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End to end tests for Civil Legal Aid and Find A Legal Adviser

This is the monorepo codebase for the end to end tests for Civil Legal Aid and Find A Legal Adviser.

These systems talk to each other:

Civil Legal Aid interactions

Civil Legal Aid container diagram

Find a Legal Adviser interactions

Find a Legal Adviser container diagram


Here's the coarse architecture for each application in the monorepo:

  • Docker Compose: We use Docker Compose to set up everything necessary for the end-to-end tests to run against. By default, it'll fetch and run pre-built Docker images hosted on AWS ECR.
  • Dockerfile: The Dockerfile will set up the testing dependencies, e.g. headless browsers and, by default, know how to run the tests against localhost.


Here is a list of all the big technologies used in the applications (you shouldn't need to know anything about these to run the tests):

  • Django: Python web framework
  • Postgres: Data storage
  • etc...

The browser tests use these technologies:

  • Nightwatch: Automated testing framework powered by Node.js and using W3C Webdriver
  • Protractor: An end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications

Folder structure

Code style

First time setup


Building blocks

  1. bin/setup will
    1. Bring up* dependent services (PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, etc.)
    2. Run all pre-deployment steps (migrations, seeds, etc.)
    3. Bring up* all applications
  2. bin/run will
    1. Run tests against the running applications

*"bring up" means start and wait until it is running and is reporting healthy.

Default ports

Service Default host and port
postgresql localhost:5432
rabbitmq localhost:5672
localhost:15672 for the management interface
Application Default host and port
cla_public localhost:5000
cla_frontend localhost:8001
localhost:8005 for websockets
cla_backend localhost:8000
laalaa ???
fala ???

Running tests locally

Make sure you're logged into Amazon ECR registry with get-login

  1. Install AWS CLI
  2. Use aws configure to configure your AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key, and set the default region name to eu-west-1.
  3. Run aws ecr get-login --no-include-email
  4. Copy and paste the resulting docker login command into a terminal to authenticate your Docker CLI to the registry. This command provides an authorization token that is valid for the specified registry for 12 hours.
  5. Run aws ecr describe-repositories. You should see a list of ECR repositories.

Run the tests in docker container

The following command will (1) start services and applications, (2) run the tests and (3) stop the services and applications.

$ bin/setup && bin/run_tests_in_docker && bin/stop

Run the tests on local machine

First - run cla_backend and cla_public locally (copy the cla_public url, adding a '/start' at the end to ensure it is running locally)

To run the Check Legal Aid tests locally, run the following commands:

cd tests/check-legal-aid
npm install
npm test

Run single test on local machine

To run a single test on your local machine go to: tests/check-legal-aid/package.json Inside 'scripts' create a new test name with a path to your test.

  "name": "laa-cla-e2e-tests",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "find test/specs/ -type f -exec nightwatch {} +",
    "name-of-new-test": "nightwatch test/specs/face-to-face-page.js",
    "test-docker": "find test/specs/ -type f -exec nightwatch --verbose {} +"

To run your test in the terminal run:

npm run name-of-new-test

Trouble shooting for local machine.

Check you are running cla_back end and cla_public locally Make sure you are in:


#####- Failing test due to an incorrect URL being generated.

Go to:

And change: var baseUrl = process.env.CLA_PUBLIC_URL || localhost;

With: var baseUrl = process.env.CLA_PUBLIC_URL || "";

#####- If you receive the following error message start the chrome driver manually:

 Error retrieving a new session from the selenium server   
  • open a new terminal
  • make sure you are inside:
  • paste the following

Running tests against staging

When running against a dedicated environment like staging, we need to skip the setup step, as the deployment of our applications are managed by external tools.

  1. Deploy all desired application versions to the staging environment.
    Each application should have a guideline on how to do this.
  2. Execute
    $ bin/run \ \ \ \ \
    $ bin/run --configuration=config/staging.yml

Running tests on CircleCI

Please see .circleci/config.yml for details on how this is done.


Here's a very high level view of things we want to achieve.


  • Create and destroy an isolated testing environment
  • Run tests against the isolated testing environment
  • Ensure tests can run on Circle CI against the isolated testing environment


  • Test can run against a dedicated environment like staging
  • Test can run on a developer's local machine (Chrome with headless turned off) against any environment, e.g. the isolated testing environment or staging.
  • Test reports published and available after each test run


Nothing yet


No description or website provided.



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