原始字符串在字符串前加上一个或多个#符号。里面的双引号和转义符号将不再起作用了,如果想让转义符起作用,需要在转义符后面加上#符号。
let s8 = #"\(s7)\#(s7) "one" and "two"\n. \#nThe second line."#
/// \(s7)hi "one" and "two"\n.
/// The second line.
// 原始字符串在正则使用效果更佳,反斜杠更少了。
let s9 = "\\\\[A-Z]+[A-Za-z]+\\.[a-z]+"
let s10 = #"\\[A-Z]+[A-Za-z]+\.[a-z]+"#
print(s9) // \\[A-Z]+[A-Za-z]+\.[a-z]+
print(s10) // \\[A-Z]+[A-Za-z]+\.[a-z]+
enum E1:String, CaseIterable {
case e1, e2 = "12"
// 关联值
enum E2 {
case e1([String])
case e2(Int)
let e1 = E2.e1(["one","two"])
let e2 = E2.e2(3)
switch e1 {
case .e1(let array):
case .e2(let int):
// 原始值
// 遵循 CaseIterable 协议可迭代
for ie in E1.allCases {
print("show \(ie)")
// 递归枚举
enum RE {
case v(String)
indirect case node(l:RE, r:RE)
let lNode = RE.v("left")
let rNode = RE.v("right")
let pNode = RE.node(l: lNode, r: rNode)
switch pNode {
case .v(let string):
case .node(let l, let r):
switch l {
case .v(let string):
case .node(let l, let r):
print(l, r)
switch r {
case .v(let string):
case .node(let l, let r):
print(l, r)
@unknown 用来区分固定的枚举和可能改变的枚举的能力。@unknown 用于防止未来新增枚举属性会进行提醒提示完善每个 case 的处理。
// @unknown
enum E3 {
case e1, e2, e3
func fe1(e: E3) {
switch e {
case .e1:
print("e1 ok")
case .e2:
print("e2 ok")
case .e3:
print("e3 ok")
@unknown default:
print("not ok")
符合 Comparable 协议的枚举可以进行比较。
// Comparable 枚举比较
enum E4: Comparable {
case e1, e2
case e3(i: Int)
case e4
let e3 = E4.e4
let e4 = E4.e3(i: 3)
let e5 = E4.e3(i: 2)
let e6 = E4.e1
print(e3 > e4) // true
let a1 = [e3, e4, e5, e6]
let a2 = a1.sorted()
for i in a2 {
/// e1
/// e3(i: 2)
/// e3(i: 3)
/// e4
泛型可以减少重复代码,是一种抽象的表达方式。where 关键字可以对泛型做约束。
func fn<T>(p: T) -> [T] {
var r = [T]()
return r
print(fn(p: "one"))
// 结构体
struct S1<T> {
var arr = [T]()
mutating func add(_ p: T) {
var s1 = S1(arr: ["zero"])
print(s1.arr) // ["zero", "one", "two"]
protocol pc {
associatedtype T
mutating func add(_ p: T)
struct S2: pc {
typealias T = String // 类型推导,可省略
var strs = [String]()
mutating func add(_ p: String) {
struct S3<T> {
struct S4 {
var p: T
var p1: T
var p2: S4
let s2 = S3(p1: 1, p2: S3.S4(p: 3))
let s3 = S3(p1: "one", p2: S3.S4(p: "three"))
protocol P {
func f() -> String
struct S1: P {
func f() -> String {
return "one\n"
struct S2<T: P>: P {
var p: T
func f() -> String {
return p.f() + "two\n"
struct S3<T1: P, T2: P>: P {
var p1: T1
var p2: T2
func f() -> String {
return p1.f() + p2.f() + "three\n"
func someP() -> some P {
return S3(p1: S1(), p2: S2(p: S1()))
let r = someP()
Result 类型用来处理错误,特别适用异步接口的错误处理。
extension URLSession {
func dataTaskWithResult(
with url: URL,
handler: @escaping (Result<Data, Error>) -> Void
) -> URLSessionDataTask {
dataTask(with: url) { data, _, err in
if let err = err {
} else {
handler(.success(data ?? Data()))
let url = URL(string: "https://ming1016.github.io/")!
// 以前网络请求
let t1 = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {
data, _, error in
if let err = error {
} else if let data = data {
print(String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self))
// 使用 Result 网络请求
let t2 = URLSession.shared.dataTaskWithResult(with: url) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let data):
print(String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self))
case .failure(let err):
使用 is 关键字进行类型判断, 使用as 关键字来转换成子类。
class S0 {}
class S1: S0 {}
class S2: S0 {}
var a = [S0]()
for e in a {
// 类型判断
if e is S1 {
print("Type is S1")
} else if e is S2 {
print("Type is S2")
// 使用 as 关键字转换成子类
if let s1 = e as? S1 {
print("As S1 \(s1)")
} else if let s2 = e as? S2 {
print("As S2 \(s2)")
class C {
var p: String
init(_ p: String) {
self.p = p
// 下标操作
subscript(s: String) -> String {
get {
return p + s
set {
p = s + newValue
let c = C("hi")
print(c[" ming"])
c["k"] = "v"
struct S {
var p1: String = ""
var p2: Int
extension S {
func f() -> String {
return p1 + String(p2)
var s = S(p2: 1)
s.p1 = "1"
print(s.f()) // 11
struct S {
static let sp = "类型属性" // 类型属性通过类型本身访问,非实例访问
var p1: String = ""
var p2: Int = 1
// cp 是计算属性
var cp: Int {
get {
return p2 * 2
set {
p2 = newValue + 2
// 只有 getter 的是只读计算属性
var rcp: Int {
p2 * 4
print(S().cp) // 2
var s = S()
s.cp = 3
print(s.p2) // 5
print(S().rcp) // 4
willSet 和 didSet 是属性观察器,可以在属性值设置前后插入自己的逻辑处理。
struct S2 {
let p1: String
let p2: Int
let s2 = S2(p1: "one", p2: 1)
let s3 = S2(p1: "two", p2: 2)
let a1 = [s2, s3]
let a2 = a1.map(\.p1)
print(a2) // ["one", "two"]
enum E: String {
case one, two, three
func showRawValue() {
let e = E.three
e.showRawValue() // three
// 可变的实例方法,使用 mutating 标记
struct S {
var p: String
mutating func addFullStopForP() {
p += "."
var s = S(p: "hi")
// 类方法
class C {
class func cf() {
static和class关键字修饰的方法类似 OC 的类方法。static 可以修饰存储属性,而 class 不能;class 修饰的方法可以继承,而 static 不能。在协议中需用 static 来修饰。
// 静态下标
struct S2 {
static var sp = [String: Int]()
static subscript(_ s: String, d: Int = 10) -> Int {
get {
return sp[s] ?? d
set {
sp[s] = newValue
S2["key1"] = 1
S2["key2"] = 2
print(S2["key2"]) // 2
print(S2["key3"]) // 10
自定义类型中实现了 callAsFunction() 的话,该类型的值就可以直接调用。
// callAsFunction()
struct S3 {
var p1: String
func callAsFunction() -> String {
return "show \(p1)"
let s2 = S3(p1: "hi")
print(s2()) // show hi
// 类继承
class C1 {
var p1: String
var cp1: String {
get {
return p1 + " like ATM"
set {
p1 = p1 + newValue
init(p1: String) {
self.p1 = p1
func sayHi() {
print("Hi! \(p1)")
class C2: C1 {
var p2: String
init(p2: String) {
self.p2 = p2
super.init(p1: p2 + "'s father")
C2(p2: "Lemon").sayHi() // Hi! Lemon's father
// 重写父类方法
class C3: C2 {
override func sayHi() {
print("Hi! \(p2)")
C3(p2: "Lemon").sayHi() // Hi! Lemon
// 重写计算属性
class C4: C1 {
override var cp1: String {
get {
return p1 + " like Out of the blade"
set {
p1 = p1 + newValue
print(C1(p1: "Lemon").cp1) // Lemon like ATM
print(C4(p1: "Lemon").cp1) // Lemon like Out of the blade
通过 final 关键字可以防止类被继承,final 还可以用于属性和方法。使用 super 关键字指代父类。
map 可以依次处理数组中元素,并返回一个处理后的新数组。
let a1 = ["a", "b", "c"]
let a2 = a1.map {
print(a2) // ["a2", "b2", "c2"]
使用 compactMap 可以过滤 nil 的元素。flatMap 会将多个数组合成一个数组返回。
let a1 = ["a", "b", "c", "call my name"]
let a2 = a1.filter {
$0.prefix(1) == "c"
print(a2) // ["c", "call my name"]
reduce 可以将迭代中返回的结果用于下个迭代中,并,还能让你设个初始值。
let a1 = ["a", "b", "c", "call my name.", "get it?"]
let a2 = a1.reduce("Hey u,", { partialResult, s in
// partialResult 是前面返回的值,s 是遍历到当前的值
partialResult + " \(s)"
print(a2) // Hey u, a b c call my name. get it?
// 类型遵循 Comparable
let a1 = ["a", "b", "c", "call my name.", "get it?"]
let a2 = a1.sorted()
let a3 = a1.sorted(by: >)
let a4 = a1.sorted(by: <)
print(a2) // Hey u, a b c call my name. get it?
print(a3) // ["get it?", "call my name.", "c", "b", "a"]
print(a4) // ["a", "b", "c", "call my name.", "get it?"]
// 类型不遵循 Comparable
struct S {
var s: String
var i: Int
let a5 = [S(s: "a", i: 0), S(s: "b", i: 1), S(s: "c", i: 2)]
let a6 = a5
.sorted { l, r in
l.i > r.i
.map {
print(a6) // [2, 1, 0]
// if
let s = "hi"
if s.isEmpty {
print("String is Empty")
} else {
print("String is \(s)")
// 三元条件
s.isEmpty ? print("String is Empty again") : print("String is \(s) again")
// if let-else
func f(s: String?) {
if let s1 = s {
print("s1 is \(s1)")
} else {
print("s1 is nothing")
// nil-coalescing
let s2 = s ?? "nothing"
print("s2 is \(s2)")
f(s: "something")
f(s: nil)
// if case let
enum E {
case c1(String)
case c2([String])
func des() {
switch self {
case .c1(let string):
case .c2(let array):
E.c1("enum c1").des()
E.c2(["one", "two", "three"]).des()
// guard
func f1(p: String) -> String {
guard p.isEmpty != true else {
return "Empty string."
return "String \(p) is not empty."
print(f1(p: "")) // Empty string.
print(f1(p: "lemon")) // String lemon is not empty.
// guard let
func f2(p1: String?) -> String {
guard let p2 = p1 else {
return "Nil."
return "String \(p2) is not nil."
print(f2(p1: nil)) // Nil.
print(f2(p1: "lemon")) // String lemon is not nil.
let a = ["one", "two", "three"]
for str in a {
// 使用下标范围
for i in 0..<10 {
// 使用 enumerated
for (i, str) in a.enumerated() {
print("第\(i + 1)个是:\(str)")
// for in where
for str in a where str.prefix(1) == "t" {
// 字典 for in,遍历是无序的
let dic = [
"one": 1,
"two": 2,
"three": 3
for (k, v) in dic {
print("key is \(k), value is \(v)")
// stride
for i in stride(from: 10, through: 0, by: -2) {
// while
var i1 = 10
while i1 > 0 {
print("positive even number \(i1)")
i1 -= 2
// repeat while
var i2 = 10
repeat {
print("positive even number \(i2)")
i2 -= 2
} while i2 > 0
使用 break 结束遍历,使用 continue 跳过当前作用域,继续下个循环
func f1(pa: String, t:(String, Int)) {
var p1 = 0
var p2 = 10
switch pa {
case "one":
p1 = 1
case "two":
p1 = 2
fallthrough // 继续到下个 case 中
p2 = 0
print("p1 is \(p1)")
print("p2 is \(p2)")
// 元组
switch t {
case ("0", 0):
case ("1", 1):
f1(pa: "two", t:("1", 1))
p1 is 2
p2 is 0
// 枚举
enum E {
case one, two, three, unknown(String)
func f2(pa: E) {
var p: String
switch pa {
case .one:
p = "1"
case .two:
p = "2"
case .three:
p = "3"
case let .unknown(u) where Int(u) ?? 0 > 0 : // 枚举关联值,使用 where 增加条件
p = u
case .unknown(_):
p = "negative number"
f2(pa: E.one) // 1
f2(pa: E.unknown("10")) // 10
f2(pa: E.unknown("-10")) // negative number
var a0: [Int] = [1, 10]
a0.remove(at: 0)
print(a0) // [10, 2]
let a1 = ["one", "two", "three"]
let a2 = ["three", "four"]
// 找两个集合的不同
let dif = a1.difference(from: a2) // swift的 diffing 算法在这 http://www.xmailserver.org/diff2.pdf swift实现在 swift/stdlib/public/core/Diffing.swift
for c in dif {
switch c {
case .remove(let o, let e, let a):
print("offset:\(o), element:\(e), associatedWith:\(String(describing: a))")
case .insert(let o, let e, let a):
print("offset:\(o), element:\(e), associatedWith:\(String(describing: a))")
remove offset:1, element:four, associatedWith:nil
insert offset:0, element:one, associatedWith:nil
insert offset:1, element:two, associatedWith:nil
let a3 = a2.applying(dif) ?? [] // 可以用于添加删除动画
print(a3) // ["one", "two", "three"]
dif 有第三个 case 值 .insert(let offset, let element, let associatedWith) 可以跟踪成对的变化,用于高级动画。
print(a0.randomElement() ?? 0)
// 排序
struct S1 {
let n: Int
var b = true
let a4 = [
S1(n: 1),
S1(n: 10),
S1(n: 3),
S1(n: 2)
let a5 = a4.sorted { i1, i2 in
i1.n < i2.n
for n in a5 {
/// S1(n: 1)
/// S1(n: 2)
/// S1(n: 3)
/// S1(n: 10)
let a6 = [1,10,4,7,2]
print(a6.sorted(by: >)) // [10, 7, 4, 2, 1]
extension Array where Element == Int {
// 升序
func intSortedASC() -> [Int] {
return self.sorted(by: <)
// 降序
func intSortedDESC() -> [Int] {
return self.sorted(by: <)
print(a6.intSortedASC()) // 使用扩展增加自定义排序能力
// 第一个满足条件了就返回
let a7 = a4.first {
$0.n == 10
print(a7?.n ?? 0)
// 是否都满足了条件
print(a4.allSatisfy { $0.n == 1 }) // false
print(a4.allSatisfy(\.b)) // true
// 找出最大的那个
print(a4.max(by: { e1, e2 in
e1.n < e2.n
}) ?? S1(n: 0))
// S1(n: 10, b: true)
// 看看是否包含某个元素
print(a4.contains(where: {
$0.n == 7
// false
// 切片
// 取前3个,并不是直接复制,对于大的数组有性能优势。
print(a6[..<3]) // [1, 10, 4] 需要做越界检查
print(a6.prefix(30)) // [1, 10, 4, 7, 2] 不需要做越界检查,也是切片,性能一样
// 去掉前3个
print(a6.dropFirst(3)) // [7, 2]
prefix(while:) 和 drop(while:) 方法,顺序遍历执行闭包里的逻辑判断,满足条件就返回,遇到不匹配就会停止遍历。prefix 返回满足条件的元素集合,drop 返回停止遍历之后那些元素集合。
let a8 = [8, 9, 20, 1, 35, 3]
let a9 = a8.prefix {
$0 < 30
print(a9) // [8, 9, 20, 1]
let a10 = a8.drop {
$0 < 30
print(a10) // [35, 3]
比 filter 更高效的删除元素的方法 removeAll
// 删除所有不满足条件的元素
var a11 = [1, 3, 5, 12, 25]
a11.removeAll { $0 < 10 }
print(a11) // [4, 3, 1, 3, 3] 随机
// 创建未初始化的数组
let a12 = (0...4).map { _ in
Int.random(in: 0...5)
print(a12) // [0, 3, 3, 2, 5] 随机
#if 用于后缀表达式
// #if 用于后缀表达式
let a13 = a11
#if os(iOS)
.reduce(0, +)
print(a13) //37
Set 是无序集合,元素唯一
let s0: Set<Int> = [2, 4]
let s1: Set = [2, 10, 6, 4, 8]
let s2: Set = [7, 3, 5, 1, 9, 10]
let s3 = s1.union(s2) // 合集
let s4 = s1.intersection(s2) // 交集
let s5 = s1.subtracting(s2) // 非交集部分
let s6 = s1.symmetricDifference(s2) // 非交集的合集
print(s3) // [4, 2, 1, 7, 3, 10, 8, 9, 6, 5]
print(s4) // [10]
print(s5) // [8, 4, 2, 6]
print(s6) // [9, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 6, 8, 7]
// s0 是否被 s1 包含
print(s0.isSubset(of: s1)) // true
// s1 是否包含了 s0
print(s1.isSuperset(of: s0)) // true
let s7: Set = [3, 5]
// s0 和 s7 是否有交集
print(s0.isDisjoint(with: s7)) // true
// 可变 Set
var s8: Set = ["one", "two"]
print(s8) // ["two", "three"]
var d1 = [
"k1": "v1",
"k2": "v2"
d1["k3"] = "v3"
d1["k4"] = nil
print(d1) // ["k2": "v2", "k3": "v3", "k1": "v1"]
for (k, v) in d1 {
print("key is \(k), value is \(v)")
key is k1, value is v1
key is k2, value is v2
key is k3, value is v3
if d1.isEmpty == false {
print(d1.count) // 3
// mapValues
let d2 = d1.mapValues {
$0 + "_new"
print(d2) // ["k2": "v2_new", "k3": "v3_new", "k1": "v1_new"]
// 对字典的值或键进行分组
let d3 = Dictionary(grouping: d1.values) {
print(d3) // [2: ["v1", "v2", "v3"]]
// 从字典中取值,如果键对应无值,则使用通过 default 指定的默认值
d1["k5", default: "whatever"] += "."
print(d1["k5"] ?? "") // whatever.
let v1 = d1["k3", default: "whatever"]
print(v1) // v3
// compactMapValues() 对字典值进行转换和解包。可以解可选类型,并去掉 nil 值
let d4 = [
"k1": 1,
"k2": 2,
"k3": nil
let d5 = d4.mapValues { $0 }
let d6 = d4.compactMapValues{ $0 }
// ["k3": nil, "k1": Optional(1), "k2": Optional(2)]
// ["k1": 1, "k2": 2]
let i1 = 1
var i2 = i1
i2 = 2
print(i2) // 2
i2 += 1
print(i2) // 3
i2 -= 2
print(i2) // 1
i2 *= 10
print(i2) // 10
i2 /= 2
print(i2) // 5
let i1 = 1
let i2 = i1
print((i1 + i2 - 1) * 10 / 2 % 3) // 2
print("i" + "1") // i1
// 一元运算符
print(-i1) // -1
遵循 Equatable 协议可以使用 == 和 != 来判断是否相等
print(1 > 2) // false
struct S: Equatable {
var p1: String
var p2: Int
let s1 = S(p1: "one", p2: 1)
let s2 = S(p1: "two", p2: 2)
let s3 = S(p1: "one", p2: 2)
let s4 = S(p1: "one", p2: 1)
print(s1 == s2) // false
print(s1 == s3) // false
print(s1 == s4) // true
类需要实现 == 函数
class C: Equatable {
var p1: String
var p2: Int
init(p1: String, p2: Int) {
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
static func == (l: C, r: C) -> Bool {
return l.p1 == r.p1 && l.p2 == r.p2
let c1 = C(p1: "one", p2: 1)
let c2 = C(p1: "one", p2: 1)
print(c1 == c2)
// 元组比较
// 会先比较第一个数,第一个无法比较才会比较第二个数
// 字符串比较和字母大小还有长度有关。先比较字母大小,在比较长度
("apple", 1) < ("apple", 2) // true
("applf", 1) < ("apple", 2) // false
("appl", 2) < ("apple", 1) // true
("appm", 2) < ("apple", 1) // false
简化 if else 写法
// if else
func f1(p: Int) {
if p > 0 {
print("positive number")
} else {
print("negative number")
// 三元
func f2(p: Int) {
p > 0 ? print("positive number") : print("negative number")
f1(p: 1)
f2(p: 1)
简化 if let else 写法
// if else
func f1(p: Int?) {
if let i = p {
print("p have value is \(i)")
} else {
print("p is nil, use defalut value")
// 使用 ??
func f2(p: Int?) {
let i = p ?? 0
print("p is \(i)")
// 封闭范围
for i in 0...10 {
// 半开范围
for i in 0..<10 {
// 单侧区间
let nums = [5,6,7,8]
print(nums[2...]) // 7 8
let i1 = -1
let i2 = 2
if i1 != i2 && (i1 < 0 || i2 < 0) {
print("i1 and i2 not equal, and one of them is negative number.")
class C {
var p: String
init(p: String) {
self.p = p
let c1 = C(p: "one")
let c2 = C(p: "one")
let c3 = c1
print(c1 === c2) // false
print(c1 === c3) // true
print(c1 !== c2) // true
let i1: UInt8 = 0b00001111
let i2 = ~i1 // Bitwise NOT Operator(按位取反运算符),取反
let i3: UInt8 = 0b00111111
let i4 = i1 & i3 // Bitwise AND Operator(按位与运算符),都为1才是1
let i5 = i1 | i3 // Bitwise OR Operator(按位或运算符),有一个1就是1
let i6 = i1 ^ i3 // Bitwise XOR Operator(按位异或运算符),不同为1,相同为0
// << 按位左移,>> 按位右移
let i7 = i1 << 1
let i8 = i1 >> 2
溢出运算符,有 &+、&- 和 &*
var i1 = Int.max
print(i1) // 9223372036854775807
i1 = i1 &+ 1
print(i1) // -9223372036854775808
i1 = i1 &+ 10
print(i1) // -9223372036854775798
var i2 = UInt.max
i2 = i2 &+ 1
print(i2) // 0
运算符函数包括前缀运算符、后缀运算符、复合赋值运算符以及等价运算符。另,还可以自定义运算符,新的运算符要用 operator 关键字进行定义,同时要指定 prefix、infix 或者 postfix 修饰符。
Date 的基本用法如下:
let now = Date()
// Date 转 时间戳
let interval = now.timeIntervalSince1970 // 时间戳
let df = DateFormatter()
df.dateFormat = "yyyy 年 MM 月 dd 日 HH:mm:ss"
print("时间戳:\(Int(interval))") // 时间戳:1642399901
print("格式化的时间:" + df.string(from: now)) // 格式化的时间:2022 年 01 月 17 日 14:11:41
df.dateStyle = .short
print("short 样式时间:" + df.string(from: now)) // short 样式时间:2022/1/17
df.locale = Locale(identifier: "zh_Hans_CN")
df.dateStyle = .full
print("full 样式时间:" + df.string(from: now)) // full 样式时间:2022年1月17日 星期一
// 时间戳转 Date
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: interval)
print(date) // 2022-01-17 06:11:41 +0000
复杂的时间操作,比如说 GitHub 接口使用的是 ISO 标准,RSS 输出的是 RSS 标准字符串,不同标准对应不同时区的时间计算处理,可以使用开源库 SwiftDate 来完成。示例代码如下:
import SwiftDate
// 使用 SwiftDate 库
let cn = Region(zone: Zones.asiaShanghai, locale: Locales.chineseChina)
SwiftDate.defaultRegion = cn
print("2008-02-14 23:12:14".toDate()?.year ?? "") // 2008
let d1 = "2022-01-17T23:20:35".toISODate(region: cn)
guard let d1 = d1 else {
print(d1.minute) // 20
let d2 = d1 + 1.minutes
// 两个 DateInRegion 相差时间 interval
let i1 = DateInRegion(Date(), region: cn) - d1
let s1 = i1.toString {
$0.maximumUnitCount = 4
$0.allowedUnits = [.day, .hour, .minute]
$0.collapsesLargestUnit = true
$0.unitsStyle = .abbreviated
$0.locale = Locales.chineseChina
print(s1) // 9小时45分钟
// 计算两个时间之间相差多少时间,支持多种语言字符串
let d1 = Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - 60 * 60 * 24
let f1 = RelativeDateTimeFormatter()
f1.dateTimeStyle = .named
f1.formattingContext = .beginningOfSentence
f1.locale = Locale(identifier: "zh_Hans_CN")
let str = f1.localizedString(for: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: d1), relativeTo: Date())
print(str) // 昨天
// 简写
let str2 = Date.now.addingTimeInterval(-(60 * 60 * 24))
.formatted(.relative(presentation: .named))
print(str2) // yesterday
// 描述多个事物
let s1 = ListFormatter.localizedString(byJoining: ["冬天","春天","夏天","秋天"])
// 名字
let f2 = PersonNameComponentsFormatter()
var nc1 = PersonNameComponents()
nc1.familyName = "戴"
nc1.givenName = "铭"
nc1.nickname = "铭哥"
print(f2.string(from: nc1)) // 戴铭
f2.style = .short
print(f2.string(from: nc1)) // 铭哥
f2.style = .abbreviated
print(f2.string(from: nc1)) // 戴
var nc2 = PersonNameComponents()
nc2.familyName = "Dai"
nc2.givenName = "Ming"
nc2.nickname = "Starming"
f2.style = .default
print(f2.string(from: nc2)) // Ming Dai
f2.style = .short
print(f2.string(from: nc2)) // Starming
f2.style = .abbreviated
print(f2.string(from: nc2)) // MD
// 取出名
let componets = f2.personNameComponents(from: "戴铭")
print(componets?.givenName ?? "") // 铭
// 数字
let f3 = NumberFormatter()
f3.locale = Locale(identifier: "zh_Hans_CN")
f3.numberStyle = .currency
print(f3.string(from: 123456) ?? "") // ¥123,456.00
f3.numberStyle = .percent
print(f3.string(from: 123456) ?? "") // 12,345,600%
let n1 = 1.23456
let n1Str = n1.formatted(.number.precision(.fractionLength(3)).rounded())
print(n1Str) // 1.235
// 地址
import Contacts
let f4 = CNPostalAddressFormatter()
let address = CNMutablePostalAddress()
address.street = "海淀区王庄路XX号院X号楼X门XXX"
address.postalCode = "100083"
address.city = "北京"
address.country = "中国"
print(f4.string(from: address))
/// 海淀区王庄路XX号院X号楼X门XXX
/// 北京 100083
/// 中国
// 参考:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsdimension
let m1 = Measurement(value: 1, unit: UnitLength.kilometers)
let m2 = m1.converted(to: .meters) // 千米转米
print(m2) // 1000.0 m
// 度量值转为本地化的值
let mf = MeasurementFormatter()
mf.locale = Locale(identifier: "zh_Hans_CN")
print(mf.string(from: m1)) // 1公里
面积 = 长度 × 长度
体积 = 长度 × 长度 × 长度 = 面积 × 长度
力 = 质量 × 加速度
扭矩 = 力 × 长度
压力 = 力 / 面积
密度=质量 / 体积
能量 = 功率 × 时间
电阻 = 电压 / 电流
// 对数据的压缩
let d1 = "看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?看看能够压缩多少?".data(using: .utf8)! as NSData
print("ori \(d1.count) bytes")
do {
/// 压缩算法
/// * lz4
/// * lzma
/// * zlib
/// * lzfse
let compressed = try d1.compressed(using: .zlib)
print("comp \(compressed.count) bytes")
// 对数据解压
let decomressed = try compressed.decompressed(using: .zlib)
let deStr = String(data: decomressed as Data, encoding: .utf8)
print(deStr ?? "")
} catch {}
/// ori 297 bytes
/// comp 37 bytes
let path1 = "/Users/mingdai/Downloads/1.html"
let path2 = "/Users/mingdai/Documents/GitHub/"
let u1 = URL(string: path1)
do {
// 写入
let url1 = try FileManager.default.url(for: .itemReplacementDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: u1, create: true) // 保证原子性安全保存
// 读取
let s1 = try String(contentsOfFile: path1, encoding: .utf8)
} catch {}
// 检查路径是否可用
let u2 = URL(fileURLWithPath:path2)
do {
let values = try u2.resourceValues(forKeys: [.volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsageKey])
if let capacity = values.volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsage {
print("可用: \(capacity)")
} else {
} catch {
print("错误: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// 遍历路径下所有目录
let u3 = URL(fileURLWithPath: FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath)
let fm = FileManager.default
fm.enumerator(atPath: u3.path)?.forEach({ path in
guard let path = path as? String else {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path, relativeTo: u3)
可以使用 FileWrapper 来创建文件夹和文件。举个例子:
// FileWrapper 的使用
// 创建文件
let f1 = FileWrapper(regularFileWithContents: Data("# 第 n 个文件\n ## 标题".utf8))
f1.fileAttributes[FileAttributeKey.creationDate.rawValue] = Date()
f1.fileAttributes[FileAttributeKey.modificationDate.rawValue] = Date()
// 创建文件夹
let folder1 = FileWrapper(directoryWithFileWrappers: [
"file1.md": f1
folder1.fileAttributes[FileAttributeKey.creationDate.rawValue] = Date()
folder1.fileAttributes[FileAttributeKey.modificationDate.rawValue] = Date()
do {
try folder1.write(
to: URL(fileURLWithPath: FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath).appendingPathComponent("NewFolder"),
options: .atomic,
originalContentsURL: nil
} catch {}
上面代码写起来比较繁琐,对 FileWrapper 更好的封装可以参考这篇文章《 A Type-Safe FileWrapper | Heberti Almeida 》。
文件读写处理完整能力可以参看这个库 GitHub - JohnSundell/Files: A nicer way to handle files & folders in Swift
通过 HTTPHeader 里的 If-Modified-Since、Last-Modified、If-None-Match 和 Etag 等字段来判断文件的变化,本地则是使用 DispatchSource.makeFileSystemObjectSource 来进行的文件变化监听。可以参考 KZFileWatchers 库的做法。
let s1 = """
let sn1 = Scanner(string: s1)
while !sn1.isAtEnd {
if let r1 = sn1.scanUpToCharacters(from: .newlines) {
print(r1 as String)
/// one1,
/// two2,
/// three3.
// 找出数字
let sn2 = Scanner(string: s1)
sn2.charactersToBeSkipped = CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted // 不是数字的就跳过
var p: Int = 0
while !sn2.isAtEnd {
if sn2.scanInt(&p) {
/// 1
/// 2
/// 3
上面的代码还不是那么 Swifty,可以通过用AnySequence和AnyIterator来包装下,将序列中的元素推迟到实际需要时再来处理,这样性能也会更好些。具体实现可以参看《 String parsing in Swift 》这篇文章。
var aStrs = [AttributedString]()
var aStr1 = AttributedString("""
// 标题
let title = aStr1.range(of: "标题")
guard let title = title else {
return aStrs
var c1 = AttributeContainer() // 可复用容器
c1.inlinePresentationIntent = .stronglyEmphasized
c1.font = .largeTitle
// 链接
let link = aStr1.range(of: "链接")
guard let link = link else {
return aStrs
var c2 = AttributeContainer() // 链接
c2.strokeColor = .blue
c2.link = URL(string: "https://ming1016.github.io/")
aStr1[link].setAttributes(c2.merging(c1)) // 合并 AttributeContainer
// Runs
let i1 = aStr1.range(of: "重点")
let i2 = aStr1.range(of: "强调")
guard let i1 = i1, let i2 = i2 else {
return aStrs
var c3 = AttributeContainer()
c3.foregroundColor = .yellow
c3.inlinePresentationIntent = .stronglyEmphasized
for r in aStr1.runs {
// Markdown
do {
let aStr2 = try AttributedString(markdown: """
} catch {}
SwiftUI 的 Text 可以直接读取 AttributedString 来进行显示。
let ri = Int.random(in: 0..<10)
print(ri) // 0到10随机数
let a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(a.randomElement() ?? 0) // 数组中随机取个数
print(a.shuffled()) // 随机打乱数组顺序
enum UDKey {
static let k1 = "token"
let ud = UserDefaults.standard
ud.set("xxxxxx", forKey: UDKey.k1)
let tk = ud.string(forKey: UDKey.k1)
print(tk ?? "")
struct S {
static let shared = S()
private init() {
// 防止实例初始化
#if os(tvOS)
// do something in tvOS
#elseif os(iOS)
// do somthing in iOS
#elseif os(macOS)
// do somthing in macOS
// 版本
@available(iOS 15, *)
func f() {
// 版本检查
if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, *) {
} else {
// nothing happen
#if canImport(SpriteKit)
// iOS 等苹果系统执行
// 非苹果系统
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
// 模拟器
// 真机
结果生成器(Result builders),通过传递序列创建新值,SwiftUI就是使用的结果生成器将多个视图生成一个视图
struct RBS {
// 基本闭包支持
static func buildBlock(_ components: Int...) -> Int {
components.reduce(0) { partialResult, i in
partialResult + i
// 支持条件判断
static func buildEither(first component: Int) -> Int {
static func buildEither(second component: Int) -> Int {
// 支持循环
static func buildArray(_ components: [Int]) -> Int {
components.reduce(0) { partialResult, i in
partialResult + i
let a = RBS.buildBlock(
print(a) // 6
// 应用到函数中
@RBS func f1() -> Int {
print(f1()) // 6
// 设置了 buildEither 就可以在闭包中进行条件判断。
@RBS func f2(stopAtThree: Bool) -> Int {
if stopAtThree == true {
} else {
print(f2(stopAtThree: false)) // 21
// 设置了 buildArray 就可以在闭包内使用循环了
@RBS func f3() -> Int {
for i in 1...3 {
i * 2
print(f3()) // 12
@dynamicMemberLookup 指示访问属性时调用一个已实现的处理动态查找的下标方法 subscript(dynamicMemeber:),通过指定属性字符串名返回值。使用方法如下:
struct D {
// 找字符串
subscript(dynamicMember m: String) -> String {
let p = ["one": "first", "two": "second"]
return p[m, default: ""]
// 找整型
subscript(dynamicMember m: String) -> Int {
let p = ["one": 1, "two": 2]
return p[m, default: 0]
// 找闭包
subscript(dynamicMember m: String) -> (_ s: String) -> Void {
return {
print("show \($0)")
// 静态数组成员
var p = ["This is a member"]
// 动态数组成员
subscript(dynamicMember m: String) -> [String] {
return ["This is a dynamic member"]
let d = D()
let s1: String = d.one
print(s1) // first
let i1: Int = d.one
print(i1) // 1
d.show("something") // show something
print(d.p) // ["This is a member"]
let dynamicP:[String] = d.dp
print(dynamicP) // ["This is a dynamic member"]
类使用 @dynamicMemberLookup,继承的类也会自动加上 @dynamicMemberLookup。协议上定义 @dynamicMemberLookup,通过扩展可以默认实现 subscript(dynamicMember:) 方法。
@dynamicCallable 动态可调用类型。通过实现 dynamicallyCall 方法来定义变参的处理。
struct D {
// 带参数说明
func dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments args: KeyValuePairs<String, Int>) -> Int {
let firstArg = args.first?.value ?? 0
return firstArg * 2
// 无参数说明
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments args: [String]) -> String {
var firstArg = ""
if args.count > 0 {
firstArg = args[0]
return "show \(firstArg)"
let d = D()
let i = d(numberIs: 2)
print(i) // 4
let s = d("hi")
print(s) // show hi
struct H: Hashable {
var p1: String
var p2: Int
// 提供随机 seed
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
let h1 = H(p1: "one", p2: 1)
let h2 = H(p1: "two", p2: 2)
var hs1 = Hasher()
print(h1.hashValue) // 7417088153212460033 随机值
print(h2.hashValue) // -6972912482785541972 随机值
print(hs1.finalize()) // 7955861102637572758 随机值
print(h1.hashValue) // 7417088153212460033 和前面 h1 一样
let h3 = H(p1: "one", p2: 1)
print(h3.hashValue) // 7417088153212460033 和前面 h1 一样
var hs2 = Hasher()
print(hs2.finalize()) // 7955861102637572758 和前面 hs1 一样
应用生命周期内,调用 combine() 添加相同属性哈希值相同,由于 Hasher 每次都会使用随机的 seed,因此不同应用生命周期,也就是下次启动的哈希值,就会和上次的哈希值不同。
struct CommitModel: Decodable, Hashable {
var sha: String
var author: AuthorModel
var commit: CommitModel
extension CommitModel: Identifiable {
var id: String {
return sha
通过 Network 库的 NWPathMonitor 来检查
import Combine
import Network
// 网络状态检查 network state check
final class Nsck: ObservableObject {
static let shared = Nsck()
private(set) lazy var pb = mkpb()
@Published private(set) var pt: NWPath
private let monitor: NWPathMonitor
private lazy var sj = CurrentValueSubject<NWPath, Never>(monitor.currentPath)
private var sb: AnyCancellable?
init() {
monitor = NWPathMonitor()
pt = monitor.currentPath
monitor.pathUpdateHandler = { [weak self] path in
self?.pt = path
monitor.start(queue: DispatchQueue.global())
deinit {
sj.send(completion: .finished)
private func mkpb() -> AnyPublisher<NWPath, Never> {
return sj.eraseToAnyPublisher()
var sb = Set<AnyCancellable>()
var alertMsg = ""
.sink { _ in
} receiveValue: { path in
alertMsg = path.debugDescription
switch path.status {
case .satisfied:
alertMsg = ""
case .unsatisfied:
alertMsg = "😱"
case .requiresConnection:
alertMsg = "🥱"
@unknown default:
alertMsg = "🤔"
if path.status == .unsatisfied {
switch path.unsatisfiedReason {
case .notAvailable:
alertMsg += "网络不可用"
case .cellularDenied:
alertMsg += "蜂窝网不可用"
case .wifiDenied:
alertMsg += "Wifi不可用"
case .localNetworkDenied:
alertMsg += "网线不可用"
@unknown default:
alertMsg += "网络不可用"
.store(in: &sb)
import SwiftUI
struct AnimateLayout: View {
@State var changeLayout: Bool = true
@Namespace var namespace
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 30) {
if changeLayout {
HStack { items }
} else {
VStack { items }
Button("切换布局") {
withAnimation { changeLayout.toggle() }
@ViewBuilder var items: some View {
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "one", in: namespace)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "Two", in: namespace)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "Three", in: namespace)
let d1 = Data("keyChain github token".utf8)
let service = "access-token"
let account = "github"
let q1 = [
kSecValueData: d1,
kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecAttrService: service,
kSecAttrAccount: account
] as CFDictionary
// 添加一个 keychain
let status = SecItemAdd(q1, nil)
// 如果已经添加过会抛出 -25299 错误代码,需要调用 SecItemUpdate 来进行更新
if status == errSecDuplicateItem {
let q2 = [
kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecAttrService: service,
kSecAttrAccount: account
] as CFDictionary
let q3 = [
kSecValueData: d1
] as CFDictionary
SecItemUpdate(q2, q3)
// 读取
let q4 = [
kSecAttrService: service,
kSecAttrAccount: account,
kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecReturnData: true
] as CFDictionary
var re: AnyObject?
SecItemCopyMatching(q4, &re)
guard let reData = re as? Data else { return }
print(String(decoding: reData, as: UTF8.self)) // keyChain github token
// 删除
let q5 = [
kSecAttrService: service,
kSecAttrAccount: account,
kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
] as CFDictionary
Swift 允许全局编写 Swift 代码,实际上 clang 会自动将代码包进一个模拟 C 的函数中。Swift 也能够指定入口点,比如 @UIApplicationMain 或 @NSApplicationMain,UIKit 启动后生命周期管理是 AppDelegate 和 SceneDelegate,《 Understanding the iOS 13 Scene Delegate 》这篇有详细介绍。
@UIApplicationMain 和 @NSApplicationMain 会自动生成入口点。这些入口点都是平台相关的,Swift 发展来看是多平台的,这样在 Swift 5.3 时引入了 @main,可以方便的指定入口点。代码如下:
@main // 要定义个静态的 main 函数
struct M {
static func main() {
print("let's begin")
ArgumentParser 库,Swift 官方开源的一个开发命令行工具的库,也支持 @main。使用方法如下:
import ArgumentParser
struct C: ParsableCommand {
@Argument(help: "Start")
var phrase: String
func run() throws {
for _ in 1...5 {
Swift 1.1
- countElements() 改成了 count()。
- @NSApplicationMain 可以在 macOS 上使用。
Swift 1.2
- 引入 Set 类型。
- if let 可以放到一起,使用逗号分隔。
- 新增 zip() 和 flatMap()。
- 类增加静态方法和静态属性,使用 static 关键字描述。
- as! 用于类型强转,失败会崩溃。
- @noescape 用于描述作为参数闭包,用来告诉 Swift 闭包将在函数返回前使用。
- 常量可以延后初始化。
Swift 2.0
- 增加 guard 关键字,用于解可选项值。
- defer 关键字用来延迟执行,即使抛出错误了都会在最后执行。
- ErrorType 协议,以及 throws、do、try 和 catch 的引入用来处理错误。
- characters 加上 count,用来替代 count()。
- #available 用来检查系统版本。
Swift 2.1
- 字符串插值可以包含字符串字面符号。
Swift 2.2
- FILE, LINE 和 FUNCTION 换成 #file,#line 和 #function。
- 废弃 ++ 和 -- 操作符。
- C 语言风格 for 循环废弃。
- 废弃变量参数,因为变量参数容易和 inout 搞混。
- 废弃字符串化的选择器,选择器不再能写成字符串了。
- 元组可直接比较是否相等。
Swift 3.0
- 规范动词和名词来命名。
- 去掉 NS 前缀。
- 方法名描述参数部分变为参数名。
- 省略没必要的单词,命名做了简化呢。比如 stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet 就换成了 trimmingCharacters。
- 枚举的属性使用小写开头。
- 引入 C 函数的属性。
Swift 3.1
- 序列新增 prefix(while:) 和 drop(while:) 方法,顺序遍历执行闭包里的逻辑判断,满足条件就返回,遇到不匹配就会停止遍历。prefix 返回满足条件的元素集合,drop 返回停止遍历之后那些元素集合。
- 泛型适用于嵌套类型。
- 类型的扩展可以使用约束条件,比如扩展数组时,加上元素为整数的约束,这样的扩展就只会对元素为整数的数组有效。
Swift 4.0
- 加入 Codable 协议,更 Swifty 的编码和解码。提案 SE-0167 Swift Encoders
- 字符串加入三个双引号的支持,让多行字符串编写更加直观。提案 SE-0168 Multi-Line String Literals
- 字符串变成集合,表示可以对字符串进行逐字遍历、map 和反转等操作。
- keypaths 语法提升。提案见 SE-0161 Smart KeyPaths: Better Key-Value Coding for Swift
- 集合加入 ..<10 这样语法的单边切片。提案 SE-0172 One-sided Ranges
- 字典新增 mapValues,可 map 字典的值。通过 grouping 可对字典进行分组生成新字典,键和值都可以。从字典中取值,如果键对应无值,则使用通过 default 指定的默认值。提案 SE-0165 Dictionary & Set Enhancements
Swift 4.1
- Hashable 也不需要返回一个唯一的 hashValue 哈希值属性。
- Equatable 和 Hashable 自动合成的提案参见 SE-0185 Synthesizing Equatable and Hashable conformance。
- 两个自定类型比较是否相等时,不再需要比较每个属性,Swift 会自动生成 == 方法,你只需要声明 Equatable 协议。
- 引入 KeyDecodingStrategy属性,其中 .convertFromSnakeCase 可以将下划线的命名转化成驼峰的命名。
- 引入条件符合性,只有满足一定条件才符合协议。比如扩展数组要求当里面元素满足某协议数组才符合这个协议。提案见 SE-0143 Conditional conformances。
- 引入 canImport 宏条件关键字,判断是否可以使用某库,以前只能通过判断操作系统平台来判断。提案见 SE-0075 Adding a Build Configuration Import Test。
- 新增能够去除为零项目的 compactMap()。提案 SE-0187 Introduce Sequence.compactMap(_:)
- 关联类型可以创建递归约束,提案见 SE-0157 Support recursive constraints on associated types
- targetEnvironment 环境的判断,比如模拟器。提案见 SE-0190 Target environment platform condition 。
Swift 4.2
- 新增动态成员查询,@dynamicMemberLookup 新属性,指示访问属性时调用一个已实现的处理动态查找的下标方法 subscript(dynamicMemeber:),通过指定属性字符串名返回值。提案 SE-0195 Introduce User-defined "Dynamic Member Lookup" Types
- 集合新加 removeAll(where:) 方法,过滤满足条件所有元素。比 filter 更高效。提案 SE-0197 Adding in-place removeAll(where:) to the Standard Library
- 布尔值增加 toggle() 方法,用来切换布尔值。提案见 SE-0199 Adding toggle to Bool
- 引入 CaseIterable 协议,可以将枚举中所有 case 生成 allCases 数组。提案 SE-0194 Derived Collection of Enum Cases
- 引入 #warning 和 #error 两个新的编译器指令。#warning 会产生一个警告,#error 会直接让编译出错。比如必须要填写 token 才能编译的话可以在设置 token 的代码前加上 #error 和说明。提案见 SE-0196 Compiler Diagnostic Directives
- 新增加密安全的随机 API。直接在数字类型上调用 random() 方法生成随机数。shuffle() 方法可以对数组进行乱序重排。提案 SE-0202 Random Unification
- 更简单更安全的哈希协议,引入新的 Hasher 结构,通过 combine() 方法为哈希值添加更多属性,调用 finalize() 方法生成最终哈希值。提案 SE-0206 Hashable Enhancements
- 集合增加 allSatisfy() 用来判断集合中的元素是否都满足了一个条件。提案 SE-0207 Add an allSatisfy algorithm to Sequence
Swift 5.0
- @dynamicCallable 动态可调用类型。通过实现 dynamicallyCall 方法来定义变参的处理。提案 SE-0216 Introduce user-defined dynamically "callable" types
- 新加 Result 类型用来处理错误。提案 SE-0235 Add Result to the Standard Library
- 新增原始字符串能力,在字符串前加上一个或多个#符号。里面的双引号和转义符号将不再起作用了,如果想让转义符起作用,需要在转义符后面加上#符号。提案见 SE-0200 Enhancing String Literals Delimiters to Support Raw Text
- 自定义字符串插值。提案 SE-0228 Fix ExpressibleByStringInterpolation
- 枚举新增 @unknown 用来区分固定的枚举和可能改变的枚举的能力。用于防止未来新增枚举属性会进行提醒提示完善每个 case 的处理。提案 SE-0192 Handling Future Enum Cases
- compactMapValues() 对字典值进行转换和解包。可以解可选类型,并去掉 nil 值。提案 SE-0218 Introduce compactMapValues to Dictionary
- 扁平化 try?。提案 SE-0230 Flatten nested optionals resulting from 'try?'
- isMultiple(of:) 方法检查一个数字是否是另一个数字的倍数。提案见 SE-0225 Adding isMultiple to BinaryInteger
Swift 5.1
- 有序集合的 diff,通过 difference(from:) 方法,可以返回要删除哪些和添加哪些项目能够让两个集合相等。提案 SE-0240 Ordered Collection Diffing
- 属性包装。提案 SE-0258 Property Wrappers
- 不透明返回类型。函数调用者决定返回什么类型是泛型,函数自身决定返回什么类型使用不透明返回类型。提案 SE-0244 Opaque Result Types
- 初始化有默认值的属性可不设置。提案 SE-0242 Synthesize default values for the memberwise initializer
- 单行表达式函数隐式返回,返回一个单行表达式的函数可以不用 return 关键字。提案 SE-0255 Implicit returns from single-expression functions
- 在类、结构体和枚举里使用 Self,Self 可以指代包含的类型。提案见 SE-0068 Expanding Swift Self to class members and value types
- 静态下标。提案 SE-0254 Static and class subscripts
- 枚举里有 none 的 case 编译器会提示换成 Optional.none。
- 引入未初始化数组。提案 SE-0245 Add an Array Initializer with Access to Uninitialized Storage
Swift 5.2
- 自定义类型中实现了 callAsFunction() 的话,该类型的值就可以直接调用。提案 SE-0253 Callable values of user-defined nominal types
- 键路径表达式作为函数。提案 SE-0249 Key Path Expressions as Functions
Swift 5.3
- SPM 包管理资源,SPM 可以包含资源文件,比如多媒体或文本等。通过 Bundle.module 访问这些资源。提案 SE-0271 Package Manager Resources
- SPM 包里资源本地化。提案 SE-0278 Package Manager Localized Resources
- SPM 可以整合二进制包依赖。提案 SE-0272 Package Manager Binary Dependencies
- SPM 可以设置特定平台的依赖。提案 SE-0273 Package Manager Conditional Target Dependencies
- 单个 catch 块中捕获多个 Error 的 case。提案 SE-0276 Multi-Pattern Catch Clauses
- 支持多个尾部闭包。提案见 SE-0279 Multiple Trailing Closures
- 符合 Comparable 协议的枚举可以进行比较。提案 SE-0266 Synthesized Comparable conformance for enum types
- 很多地方可以不用加 self 来指代实例自己了。提案见 SE-0269 Increase availability of implicit self in @escaping closures when reference cycles are unlikely to occur
- @main 可以方便指定程序入口点。提案 SE-0281 @main: Type-Based Program Entry Points
- where 子句可以用到泛型和扩展函数中。提案 SE-0267 where clauses on contextually generic declarations
- 枚举的 case 也可以符合协议。提案 SE-0280 Enum cases as protocol witnesses
- 完善 didSet,性能提升。提案 SE-0268 Refine didSet Semantics
- 新增 Float16 类型,即半精度浮点类型。提案 SE-0277 Float16
Swift 5.4
- SPM 支持 @main。提案见 SE-0294 Declaring executable targets in Package Manifests
- 结果生成器(Result builders),通过传递序列创建新值,SwiftUI就是使用的结果生成器将多个视图生成一个视图。提案 SE-0289 Result builders
- 增强隐式成员语法,即使用了隐式的成员可以进行链式处理。提案见 SE-0287 Extend implicit member syntax to cover chains of member references
- 函数开始有了使用多个变量参数的能力。提案 SE-0284 Allow Multiple Variadic Parameters in Functions, Subscripts, and Initializers
- 嵌套函数可以重载,嵌套函数可以在声明函数之前调用他。
- 属性包装支持局部变量。
Swift 5.5
- Async await,用同步写法来处理异步。提案 SE-0296 Async/await
- Async sequences,异步序列上的循环能力。符合 AsyncSequence 协议的序列可以通过 for await 来进行异步循环。提案见 SE-0298 Async/Await: Sequences
- 结构化的并发,使用 Task 和 TaskGroup 执行、取消和监听当前操作的方法。复杂的并发处理可以使用 withTaskGroup() 来创建一组 Task,addTask() 用来添加任务,cancelAll() 可以取消任务,addTask() 在取消任务后可以继续添加任务,如果使用了 addTaskUnlessCancelled() 方法就可以避免取消后会继续添加任务这种情况。提案见 SE-0304 Structured concurrency
- 只读属性支持 async 和 throws 关键字。提案 SE-0310 Effectful Read-only Properties
- async let,可以创建 await 子任务。提案 SE-0317 async let bindings
- 以前异步代码的适配。比如 DispatchQueue.main.async,外部库可以通过 withCheckedContinuation() 函数来对以前异步代码进行封装。 提案见 SE-0300 Continuations for interfacing async tasks with synchronous code
- Actor,可以确保内部只能被一个线程访问,避免存储属性和方法出现竞争条件。提案在这 SE-0306 Actors
- 全局 actors,通过 actor 将全局状态隔离出来,避免数据竞争。比如主线程 @MainActor 这个属性包装可以将属性和方法标记为只能在主线程上访问。提案 SE-0316 Global actors
- Sendable 协议和 @Sendable 属性包装,目的是支持安全的将数据从一个线程传给另一个线程。Swift 的核心数据类型比如字符、集合等已符合 Sendable 协议。提案 SE-0302 Sendable and @Sendable closures
- 局部变量可以使用 lazy。
- 属性包装可以用到函数和闭包参数上。提案SE-0293 Extend Property Wrappers to Function and Closure Parameters
- 泛型支持静态成员查找。提案 SE-0299 Extending Static Member Lookup in Generic Contexts
- #if 用于后缀成员表达式。提案见 SE-0308 #if for postfix member expressions
- CGFloat 和 Double 之间可以隐式转换。提案 SE-0307 Allow interchangeable use of CGFloat and Double types
- Codable 支持关联值枚举。提案 SE-0295 Codable synthesis for enums with associated values
多用静态特性。swift 在编译期间所做的优化比 OC 要多,这是由于他的静态派发、泛型特化、写时复制这些静态特性决定的。另外通过 final 和 private 这样的表示可将动态特性转化为静态方式,编译开启 WMO 可以自动推导出哪些动态派发可转化为静态派发。
- 字典:用结构体替代
- Any:可用泛型或关联关联类型替代
- as? :少用 AnyObject,多用泛型或不透明类型
- !:要少用
- 少用继承,多用 protocol
- 多用 extension 对自己代码进行管理
- 《Thinking in SwiftUI》
- 《Swift 进阶》
- 《函数式Swift》
- 《深入解析Mac OS X & iOS操作系统》
- 《LLVM Techniques, Tips, and Best Practices Clang and Middle-End Libraries》
- 《Learn LLVM 12》
- 《Crafting Interpreters》
- 《TCP/IP Illustrated》
- 《松本行弘的程序世界》
- 《现代操作系统》
- 《深入理解计算机系统》
- 《程序员的自我修养》
- 《Head First 设计模式》
下面是 SQLite.swift 库的使用介绍,包括了数据库创建,表创建,表的添加、更新、删除、查找等处理方法
import SQLite
struct DB {
static let shared = DB()
static let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(
.applicationSupportDirectory, .userDomainMask, true
let BBDB: Connection?
private init() {
do {
BBDB = try Connection("\(DB.path)/github.sqlite3")
} catch {
BBDB = nil
/// Swift 类型和 SQLite 类型对标如下:
/// Int64 = INTEGER
/// Double = REAL
/// String = TEXT
/// nil = NULL
/// SQLite.Blob = BLOB
// 创建表
func cTbs() throws {
do {
try ReposNotiDataHelper.createTable()
try DevsNotiDataHelper.createTable()
} catch {
throw DBError.connectionErr
enum DBError: Error {
case connectionErr, insertErr, deleteErr, searchErr, updateErr, nilInData
protocol DataHelperProtocol {
associatedtype T
static func createTable() throws -> Void
static func insert(i: T) throws -> Int64
static func delete(i: T) throws -> Void
static func findAll() throws -> [T]?
// MARK: 开发者更新提醒
typealias DBDevNoti = (
login: String,
lastReadId: String,
unRead: Int
struct DevsNotiDataHelper: DataHelperProtocol {
static let table = Table("devsNoti")
static let login = Expression<String>("login")
static let lastReadId = Expression<String>("lastReadId")
static let unRead = Expression<Int>("unRead")
typealias T = DBDevNoti
static func createTable() throws {
guard let db = DB.shared.BBDB else {
throw DBError.connectionErr
do {
let _ = try db.run(table.create(ifNotExists: true) { t in
t.column(login, unique: true)
t.column(lastReadId, defaultValue: "")
t.column(unRead, defaultValue: 0)
} catch _ {
throw DBError.connectionErr
} // end createTable
static func insert(i: DBDevNoti) throws -> Int64 {
guard let db = DB.shared.BBDB else {
throw DBError.connectionErr
let insert = table.insert(login <- i.login, lastReadId <- i.lastReadId, unRead <- i.unRead)
do {
let rowId = try db.run(insert)
guard rowId > 0 else {
throw DBError.insertErr
return rowId
} catch {
throw DBError.insertErr
} // end insert
static func delete(i: DBDevNoti) throws {
guard let db = DB.shared.BBDB else {
throw DBError.connectionErr
let query = table.filter(login == i.login)
do {
let tmp = try db.run(query.delete())
guard tmp == 1 else {
throw DBError.deleteErr
} catch {
throw DBError.deleteErr
} // end delete
static func find(sLogin: String) throws -> DBDevNoti? {
guard let db = DB.shared.BBDB else {
throw DBError.connectionErr
let query = table.filter(login == sLogin)
let items = try db.prepare(query)
for i in items {
return DBDevNoti(login: i[login], lastReadId: i[lastReadId], unRead: i[unRead])
return nil
} // end find
static func update(i: DBDevNoti) throws {
guard let db = DB.shared.BBDB else {
throw DBError.connectionErr
let query = table.filter(login == i.login)
do {
if try db.run(query.update(lastReadId <- i.lastReadId, unRead <- i.unRead)) > 0 {
} else {
throw DBError.updateErr
} catch {
throw DBError.updateErr
} // end update
static func findAll() throws -> [DBDevNoti]? {
guard let db = DB.shared.BBDB else {
throw DBError.connectionErr
var arr = [DBDevNoti]()
let items = try db.prepare(table)
for i in items {
arr.append(DBDevNoti(login: i[login], lastReadId: i[lastReadId], unRead: i[unRead]))
return arr
} // end find all
// MARK: 初始化数据库
et db = DB.shared
do {
try db.cTbs() // 创建表
} catch {
do {
if let fd = try ReposNotiDataHelper.find(sFullName: r.id) {
reposDic[fd.fullName] = fd.unRead
} else {
do {
let _ = try ReposNotiDataHelper.insert(i: DBRepoNoti(fullName: r.id, lastReadCommitSha: "", unRead: 0))
reposDic[r.id] = 0
} catch {
return reposDic
} catch {
return reposDic
- 官方提供的两个例子,Creating a macOS App,Building a Great Mac App with SwiftUI (有table和LazyVGrid的用法)。
- GitHub - adamayoung/Movies: Movies and TV Shows App for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and macOS 使用了SwiftUI和Combine,电影数据使用的是The Movie Database (TMDB)的API
import SwiftUI
struct SwiftPamphletApp: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
.navigationTitle("Swift 小册子")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: ToolbarItemPlacement.navigation) {
Button {
NSApp.keyWindow?.firstResponder?.tryToPerform(#selector(NSSplitViewController.toggleSidebar(_:)), with: nil)
} label: {
Label("Sidebar", systemImage: "sidebar.left")
struct SPSidebar: View {
var body: some View {
List {
Section("第一组") {
NavigationLink("第一项", destination: SPList(title: "列表1"))
NavigationLink("第二项", destination: SPList(title: "列表2"))
Section("第二组") {
NavigationLink("第三项", destination: SPList(title: "列表3"))
NavigationLink("第四项", destination: SPList(title: "列表4"))
.frame(minWidth: 160)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem {
Menu {
} label: {
Label("Label", systemImage: "slider.horizontal.3")
struct SPList: View {
var title: String
@State var searchText: String = ""
var body: some View {
List(0..<3) { i in
.toolbar(content: {
Button {
} label: {
Label("Add", systemImage: "plus")
.searchable(text: $searchText)
struct ShareView: View {
var s: String
var body: some View {
Menu {
Button {
let p = NSPasteboard.general
p.declareTypes([.string], owner: nil)
p.setString(s, forType: .string)
} label: {
Image(systemName: "doc.on.doc")
ForEach(NSSharingService.sharingServices(forItems: [""]), id: \.title) { item in
Button {
item.perform(withItems: [s])
} label: {
Image(nsImage: item.image)
} label: {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
// 读取剪贴板内容
let s = NSPasteboard.general.string(forType: .string)
guard let s = s else {
// 设置剪贴板内容
let p = NSPasteboard.general
p.declareTypes([.string], owner: nil)
p.setString(s, forType: .string)
WWDC 2019苹果推出Combine,Combine是一种响应式编程范式,采用声明式的Swift API。
Combine 写代码的思路是你写代码不同于以往命令式的描述如何处理数据,Combine 是要去描述好数据会经过哪些逻辑运算处理。这样代码更好维护,可以有效的减少嵌套闭包以及分散的回调等使得代码维护麻烦的苦恼。
// 所有数相加
// 命令式思维
func sum1(arr: [Int]) -> Int {
var sum: Int = 0
for v in arr {
sum += v
return sum
// 声明式思维
func sum2(arr: [Int]) -> Int {
return arr.reduce(0, +)
Combine 主要用来处理异步的事件和值。苹果 UI 框架都是在主线程上进行 UI 更新,Combine 通过 Publisher 的 receive 设置回主线程更新UI会非常的简单。
已有的 RxSwift 和 ReactiveSwift 框架和 Combine 的思路和用法类似。
Combine 的三个核心概念
- 发布者
- 订阅者
- 操作符
let pA = Just(0)
let _ = pA.sink { v in
print("pA is: \(v)")
let pB = [7,90,16,11].publisher
let _ = pB
.sink { v in
print("pB: \(v)")
class AClass {
var p: Int = 0 {
didSet {
print("property update to \(p)")
let o = AClass()
let _ = pB.assign(to: \.p, on: o)
官方文档链接 Combine | Apple Developer Documentation 。还有 Using Combine 这里有大量使用示例,内容较全。官方讨论Combine的论坛 Topics tagged combine 。StackOverflow上相关问题 Newest ‘combine’ Questions 。
- Modern Swift API Design
- Data Flow Through SwiftUI
- Introducing Combine and Advances in Foundation
- Advances in Networking, Part 1
- Building Collaborative AR Experiences
- Expanding the Sensory Experience with Core Haptics
publisher 是发布者,sink 是订阅者
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
struct S {
let p1: String
let p2: String
[S(p1: "1", p2: "one"), S(p1: "2", p2: "two")]
.sink {
.store(in: &cc)
array: receive subscription: ([戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $10ac82d20).(unknown context at $10ac82da4).S(p1: "1", p2: "one"), 戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $10ac82d20).(unknown context at $10ac82da4).S(p1: "2", p2: "two")])
array: request unlimited
array: receive value: (S(p1: "1", p2: "one"))
S(p1: "1", p2: "one")
array: receive value: (S(p1: "2", p2: "two"))
S(p1: "2", p2: "two")
array: receive finished
Just 是发布者,发布的数据在初始化时完成
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
struct S {
let p1: String
let p2: String
let pb = Just(S(p1: "1", p2: "one"))
.sink {
.store(in: &cc)
pb: receive subscription: (Just)
pb: request unlimited
pb: receive value: (S(p1: "1", p2: "one"))
S(p1: "1", p2: "one")
pb: receive finished
PassthroughSubject 可以传递多值,订阅者可以是一个也可以是多个,send 指明 completion 后,订阅者就没法接收到新发送的值了。
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
struct S {
let p1: String
let p2: String
enum CError: Error {
case aE, bE
let ps1 = PassthroughSubject<S, CError>()
.sink { c in
print("completion:", c) // send 了 .finished 后会执行
} receiveValue: { s in
print("receive:", s)
.store(in: &cc)
ps1.send(S(p1: "1", p2: "one"))
ps1.send(completion: .failure(CError.aE)) // 和 .finished 一样后面就不会发送了
ps1.send(S(p1: "2", p2: "two"))
ps1.send(completion: .finished)
ps1.send(S(p1: "3", p2: "three"))
// 多个订阅者
let ps2 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
ps2.send("one") // 订阅之前 send 的数据没有订阅者可以接收
let sb1 = ps2
.print("ps2 sb1")
.sink { s in
ps2.send("three") // 这个 send 的值会被 sb1
let sb2 = ps2
.print("ps2 sb2")
.sink { s in
ps2.send("four") // 这个 send 的值会被 sb1 和 sb2 接受
sb1.store(in: &cc)
sb2.store(in: &cc)
ps2.send(completion: .finished)
ps1: receive subscription: (PassthroughSubject)
ps1: request unlimited
ps1: receive value: (S(p1: "1", p2: "one"))
receive: S(p1: "1", p2: "one")
ps1: receive error: (aE)
completion: failure(戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $10b15ce10).(unknown context at $10b15cf3c).CError.aE)
ps2 sb1: receive subscription: (PassthroughSubject)
ps2 sb1: request unlimited
ps2 sb1: receive value: (three)
ps2 sb2: receive subscription: (PassthroughSubject)
ps2 sb2: request unlimited
ps2 sb1: receive value: (four)
ps2 sb2: receive value: (four)
ps2 sb1: receive finished
ps2 sb2: receive finished
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
struct S {
let p1: String
let p2: String
let ept = Empty<S, Never>() // 加上 completeImmediately: false 后面即使用 replaceEmpty 也不会接受值
.sink { c in
print("completion:", c)
} receiveValue: { s in
print("receive:", s)
.store(in: &cc)
ept.replaceEmpty(with: S(p1: "1", p2: "one"))
.sink { c in
print("completion:", c)
} receiveValue: { s in
print("receive:", s)
.store(in: &cc)
ept: receive subscription: (Empty)
ept: request unlimited
ept: receive finished
completion: finished
receive: S(p1: "1", p2: "one")
completion: finished
CurrentValueSubject 的订阅者可以收到订阅时已发出的那条数据
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let cs = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("one")
let sb1 = cs
.print("cs sb1")
.sink {
let sb2 = cs
.print("cs sb2")
.sink {
sb1.store(in: &cc)
sb2.store(in: &cc)
cs sb1: receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
cs sb1: request unlimited
cs sb1: receive value: (three)
cs sb1: receive value: (four)
cs sb1: receive value: (five)
cs sb2: receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
cs sb2: request unlimited
cs sb2: receive value: (five)
cs sb1: receive value: (six)
cs sb2: receive value: (six)
cs sb1: receive cancel
cs sb2: receive cancel
使用 removeDuplicates,重复的值就不会发送了。
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let pb = ["one","two","three","three","four"]
let sb = pb
.sink {
sb.store(in: &cc)
sb: receive subscription: (["one", "two", "three", "three", "four"])
sb: request unlimited
sb: receive value: (one)
sb: receive value: (two)
sb: receive value: (three)
sb: receive value: (three)
sb: request max: (1) (synchronous)
sb: receive value: (four)
sb: receive finished
flatMap 能将多个发布者的值打平发送给订阅者
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
struct S {
let p: AnyPublisher<String, Never>
let s1 = S(p: Just("one").eraseToAnyPublisher())
let s2 = S(p: Just("two").eraseToAnyPublisher())
let s3 = S(p: Just("three").eraseToAnyPublisher())
let pb = [s1, s2, s3].publisher
let sb = pb
.flatMap {
.sink {
sb.store(in: &cc)
sb: receive subscription: ([戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $101167070).(unknown context at $1011670f4).S(p: AnyPublisher), 戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $101167070).(unknown context at $1011670f4).S(p: AnyPublisher), 戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $101167070).(unknown context at $1011670f4).S(p: AnyPublisher)])
sb: request unlimited
sb: receive value: (S(p: AnyPublisher))
sb: receive value: (S(p: AnyPublisher))
sb: receive value: (S(p: AnyPublisher))
sb: receive finished
append 会在发布者发布结束后追加发送数据,发布者不结束,append 的数据不会发送。
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let pb = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let sb = pb
.append("five", "six")
.sink {
sb.store(in: &cc)
pb.send(completion: .finished)
sb: receive subscription: ([戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $101167070).(unknown context at $1011670f4).S(p: AnyPublisher), 戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $101167070).(unknown context at $1011670f4).S(p: AnyPublisher), 戴铭的Swift小册子.AppDelegate.(unknown context at $101167070).(unknown context at $1011670f4).S(p: AnyPublisher)])
sb: request unlimited
sb: receive value: (S(p: AnyPublisher))
sb: receive value: (S(p: AnyPublisher))
sb: receive value: (S(p: AnyPublisher))
sb: receive finished
prepend 会在发布者发布前先发送数据,发布者不结束也不会受影响。发布者和集合也可以被打平发布。
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let pb1 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let pb2 = ["nine", "ten"].publisher
let sb = pb1
.prepend("five", "six")
.sink {
sb.store(in: &cc)
sb: receive subscription: (PassthroughSubject)
sb: request unlimited
sb: receive value: (one)
sb: receive value: (two)
sb: receive value: (three)
sb: receive cancel
订阅者可以通过 merge 合并多个发布者发布的数据
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let ps1 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let ps2 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let sb1 = ps1.merge(with: ps2)
.sink {
sb1.store(in: &cc)
sb1: receive subscription: (Merge)
sb1: request unlimited
sb1: receive value: (one)
sb1: receive value: (two)
sb1: receive value: (1)
sb1: receive value: (2)
sb1: receive value: (three)
sb1: receive cancel
zip 会合并多个发布者发布的数据,只有当多个发布者都发布了数据后才会组合成一个数据给订阅者。
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let ps1 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let ps2 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let ps3 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let sb1 = ps1.zip(ps2, ps3)
.sink {
sb1.store(in: &cc)
sb1: receive subscription: (Zip)
sb1: request unlimited
sb1: receive value: (("one", "1", "一"))
("one", "1", "一")
sb1: receive cancel
combineLatest 会合并多个发布者发布的数据,只有当多个发布者都发布了数据后才会触发合并,合并每个发布者发布的最后一个数据。
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let ps1 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let ps2 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let ps3 = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let sb1 = ps1.combineLatest(ps2, ps3)
.sink {
sb1.store(in: &cc)
sb1: receive subscription: (CombineLatest)
sb1: request unlimited
sb1: receive value: (("four", "3", "一"))
("four", "3", "一")
sb1: receive value: (("four", "3", "二"))
("four", "3", "二")
sb1: receive cancel
Scheduler 处理队列。
import Combine
var cc = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let sb1 = ["one","two","three"].publisher
.subscribe(on: DispatchQueue.global())
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: {
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink {
sb1.store(in: &cc)
sb1: receive subscription: ([1, 2, 3])
sb1: request unlimited
sb1: receive value: (1)
receiveOutput 1
sb1: receive value: (2)
receiveOutput 2
sb1: receive value: (3)
receiveOutput 3
sb1: receive finished
let req = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "http://www.starming.com")!)
let dpPublisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: req)
// CombineSearchAPI.swift
// SwiftOnly (iOS)
// Created by Ming Dai on 2021/11/4.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct CombineSearchAPI: View {
var body: some View {
// MARK: Github View
struct GithubSearchView: View {
@State var str: String = "Swift"
@StateObject var ss: SearchStore = SearchStore()
@State var repos: [GithubRepo] = []
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
TextField("输入:", text: $str, onCommit: fetch)
ForEach(self.ss.repos) { repo -> GithubRepoCell in
GithubRepoCell(repo: repo)
.onAppear(perform: fetch)
private func fetch() {
self.ss.search(str: self.str)
struct GithubRepoCell: View {
let repo: GithubRepo
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 20) {
// MARK: Github Service
struct GithubRepo: Decodable, Identifiable {
let id: Int
let name: String
let description: String
struct GithubResp: Decodable {
let items: [GithubRepo]
final class GithubSearchManager {
func search(str: String) -> AnyPublisher<GithubResp, Never> {
guard var urlComponents = URLComponents(string: "https://api.github.com/search/repositories") else {
urlComponents.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "q", value: str)]
guard let url = urlComponents.url else {
let sch = DispatchQueue(label: "API", qos: .default, attributes: .concurrent)
return URLSession.shared
.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
.receive(on: sch)
.tryMap({ element -> Data in
print(String(decoding: element.data, as: UTF8.self))
return element.data
.decode(type: GithubResp.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.catch { _ in
final class SearchStore: ObservableObject {
@Published var query: String = ""
@Published var repos: [GithubRepo] = []
private let searchManager: GithubSearchManager
private var cancellable = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init(searchManager: GithubSearchManager = GithubSearchManager()) {
self.searchManager = searchManager
.debounce(for: .milliseconds(500), scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.flatMap { query -> AnyPublisher<[GithubRepo], Never> in
return searchManager.search(str: query)
.map {
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.assign(to: \.repos, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellable)
func search(str: String) {
self.query = str
// CombineAPI.swift
// SwiftOnly (iOS)
// Created by Ming Dai on 2021/11/4.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct CombineAPI: View {
var body: some View {
RepListView(vm: .init())
struct RepListView: View {
@ObservedObject var vm: RepListVM
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(vm.repos) { rep in
RepListCell(rep: rep)
.alert(isPresented: $vm.isErrorShow) { () -> Alert in
Alert(title: Text("出错了"), message: Text(vm.errorMessage))
.onAppear {
struct RepListCell: View {
@State var rep: RepoModel
var body: some View {
HStack() {
VStack() {
AsyncImage(url: URL(string: rep.owner.avatarUrl ?? ""), content: { image in
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
placeholder: {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.font(.system(size: 10))
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
Text("\(String(describing: rep.description ?? ""))")
Text("\(String(describing: rep.language ?? ""))")
.font(.system(size: 14))
// MARK: Repo View Model
final class RepListVM: ObservableObject, UnidirectionalDataFlowType {
typealias InputType = Input
private var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
// Input
enum Input {
case onAppear
func apply(_ input: Input) {
switch input {
case .onAppear:
private let onAppearSubject = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
// Output
@Published private(set) var repos: [RepoModel] = []
@Published var isErrorShow = false
@Published var errorMessage = ""
@Published private(set) var shouldShowIcon = false
private let resSubject = PassthroughSubject<SearchRepoModel, Never>()
private let errSubject = PassthroughSubject<APISevError, Never>()
private let apiSev: APISev
init(apiSev: APISev = APISev()) {
self.apiSev = apiSev
private func bindInputs() {
let req = SearchRepoRequest()
let resPublisher = onAppearSubject
.flatMap { [apiSev] in
apiSev.response(from: req)
.catch { [weak self] error -> Empty<SearchRepoModel, Never> in
return .init()
let resStream = resPublisher
// 其它异步事件,比如日志等操作都可以做成Stream加到下面数组内。
cancellables += [resStream]
private func bindOutputs() {
let repStream = resSubject
.map {
.assign(to: \.repos, on: self)
let errMsgStream = errSubject
.map { error -> String in
switch error {
case .resError: return "network error"
case .parseError: return "parse error"
.assign(to: \.errorMessage, on: self)
let errStream = errSubject
.map { _ in
.assign(to: \.isErrorShow, on: self)
cancellables += [repStream,errStream,errMsgStream]
protocol UnidirectionalDataFlowType {
associatedtype InputType
func apply(_ input: InputType)
// MARK: Repo Request and Models
struct SearchRepoRequest: APIReqType {
typealias Res = SearchRepoModel
var path: String {
return "/search/repositories"
var qItems: [URLQueryItem]? {
return [
.init(name: "q", value: "Combine"),
.init(name: "order", value: "desc")
struct SearchRepoModel: Decodable {
var items: [RepoModel]
struct RepoModel: Decodable, Hashable, Identifiable {
var id: Int64
var name: String
var fullName: String
var description: String?
var stargazersCount: Int = 0
var language: String?
var owner: OwnerModel
struct OwnerModel: Decodable, Hashable, Identifiable {
var id: Int64
var login: String
var avatarUrl: String?
// MARK: API Request Fundation
protocol APIReqType {
associatedtype Res: Decodable
var path: String { get }
var qItems: [URLQueryItem]? { get }
protocol APISevType {
func response<Request>(from req: Request) -> AnyPublisher<Request.Res, APISevError> where Request: APIReqType
final class APISev: APISevType {
private let rootUrl: URL
init(rootUrl: URL = URL(string: "https://api.github.com")!) {
self.rootUrl = rootUrl
func response<Request>(from req: Request) -> AnyPublisher<Request.Res, APISevError> where Request : APIReqType {
let path = URL(string: req.path, relativeTo: rootUrl)!
var comp = URLComponents(url: path, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true)!
comp.queryItems = req.qItems
print(comp.url?.description ?? "url wrong")
var req = URLRequest(url: comp.url!)
req.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
let de = JSONDecoder()
de.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: req)
.map { data, res in
print(String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self))
return data
.mapError { _ in
.decode(type: Request.Res.self, decoder: de)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
enum APISevError: Error {
case resError
case parseError(Error)
private final class KVOObject: NSObject {
@objc dynamic var intV: Int = 0
@objc dynamic var boolV: Bool = false
let o = KVOObject()
let _ = o.publisher(for: \.intV)
.sink { v in
print("value : \(v)")
extension Notification.Name {
static let noti = Notification.Name("nameofnoti")
let notiPb = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .noti, object: nil)
.sink {
class A {
var storage = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init() {
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIWindowScene.didEnterBackgroundNotification)
.sink { _ in
print("enter background")
.store(in: &self.storage)
let timePb = Timer.publish(every: 1.0, on: RunLoop.main, in: .default)
let timeSk = timePb.sink { r in
print("r is \(r)")
let cPb = timePb.connect()
ABI 稳定后,Swift 的核心团队可以开始关注 Swift 语言一直缺失的原生并发能力了。最初是由 Chris Lattner 在17年发的 Swift并发宣言 ,从此开阔了大家的眼界。后来 Swift Evolution 社区讨论了十几个提案,几十个方案,以及几百页的设计文件,做了大量的改进,社区中用户积极的参与反馈,Chris 也一直在 Evolution 中积极的参与设计。
Swift Concurrency 的实现用了 LLVM的协程 把 async/await 函数转换为基于回调的代码,这个过程发生在编译后期,这个阶段你的代码都没法辨识了。异步的函数被实现为 coroutines,在每次异步调用时,函数被分割成可调用的函数部分和后面恢复的部分。coroutine 拆分的过程发生在生成LLVM IR阶段。Swift使用了哪些带有自定义调用约定的函数保证尾部调用,并专门为Swift进行了调整。
Swift Concurrency 不是建立在 GCD 上,而是使用的一个全新的线程池。GCD 中启动队列工作会很快在提起线程,一个队列阻塞了线程,就会生成一个新线程。基于这种机制 GCD 线程数很容易比 CPU 核心数量多,线程多了,线程就会有大量的调度开销,大量的上下文切换,会使 CPU 运行效率降低。而 Swift Concurrency 的线程数量不会超过 CPU 内核,将上下文切换放到同一个线程中去做。为了实现线程不被阻塞,需要通过语言特性来做。做法是,每个线程都有一个堆栈记录函数调用情况,一个函数占一个帧。函数返回后,这个函数所占的帧就会从堆栈弹出。await 的 async 函数被作为异步帧保存在堆上等待恢复,而不阻碍其它函数入栈执行。在 await 后运行的代码叫 continuation,continuation 会在要恢复时放回到线程的堆栈里。异步帧会根据需要放回栈上。在一个异步函数中调用同步代码将添加帧到线程的堆栈中。这样线程就能够一直向前跑,而不用创建更多线程减少调度。
Douglas 在 Swift 论坛里发的 Swift Concurrency 下个版本的规划贴 Concurrency in Swift 5 and 6 ,论坛里还有一个帖子是专门用来 征集Swift Concurrency意见 的,帖子本身列出了 Swift Concurrency 相关的所有提案,也提出欢迎有新提案发出来,除了这些提案可以看外,帖子回复目前已经过百,非常热闹,可以看出大家对 Swift Concurrency 的关注度相当的高。
非常多的人参与了 Swift Concurrency 才使其看起来和用起来那么简单。Doug Gregor 在参与 John Sundell 的播客后,发了很多条推聊 Swift Concurrency,可以看到参与的人非常多,可见背后付出的努力有多大。下面我汇总了 Doug Gregor 在推上发的一些信息,你通过这些信息也可以了解 Swift Concurrency 幕后信息,所做的事和负责的人。
@pathofshrines 是 Swift Concurrency 整体架构师,包括低级别运行时和编译器相关细节。 @illian 是 async sequences、stream 和 Fundation 的负责人。 @optshiftk 对 UI 和并发交互的极好的洞察力带来了很棒的 async 接口, @phausler 带来了 async sequences。Arnold Schwaighofer、 @neightchan 、 @typesanitizer 还有 Tim Northover 实现了 async calling convention。
@ktosopl 有很深厚的 actor、分布式计算和 Swift-on-Server 经验,带来了 actor 系统。Erik Eckstein 为 async 函数和actors建立了关键的优化和功能。
SwiftUI是 @ricketson_ 和 @luka_bernardi 完成的async接口。async I/O的接口是 @Catfish_Man 完成的。 @slava_pestov 处理了 Swift 泛型问题,还指导其他人编译器实现的细节。async 重构工具是Ben Barham 做的。大量代码移植到 async 是由 @AirspeedSwift 领导,由 Angela Laar,Clack Cole,Nicole Jacques 和 @mishaldshah 共同完成的。
@lorentey 负责 Swift 接口的改进。 @jckarter 有着敏锐的语言设计洞察力,带来了语言设计经验和编译器及运行时实现技能。 @mikeash 也参与了运行时开发中。操作系统的集成是 @rokhinip 完成的, @chimz 提供了关于 Dispatch 和 OS 很好的建议,Pavel Yaskevich 和 @hollyborla 进行了并发所需要关键类型检查器的改进。 @kastiglione 、Adrian Prantl和 @fred_riss 实现了调试。 @etcwilde 和 @call1cc 实现了语义模型中的重要部分。
@evonox 负责了服务器Linux 的支持。 @compnerd 将 Swift Concurrency 移植到了 Windows。
Swift Concurrency 模型简单,细节都被隐藏了,比 Kotlin 和 C++的 Coroutine 接口要简洁很多。比如 Task 接口形式就很简洁。Swift Concurrency 大体可分为 async/await、Async Sequences、结构化并发和 Actors。
通过类似 throws 语法的 async 来指定函数为异步函数,异步函数才能够使用 await,使用异步函数要用 await。await 修饰在 suspension point 时当前线程可以让给其它任务执行,而不用阻塞当前线程,等 await 后面的函数执行完成再回来继续执行,这里需要注意的是回来执行不一定是在离开时的线程上。async/await 提案是 SE-0296 。如果想把现有的异步开发带到 async/await 世界,请使用 withCheckedThrowingContinuation。
async/await 还有一个非常明显的好处,就是不会再有[weak self] dance 了。
AsyncSequence 的使用方式是 for-await-in 和 for-try-await-in,系统提供了一些接口,如下:
- FileHandle.standardInput.bytes.lines
- URL.lines
- URLSession.shared.data(from: URL)
- let (localURL, _ ) = try await session.download(from: url) 下载和get请求数据区别是需要边请求边存储数据以减少内存占用
- let (responseData, response) = try await session.upload(for: request, from: data)
- URLSession.shared.bytes(from: URL)
- NotificationCenter.default.notifications
使用这些接口可以一边接收数据一边进行显示,AsyncSequence 的提案是 SE-0298 (Swift 5.5可用)。AsyncStream 是创建自己异步序列的最简单的方法,处理迭代、取消和缓冲。AsyncStream 正在路上,提案是 SE-0314 。
Task 为一组并发任务创建一个运行环境,async let 可以让任务并发执行,结构化并发(Structured concurrency,提案在路上 SE-0304 )withTaskGroup 中 group.async 可以将并发任务进行分组。
我们写的程序会在进程中被拆成一个一个小指令,这些指令会在某刻会一个接一个同步的或者并发的执行。系统会用多个线程执行并行的任务,执行顺序是调度器来管理的,现代多核可以同时处理多个线程,当一个资源在多个线程上同时被更改时就会出问题。并发任务对数据资源操作容易造成数据竞争,以前需要手动放到串行队列、使用锁、调度屏障或 Atomics 的方式来避免。以前处理容易导致昂贵的上下文切换,过多线程容易导致线程爆炸,容易意外阻断线程导致后面代码没法执行,多任务相互的等待造成了死锁,block 和内存引用容易出错等等问题。
现在 Swift Concurrency 可以通过 actor 来创建一个区域,在这个区域会自动进行数据安全保护,保证一定时间只有一个线程访问里面数据,防止数据竞争。actor 内部对成员访问是同步的,成员默认是隔离的,actor 外部对 actor 内成员的访问只能是异步的,隐式同步以防止数据竞争。MainActor 继承自能确保全局唯一实例的 GlobalActor,保证任务在主线程执行,这样你就可以抛弃掉在你的 ViewModel 里写 DispatchQueue.main.async 了。
Actors 的概念通常被用于分布式计算,Actor 模型参看 Wikipedia 里的详细解释,Swift 中的实现效果也非常的理想。Actors 的提案 SE-0306 已在 Swift 5.5落实。
很多语言都支持 actors 还有 async/await,实现的方式也类似,actor 使用的不是锁,而是用的 async/await 这样能够在一个线程中切换上下文来避免线程空闲的线程模型。actor 还利用编译器,提前做会引起并发问题的检查。
actor 是遵循 Sendable 协议的,只有结构体和 final 类才能够遵循 Sendable,继承于 Sendable 协议的 Excutor 协议表示方法本身,SerialExecutor 表示以串行方式执行。actor 使用 C++写的,源码在 这里 ,可以看到 actor 主要是通过控制各个 job 执行的状态的管理器。job 执行优先级来自 Task 对象,排队时需要确保高优 job 先被执行。全局 Executor 用来为 job 排队,通知 actor 拥有或者放弃线程,实现在 这里 。由于等待而放弃当前线程让其他 actor 执行的 actor,在收到全局 Executor 创建一个新的 job 的通知,使其可以进入一个可能不同线程,这个过程就是并发模型中描述的 Actor Reentrancy。
- SE-0296: Async/await 【译】SE-0296 Async/await
- SE-0317: async let
- SE-0300: Continuations for interfacing async tasks with synchronous code 【译】SE-0300 Continuation – 执行同步代码的异步任务接口
- SE-0302: Sendable and @Sendable closures
- SE-0298: Async/Await: Sequences 【译】SE-0298 Async/Await 序列
- SE-0304: Structured concurrency
- SE-0306: Actors 【译】SE-0306 Actors
- SE-0313: Improved control over actor isolation
- SE-0297: Concurrency Interoperability with Objective-C 【译】SE-0297 Concurrency 与 Objective-C 的交互
- SE-0314: AsyncStream and AsyncThrowingStream
- SE-0316: Global actors
- SE-0310: Effectful read-only properties
- SE-0311: Task Local Values
- Custom Executors
如果打算尝试 Swift Concurrency 的话,按照先后顺序,可以先看官方手册介绍文章 Concurrency 。再看 Meet async/await in Swift 这个Session,了解背后原理看 Explore structured concurrency in Swift 。动手照着试示例代码,看Paul的 Swift Concurrency by Example 这个系列。接着看 Protect mutable state with Swift actors 来了解 actors 怎么防止数据竞争。通过 Discover concurrency in SwiftUI 看 concurrency 如何在 SwiftUI 中使用, Use async/await with URLSession 来看怎么在 URLSession 中使用 async/await。最后听听负责 Swift Concurrency 的 Doug Gregor 参加的一个 播客的访谈 ,了解下 Swift Concurrency 背后的故事。
由于 Swift Concurrency 的推出和大量的 Session 发布,特别是 AsyncSequence 的出现,以及正在路上的 AsyncStream、AsyncThrowingStream 和 continuation 提案(在Xcode 13.0 beta 3 AsyncStream 正式 release ),这些越来越多和 Combine 功能重叠的特性出现在 Swift Concurrency 蓝图里时,大家开始猜测是否 Combine 会被 Swift Concurrency 替代。关于未来是 Swift Concurrency 还是 Combine,我的感觉是,Combine 更侧重在响应式编程上,而响应式编程并不是所有开发人员都会接受的,而 Swift Concurrency 是所有人都愿意接受的开发方式,从 Swift Concurrency 推出后开发者使用的数量和社区反应火热程度来看都比 Combine 要大。在苹果对 Combine 有下一步动作之前,我还是更偏向 Swift Concurrency。
SwiftUI的布局核心是 GeometryReader、View Preferences和Anchor Preferences。如下图所示:
如上图,Redux结构是真正的单向单数据源结构,易于分割,能充分利用SwiftUI内置的数据流Property Wrapper。UI组件干净、体量小、可复用并且无业务逻辑,因此开发时可以聚焦于UI代码。业务逻辑放在一起,所有业务逻辑和数据Model都在Reducer里。 ACHNBrowserUI 和 MovieSwiftUI 开源项目都是使用的Redux架构。最近比较瞩目的TCA(The Composable Architecture)也是类Redux/Elm的架构的框架, 项目地址见 。
对于SwiftUI,AcFun自研了声明式UI Ysera,类似SwiftUI的接口,并且重构了AcFun里收藏模块列表视图和交互逻辑,如下图所示:
SwiftUI全部都是基于Swift的各大可提高开发效率特性完成的,比如前面提到的,能够访问只给语言特性级别行为的Property Wrapper,通过Property Wrapper包装代码逻辑,来降低代码复杂度,除了SwiftUI和Combine里@开头的Property Wrapper外,Swift还自带类似 @dynamicMemberLookup 和 @dynamicCallable 这样重量级的Property Wrapper。还有 ResultBuilder 这种能够简化语法的特性,有些如GraphQL、REST和Networking实际使用ResultBuilder的 范例可以参考 。这些Swift的特性如果也能得到充分利用,即使不用SwiftUI也能使开发效率得到大幅提升。
网飞(Netflix)App已使用SwiftUI重构了登录界面,网飞增长团队移动负责人故胤道长记录了SwiftUI在网飞的落地过程,详细描述了 SwiftUI的收益 。网飞能够直接使用SwiftUI得益于他们最低支持iOS 13系统。
不过如最低支持系统低于iOS 13,还有开源项目 AltSwiftUI 也实现了SwiftUI的语法和特性,能够向前兼容到iOS 11。
SwiftUI | UIKit |
Text 和 Label | UILabel |
TextField | UITextField |
TextEditor | UITextView |
Button 和 Link | UIButton |
Image | UIImageView |
NavigationView | UINavigationController 和 UISplitViewController |
ToolbarItem | UINavigationItem |
ScrollView | UIScrollView |
List | UITableView |
LazyVGrid 和 LazyHGrid | UICollectionView |
HStack 和 LazyHStack | UIStack |
VStack 和 LazyVStack | UIStack |
TabView | UITabBarController 和 UIPageViewController |
Toggle | UISwitch |
Slider | UISlider |
Stepper | UIStepper |
ProgressView | UIProgressView 和 UIActivityIndicatorView |
Picker | UISegmentedControl |
DatePicker | UIDatePicker |
Alert | UIAlertController |
ActionSheet | UIAlertController |
Map | MapKit |
import SwiftUI
struct TextView: View {
var body: some View {
Group {
.tracking(30) // 字间距
.kerning(30) // 尾部留白
.frame(width: 20, height: 80)
Group {
.shadow(color: .primary, radius: 1, x: 0, y: 2)
Text("Gradient Background")
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.white, .black, .red]), startPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom))
Text("Gradient Background")
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.white, .black, .purple]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))
Text("Angular Gradient Background")
.background(AngularGradient(colors: [.red, .yellow, .green, .blue, .purple, .red], center: .center))
.background {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.frame(width: 200, height: 100)
Group {
.lineLimit(3) // 对行的限制,如果多余设定行数,尾部会显示...
.lineSpacing(10) // 行间距
.multilineTextAlignment(.leading) // 对齐
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BohdanOrlov/iOS-Developer-Roadmap Star:5613 Issue:7 开发语言:Swift Roadmap to becoming an iOS developer in 2018.
ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa Star:19994 Issue:3 开发语言:Swift Cocoa framework and Obj-C dynamism bindings for ReactiveSwift.
mehdihadeli/awesome-software-architecture 软件架构 Star:6784 Issue:2 开发语言: A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice about software architecture, patterns, and principles.
nalexn/clean-architecture-swiftui 干净完整的SwiftUI+Combine例子,包含网络和单元测试等 Star:3080 Issue:17 开发语言:Swift SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery Swift 元编程 Star:6380 Issue:54 开发语言:Swift Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
pointfreeco/swiftui-navigation Star:733 Issue:1 开发语言:Swift Tools for making SwiftUI navigation simpler, more ergonomic and more precise.
realm/SwiftLint Star:15717 Issue:308 开发语言:Swift A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
devicekit/DeviceKit UIDevice 易用封装 Star:3602 Issue:44 开发语言:Swift DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.
kishikawakatsumi/KeychainAccess Star:6709 Issue:37 开发语言:Swift Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
nvzqz/FileKit 文件操作 Star:2197 Issue:11 开发语言:Swift Simple and expressive file management in Swift
JohnSundell/Files 文件操作 Star:2224 Issue:23 开发语言:Swift A nicer way to handle files & folders in Swift
kylef/PathKit 文件操作 Star:1324 Issue:12 开发语言:Swift Effortless path operations in Swift
rushisangani/BiometricAuthentication FaceID or TouchID authentication Star:784 Issue:13 开发语言:Swift Use Apple FaceID or TouchID authentication in your app using BiometricAuthentication.
sunshinejr/SwiftyUserDefaults Star:4598 Issue:44 开发语言:Swift Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults
MonitorControl/MonitorControl 亮度和声音控制 Star:13963 Issue:38 开发语言:Swift 🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
carekit-apple/CareKit 使用 SwiftUI 开发健康相关的库 Star:2163 Issue:65 开发语言:Swift CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.
Cay-Zhang/SwiftSpeech 苹果语言识别封装库,已适配 SwiftUI Star:245 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift A speech recognition framework designed for SwiftUI.
malcommac/SwiftDate Swift编写的时间时区,时间比较等复杂处理的包装 Star:6753 Issue:67 开发语言:Swift 🐔 Toolkit to parse, validate, manipulate, compare and display dates, time & timezones in Swift.
OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift Star:2972 Issue:39 开发语言:Swift Swift based OAuth library for iOS
p2/OAuth2 Star:1054 Issue:66 开发语言:Swift OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.
public-apis/public-apis Star:179814 Issue:11 开发语言:Python A collective list of free APIs
bpisano/Weather 天气应用 Star:275 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift A Weather app in SwiftUI.
Dimillian/MovieSwiftUI 电影 MovieDB 应用 Star:5913 Issue:8 开发语言:Swift SwiftUI & Combine app using MovieDB API. With a custom Flux (Redux) implementation.
chojnac/NotionSwift Star:19 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift Unofficial Notion API SDK for iOS & macOS
Dimillian/RedditOS SwiftUI 写的 Reddit客户端 Star:3508 Issue:11 开发语言:Swift The product name is Curiosity, a SwiftUI Reddit client for macOS Big Sur
carson-katri/reddit-swiftui SwiftUI 写的 Reddit客户端 Star:1097 Issue:7 开发语言:Swift A cross-platform Reddit client built in SwiftUI
Dimillian/SwiftHN Hacker News 阅读 Star:1692 Issue:20 开发语言:Swift A Hacker News reader in Swift
tatsuz0u/EhPanda Star:1004 Issue:7 开发语言:Swift An unofficial E-Hentai App for iOS built with SwiftUI & TCA.
Dimillian/MortyUI GraphQL + SwiftUI 开发的瑞克和莫蒂应用 Star:421 Issue:4 开发语言:Swift A very simple Rick & Morty app to demo GraphQL + SwiftUI
Finb/V2ex-Swift V2EX 客户端 Star:1506 Issue:10 开发语言:Swift An iOS client written in Swift for V2EX
v2er-app/iOS V2EX 客户端 Star:190 Issue:3 开发语言:Swift The source of V2er.iOS
sinaweibosdk/weibo_ios_sdk Star:1426 Issue:61 开发语言:Objective-C 新浪微博 IOS SDK
miniLV/MNWeibo Swift5 + MVVM 微博客户端 Star:242 Issue:4 开发语言:Swift Swift5 + MVVM + 文艺复兴微博(纯代码 + 纯Swift),可作为第一个上手的Swift项目.
nerdishbynature/octokit.swift Swift API Client for GitHub Star:377 Issue:10 开发语言:Swift A Swift API Client for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise
GitHawkApp/GitHawk iOS app for GitHub Star:2815 Issue:454 开发语言:Swift The (second) best iOS app for GitHub.
fangzesheng/free-api Star:11872 Issue:27 开发语言: 收集免费的接口服务,做一个api的搬运工
nerdsupremacist/Graphaello SwiftUI 中使用 GraphQL 的工具 Star:428 Issue:18 开发语言:Swift A Tool for Writing Declarative, Type-Safe and Data-Driven Applications in SwiftUI using GraphQL
nerdsupremacist/tmdb GraphQL 包装电影数据接口 Star:14 Issue:1 开发语言:Swift A GraphQL Wrapper for The Movie Database
serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps 开源 macOS 程序合集 Star:29416 Issue:50 开发语言:Swift 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire Star:5245 Issue:528 开发语言:Swift RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
overtake/TelegramSwift Star:3672 Issue:443 开发语言:Swift Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0
eonist/FileWatcher macOS 上监听文件变化 Star:157 Issue:5 开发语言:Swift Monitoring file system changes in macOS
waylybaye/XcodeCleaner-SwiftUI 清理 Xcode Star:1160 Issue:3 开发语言:Swift Make Xcode Clean Again
gao-sun/eul SwiftUI 写的 macOS 状态监控工具 Star:7001 Issue:50 开发语言:Swift 🖥️ macOS status monitoring app written in SwiftUI.
Dimillian/ACHNBrowserUI SwiftUI 写的动物之森小助手程序 Star:1494 Issue:32 开发语言:Swift Animal Crossing New Horizon companion app in SwiftUI
lexrus/RegExPlus 正则表达式 Star:186 Issue:0 开发语言:Swift A nifty RegEx test tool built with SwiftUI
v2ex/launcher 用来启动那些本地开发时需要的各种进程,及查看其输出 Star:157 Issue:7 开发语言:Swift
lukakerr/Pine Markdown 编辑器 Star:2884 Issue:43 开发语言:Swift A modern, native macOS markdown editor
root3nl/SupportApp 企业支持 macOS 软件 Star:234 Issue:15 开发语言:Swift The Support App is developed by Root3, specialized in managing Apple devices. Root3 offers consultancy and support for organizations to get the most out of their Apple devices and is based in The Netherlands (Haarlem).
jaywcjlove/awesome-mac macOS 软件大全 Star:47634 Issue:122 开发语言:JavaScript Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
insidegui/WWDC Star:8151 Issue:33 开发语言:Swift The unofficial WWDC app for macOS
sindresorhus/Actions Star:582 Issue:5 开发语言:Swift ⚙️ Supercharge your shortcuts
vinhnx/Clendar SwiftUI 写的日历应用 Star:311 Issue:51 开发语言:Swift Clendar - universal calendar app. Written in SwiftUI. Available on App Store. MIT License.
SvenTiigi/WhatsNewKit 欢迎屏 Star:2437 Issue:0 开发语言:Swift Showcase your awesome new app features 📱
kickstarter/ios-oss Kickstarter 的 iOS 版本 Star:7878 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS Star:3259 Issue:890 开发语言:Swift WordPress for iOS - Official repository
CoreOffice/CryptoOffice Swift 解析 Office Open XML(OOXML)包括 xlsx, docx, pptx Star:20 Issue:0 开发语言:Swift Office Open XML (OOXML) formats (.xlsx, .docx, .pptx) decryption for Swift
CoreOffice/CoreXLSX Swift编写的Excel电子表格(XLSX)格式解析器 Star:604 Issue:11 开发语言:Swift Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) format parser written in pure Swift
analogcode/Swift-Radio-Pro 电台应用 Star:2657 Issue:14 开发语言:Swift Professional Radio Station App for iOS!
pointfreeco/isowords 单词搜索游戏 Star:1635 Issue:3 开发语言:Swift Open source game built in SwiftUI and the Composable Architecture.
michelpereira/awesome-games-of-coding 教你学编程的游戏收集 Star:1372 Issue:1 开发语言: A curated list of games that can teach you how to learn a programming language.
OpenEmu/OpenEmu 视频游戏模拟器 Star:13544 Issue:182 开发语言:Objective-C 🕹 Retro video game emulation for macOS
jVirus/swiftui-2048 Star:138 Issue:0 开发语言:Swift 🎲 100% SwiftUI 3.0, classic 2048 game [iOS 15.0+, iPadOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, Swift 5.5].
schellingb/dosbox-pure DOS 游戏模拟器 Star:416 Issue:105 开发语言:C++ DOSBox Pure is a new fork of DOSBox built for RetroArch/Libretro aiming for simplicity and ease of use.
chrismaltby/gb-studio 拖放式复古游戏创建器 Star:5943 Issue:463 开发语言:C A quick and easy to use drag and drop retro game creator for your favourite handheld video game system
JakeLin/Moments-SwiftUI SwiftUI、Async、Actor Star:35 Issue:0 开发语言:Swift WeChat-like Moments App implemented using Swift 5.5 and SwiftUI
twostraws/HackingWithSwift 示例代码 Star:4266 Issue:11 开发语言:Swift The project source code for hackingwithswift.com
carson-katri/awesome-result-builders Result Builders awesome Star:737 Issue:2 开发语言: A list of cool DSLs made with Swift 5.4’s @resultBuilder
pointfreeco/episode-code-samples Star:640 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift 💾 Point-Free episode code.
SwiftGGTeam/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese 中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程 Star:20394 Issue:3 开发语言:CSS 中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
jessesquires/TIL 学习笔记 Star:250 Issue:0 开发语言: Things I've learned and/or things I want to remember. Notes, links, advice, example code, etc.
OpenCombine/OpenCombine Combine 的开源实现 Star:2097 Issue:11 开发语言:Swift Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
CombineCommunity/CombineExt 对 Combine 的补充 Star:1036 Issue:21 开发语言:Swift CombineExt provides a collection of operators, publishers and utilities for Combine, that are not provided by Apple themselves, but are common in other Reactive Frameworks and standards.
dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps 开源的完整 App 例子 Star:29334 Issue:1 开发语言:Swift :iphone: Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
timqian/chinese-independent-blogs Star:8308 Issue:19 开发语言:JavaScript 中文独立博客列表
vlondon/awesome-swiftui Star:1151 Issue:6 开发语言: A collaborative list of awesome articles, talks, books, videos and code examples about SwiftUI.
ivanvorobei/SwiftUI Star:3644 Issue:5 开发语言:Swift Examples projects using SwiftUI released by WWDC2019. Include Layout, UI, Animations, Gestures, Draw and Data.
kon9chunkit/GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts GitHub中文排行榜 Star:43935 Issue:80 开发语言:Java :cn: GitHub中文排行榜,各语言分离设置「软件 / 资料」榜单,精准定位中文好项目。各取所需,互不干扰,高效学习。
onmyway133/awesome-swiftui Star:340 Issue:2 开发语言: 🌮 Awesome resources, articles, libraries about SwiftUI
Juanpe/About-SwiftUI 汇总 SwiftUI 的资料 Star:6013 Issue:0 开发语言:Swift Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI.
sindresorhus/awesome 内容广 Star:188924 Issue:41 开发语言: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
SwiftPackageIndex/PackageList Swift 开源库索引 Star:589 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift The master list of repositories for the Swift Package Index.
AppFlowy-IO/appflowy Flutter 和 Rust 开发的开源 Notion Star:17150 Issue:96 开发语言:Rust AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
tuist/tuist 创建和维护 Xcode projects 文件 Star:2361 Issue:145 开发语言:Swift 🚀 Create, maintain, and interact with Xcode projects at scale
swift-server/vscode-swift VSCode 的 Swift 扩展 Star:239 Issue:23 开发语言:TypeScript VSCode Extension for Swift
peripheryapp/periphery 检测 Swift 无用代码 Star:3135 Issue:19 开发语言:Swift A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects.
nalexn/ViewInspector SwiftUI Runtime introspection 和 单元测试 Star:1077 Issue:11 开发语言:Swift Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
shibapm/Komondor Git Hooks for Swift projects Star:497 Issue:19 开发语言:Swift Git Hooks for Swift projects 🐩
SwiftGen/SwiftGen 代码生成 Star:7687 Issue:74 开发语言:Swift The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
hyperoslo/Cache Star:2523 Issue:20 开发语言:Swift :package: Nothing but Cache.
kylef/Commander 命令行 Star:1478 Issue:1 开发语言:Swift Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift
Carthage/Carthage Star:14513 Issue:230 开发语言:Swift A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
NARKOZ/hacker-scripts 程序员的活都让机器干的脚本(真实故事) Star:43487 Issue:66 开发语言:JavaScript Based on a true story
RobotsAndPencils/XcodesApp Xcode 多版本安装 Star:2348 Issue:30 开发语言:Swift The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.
ZeeZide/5GUIs 可以分析程序用了哪些库,用了LLVM objdump Star:177 Issue:8 开发语言:Swift A tiny macOS app that can detect the GUI technologies used in other apps.
faisalmemon/ios-crash-dump-analysis-book iOS Crash Dump Analysis Book Star:454 Issue:1 开发语言:Objective-C iOS Crash Dump Analysis Book
majd/ipatool 下载 ipa Star:1258 Issue:6 开发语言:Swift Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
Quick/Quick 测试框架 Star:9334 Issue:51 开发语言:Swift The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
Alamofire/Alamofire Star:37100 Issue:33 开发语言:Swift Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
socketio/socket.io-client-swift Star:4704 Issue:181 开发语言:Swift
Lojii/Knot 使用 SwiftNIO 实现 HTTPS 抓包 Star:587 Issue:2 开发语言:C 一款iOS端基于MITM(中间人攻击技术)实现的HTTPS抓包工具,完整的App,核心代码使用SwiftNIO实现
swift-server/async-http-client 使用 SwiftNIO 开发的 HTTP 客户端 Star:547 Issue:72 开发语言:Swift HTTP client library built on SwiftNIO
kean/Get Star:309 Issue:1 开发语言:Swift Web API client built using async/await
awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted 网络服务及上面的应用 Star:77219 Issue:149 开发语言:JavaScript A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
daltoniam/Starscream WebSocket Star:7175 Issue:140 开发语言:Swift Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG Star:30125 Issue:250 开发语言:Swift Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
carson-katri/swift-request 声明式的网络请求 Star:620 Issue:6 开发语言:Swift Declarative HTTP networking, designed for SwiftUI
cloudreve/Cloudreve 云存储部署 Star:13045 Issue:328 开发语言:Go 🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (Self-deployed file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers)
alibaba/xquic 阿里巴巴发布的 XQUIC 库 Star:911 Issue:4 开发语言:C
kasketis/netfox 获取所有网络请求 Star:3207 Issue:15 开发语言:Swift A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
Moya/Moya Swift 编写的网络抽象层 Star:13744 Issue:116 开发语言:Swift Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
Kitura/BlueSocket Star:1285 Issue:27 开发语言:Swift Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.
rhummelmose/BluetoothKit 蓝牙 Star:2049 Issue:33 开发语言:Swift Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE
WeTransfer/Mocker Mock Alamofire and URLSession Star:734 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift Mock Alamofire and URLSession requests without touching your code implementation
willdale/SwiftUICharts 用于SwiftUI的图表绘图库 Star:397 Issue:30 开发语言:Swift A charts / plotting library for SwiftUI. Works on macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS and has accessibility features built in.
lludo/SwiftSunburstDiagram SwiftUI 图表 Star:456 Issue:12 开发语言:Swift SwiftUI library to easily render diagrams given a tree of objects. Similar to ring chart, sunburst chart, multilevel pie chart.
ivanschuetz/SwiftCharts Star:2350 Issue:47 开发语言:Swift Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
danielgindi/Charts Star:24997 Issue:812 开发语言:Swift Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
imxieyi/waifu2x-ios waifu2x Core ML 动漫风格图片的高清渲染 Star:407 Issue:3 开发语言:Swift iOS Core ML implementation of waifu2x
mecid/SwiftUICharts 支持 SwiftUI 的简单的线图和柱状图库 Star:1156 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift A simple line and bar charting library that supports accessibility written using SwiftUI.
Tencent/libpag PAG(Portable Animated Graphics)实时渲染库,多个平台渲染AE动画。 Star:1312 Issue:4 开发语言:C++ A real-time rendering library for PAG (Portable Animated Graphics) files that renders After Effects animations natively across multiple platforms.
jathu/UIImageColors 获取图片主次颜色 Star:3056 Issue:10 开发语言:Swift Fetches the most dominant and prominent colors from an image.
BradLarson/GPUImage3 Metal 实现 Star:2290 Issue:73 开发语言:Swift GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal.
exyte/Macaw SVG Star:5784 Issue:124 开发语言:Swift Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
exyte/SVGView 支持 SwiftUI 的 SVG 解析渲染视图 Star:125 Issue:1 开发语言:Swift SVG parser and renderer written in SwiftUI
efremidze/Magnetic SpriteKit气泡支持SwiftUI Star:1351 Issue:21 开发语言:Swift SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music) 🧲
NextLevel/NextLevel 相机 Star:1963 Issue:70 开发语言:Swift ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
Harley-xk/MaLiang 基于 Metal 的涂鸦绘图库 Star:1240 Issue:39 开发语言:Swift iOS painting and drawing library based on Metal. 神笔马良有一支神笔(基于 Metal 的涂鸦绘图库)
frzi/Model3DView 毫不费力的使用 SwiftUI 渲染 3d models Star:20 Issue:0 开发语言:Swift Render 3d models with SwiftUI effortlessly
iina/iina Star:29200 Issue:1304 开发语言:Swift The modern video player for macOS.
shogo4405/HaishinKit.swift RTMP, HLS Star:2260 Issue:12 开发语言:Swift Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
AudioKit/AudioKit Star:8960 Issue:7 开发语言:Swift Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
josejuanqm/VersaPlayer Star:676 Issue:3 开发语言:Swift Versatile Video Player implementation for iOS, macOS, and tvOS
bilibili/ijkplayer bilibili 播放器 Star:29961 Issue:2711 开发语言:C Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift Star:8912 Issue:40 开发语言:Swift CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
rockbruno/SwiftInfo 提取和分析一个iOS应用 Star:1032 Issue:16 开发语言:Swift 📊 Extract and analyze the evolution of an iOS app's code.
Kitura/swift-html-entities HTML5 规范字符编码/解码器 Star:137 Issue:3 开发语言:Swift HTML5 spec-compliant character encoder/decoder for Swift
TokamakUI/Tokamak SwiftUI 兼容,WebAssembly 构建 HTML Star:1555 Issue:93 开发语言:Swift SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms
johnsundell/publish 用 swift 来写网站 Star:3793 Issue:25 开发语言:Swift A static site generator for Swift developers
highlightjs/highlight.js 语法高亮 Star:19564 Issue:54 开发语言:JavaScript JavaScript syntax highlighter with language auto-detection and zero dependencies.
sivan/heti 赫蹏(hètí)中文排版 Star:4171 Issue:15 开发语言:SCSS 赫蹏(hètí)是专为中文内容展示设计的排版样式增强。它基于通行的中文排版规范而来,可以为网站的读者带来更好的文章阅读体验。
kevquirk/simple.css 简单大方基础 CSS 样式 Star:1811 Issue:1 开发语言:CSS Simple.css is a classless CSS template that allows you to make a good looking website really quickly.
mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios Star:10693 Issue:947 开发语言:Swift Firefox for iOS
vapor/vapor Star:21360 Issue:95 开发语言:Swift 💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
spevans/swift-project1 Swift编写内核,可在 Mac 和 PC 启动 Star:233 Issue:1 开发语言:Swift A minimal bare metal kernel in Swift
chaozh/awesome-blockchain-cn 区块链 awesome Star:16115 Issue:13 开发语言:JavaScript 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括Fabric和Ethereum开发资料
apple/swift Star:58648 Issue:496 开发语言:C++ The Swift Programming Language
apple/swift-evolution 提案 Star:13055 Issue:40 开发语言:Markdown This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.
apple/swift-corelibs-foundation Star:4512 Issue:32 开发语言:Swift The Foundation Project, providing core utilities, internationalization, and OS independence
apple/swift-package-manager Star:8660 Issue:22 开发语言:Swift The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
apple/swift-markdown Star:1615 Issue:6 开发语言:Swift A Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.
apple/sourcekit-lsp Star:2496 Issue:5 开发语言:Swift Language Server Protocol implementation for Swift and C-based languages
apple/swift-nio Star:6858 Issue:148 开发语言:Swift Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
apple/swift-syntax 解析、生成、转换 Swift 代码 Star:1763 Issue:3 开发语言:Swift SwiftPM package for SwiftSyntax library.
apple/swift-crypto CryptoKit 的开源实现 Star:1169 Issue:10 开发语言:C Open-source implementation of a substantial portion of the API of Apple CryptoKit suitable for use on Linux platforms.
apple/swift-driver 用 Swift 语言重新实现的编译器的驱动程序库 Star:607 Issue:11 开发语言:Swift Swift compiler driver reimplementation in Swift
apple/swift-numerics 用简单的方式用浮点型进行数值计算 Star:1337 Issue:43 开发语言:Swift Advanced mathematical types and functions for Swift
apple/swift-atomics Swift 的低级原子操作 Star:715 Issue:10 开发语言:Swift Low-level atomic operations for Swift
raywenderlich/swift-algorithm-club Star:25933 Issue:50 开发语言:Swift Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge Star:59575 Issue:57 开发语言: A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
rossant/awesome-math Star:5624 Issue:7 开发语言:Python A curated list of awesome mathematics resources
krzysztofzablocki/KZFileWatchers Swift编写的观察本地或者网络上,比如网盘和FTP的文件变化 Star:1010 Issue:2 开发语言:Swift A micro-framework for observing file changes, both local and remote. Helpful in building developer tools.