This repository contains scripts to set up and run Odoo 17 in Google Colab with PostgreSQL and ngrok for public access.
- Google Colab account
- ngrok authentication token (obtain from ngrok dashboard)
- PostgreSQL database
- Python 3 virtual environment
- Odoo 17.0 from official repository
- ngrok for public access
# Update system and install PostgreSQL
apt-get update
apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-client
service postgresql start
# Configure PostgreSQL user and database
sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS odoo;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP USER IF EXISTS odoo;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER odoo WITH PASSWORD 'odoo' CREATEDB;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE odoo OWNER odoo;"
The following system dependencies are installed:
- Python development tools
- Build essentials
- XML and image processing libraries
- PostgreSQL development files
- wkhtmltopdf for PDF generation
# Clone Odoo repository
git clone --depth 1 --branch 17.0 --single-branch src/odoo17c
# Create and activate virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Key Python packages installed:
- wheel
- psycopg2-binary
- Babel 2.13.1
- lxml_html_clean
- Additional requirements from Odoo's requirements.txt
The Odoo configuration file is created at conf/odoo.conf
with the following settings:
- Admin password: master
- Database host: localhost
- Database port: 5432
- Database user: odoo
- Database password: odoo
- XML-RPC port: 8070
python3 src/odoo17c/odoo-bin -c conf/odoo.conf -d odoo -i base --stop-after-init
# Install and configure ngrok
pip install pyngrok
ngrok authtoken YOUR_NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN
# Create tunnel and start server
from pyngrok import ngrok
public_url = ngrok.connect(8070)
python3 src/odoo17c/odoo-bin -c conf/odoo.conf
- Run all cells in the Colab notebook sequentially
- Wait for the ngrok URL to be displayed
- Access Odoo through the provided ngrok URL
- Login credentials:
- Database: odoo
- Email: admin
- Password: admin
- The setup is intended for development and testing purposes
- Data persistence is limited to the Colab session duration
- For production use, additional security measures should be implemented
- The ngrok URL changes with each new session
If you encounter issues:
- Ensure all cells are executed in order
- Check that PostgreSQL service is running
- Verify ngrok authentication token is correct
- Confirm all required ports are available (8070 for Odoo)
This setup follows Odoo's LGPL license. Refer to Odoo's license for more details.