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Updated deployment to use correct certificate #8

Updated deployment to use correct certificate

Updated deployment to use correct certificate #8

Workflow file for this run

# List of the jobs in CircleCI we may need to replicate: */
# - way to send alerts to slack
# - jobs
# - validate
# - workflows
# - build, test and deploty (which contains jobs) [WORKFLOW]
# - jobs:
# - validate (runs job as devined above)
# - hmpps/helm_lint <-- (probs can't replicate)
# - hmpps/build-multiplatform-docker <-- (probs can't replicate)
# - deploy-env
# - request preprod aproval
# - deploy env (again, but with preprod)
# - request-prod-approval
# - deploy-env (but prod)
# - Security [WORKFLOW] <-- (probs can't replicate)
# - has triggers: 7:15 daily
# - has jobs: owasp, trivy, and veracode, all in the hmpps orb
# - Security weekly [WORKFLOW] <-- (probs can't replicate)
# - has triggers: 5am monday
# - has jobs: veracode, from the hmpps orb
# What does validate do? Using java 21, it...
# -> checks out the code
# -> restores the cache
# This is the cached dependencies generated in a previous run on circleCI
# It's saved/recalled with the checksum of the build.gradle.kts file
# OR, if that's not there, any generic gradle cache
# -> runs ./gradlew check
# This is basically just ./gradlew test
# You can add to this with plugins in build.gradle.kts
# -> saves the cache in the same place
# -> stores test results and artefacts in /build
# Original code from .circleci/config.yml
# validate:
# executor:
# name: hmpps/java
# tag: "21.0"
# steps:
# - checkout
# - restore_cache:
# keys:
# - gradle-{{ checksum "build.gradle.kts" }}
# - gradle-
# - run:
# command: ./gradlew check
# - save_cache:
# paths:
# - ~/.gradle
# key: gradle-{{ checksum "build.gradle.kts" }}
# - store_test_results:
# path: build/test-results
# - store_artifacts:
# path: build/reports/tests