This repository packages the Government Digital Service's tech-docs-gem in a container, to make it simple to use when developing and publishing your technical documentation using the template-documentation-site.
Usage of this container will be documented on the template-documentation-site.
make build
make preview
Dependabot might try to update this to the latest ruby
image, but doing so will fail the Container Structure Test
The base image is derived from tech-docs-gem's latest supported Ruby version, which can be found in their test matrix.
As of 26/10/24, that version is 3.3.5.
Using 3.3.5, you can find the latest Alpine image by searching Docker Hub.
To obtain the SHA, you can run:
docker pull --platform linux/amd64
docker image inspect --format='{{ index .RepoDigests 0 }}'
Dependabot is configured to maintain these, however this repository is just packaging govuk_tech_docs
, so proceed with caution when reviewing and approving
When the Government Digital Service release a new version of govuk_tech_docs
, update src/opt/publisher/Gemfile
and run make build
to generate a new Gemfile.lock
, then run make exec
and take a copy of /opt/publisher/Gemfile.lock
to overwrite src/opt/publisher/Gemfile.lock
To create a new release, follow GitHub's guidance, opting to create a new tag in the process.