An Android GitHub client made mostly to practice modern Android MVVM architecture.
To build locally, you'll need to get your own GitHub API keys by creating an OAuth application and in GitSpark/
or ~/.gradle/
you need to add these lines
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID="your client id"
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET="your client secret"
- AndroidX
- Android Jetpack
- Android KTX for Kotlin
- LiveData, ViewModel for MVVM architecture
- Navigation Component
- Room for persistence
- Dagger 2 for dependency injection
- RxJava, RxKotlin, RxAndroid for async calls
- Retrofit 2 and OkHttp3 for API calls
- Moshi for JSON parsing
- Picasso for images
- ThreeTenABP for time
- JUnit 4 for unit tests
- MockK for mocking in unit tests
- AssertJ for better assertions in unit tests
- MarkdownView for displaying markdown files