MiTools is a collection of tools that every programmer needs for his job.
- JSON Formatter
- JSON Minifier
- Base64 Encode/Decode
- SQL tester
- Random text generator
- CSS Minifier/Formatter
All this tools at one place
MiTools uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- ReactJS - UI-building JavaScript library with components.
- Axios - Promises-based HTTP client for requests.
- js-base64 - Handles Base64 encoding/decoding.
- js-sql-parser - Parses and works with SQL queries.
- sweetalert2 - Creates appealing pop-up modals.
- laravel - Most popular PHP framework.
And of course MiTools itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
git pull
cd mitools
npm install
npm start
Build website for deploy on internet
cd mitools
npm install
npm run build
Free Software, Hell Yeah!