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PhotoModularFX___How to make a video

miorsoft edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 11 revisions

First of all I suggest you download and install K-lite coded pack and use MPC (Media Player Classic) to view the videos.

To make a video, since this program does not have automation for this purpose, it is necessary to use one or two external help programs. In this regard I mainly suggest VirtualDub and a MiorSoft VideoExtractEncode program

Simplifying, a video is nothing but a sequence of frames displayed at a certain FPS (Frames per Second) plus an audio track.

If you want to make a video, you need to process every single frame with the desired effect. To do this, the following steps are required:

  1. Extracting frames images (jpg)
  2. Processing all the frames (This is done by PhotoModularFX)
  3. "Reassembly", (properly Encoding) of the (elaborated) frames into Video.

After this little smattering we begin to make our first video following these steps.

(1)Frames Extraction

  1. Download and unzip "VideoExtractEncode" program.
  2. Run it. (On the left you will find Extact fields and on the Right the Encode fields)
  3. Click up left button "Click to Select Video" and Select your source Video.
  4. Setup your extraction preferences.
    1. RESIZE - Usually leave it empty. You can specify the size of extracted frames so eg "852x480"
    2. FPS - Frames per second, the number of frames you want to extract per second. (First times try it at 12, You can increase it if you want more fluidic frames transition)
    3. START TIME - Specify the hours:minutes:seconds of the starting time of extraction. To start from (HH:MM:SS)
    4. DURATION - How long will be the Video ? Specify here the Video duration. Leave it 00:00:00 for full length. (Note this is NOT the End time)
    5. MP3 Quality - Put it to 320
    6. Denoise - Usually is better Off.
  5. Click EXTRACT and wait. Once extraction process terminates the Folder containing the extracted frames will be opened. It's location is in VideoExtractEncode\EXTRACTED\"First chars of video name"

(2)Frames Elaboration

Ok, now we will run PhotoModularFX to perform elaboration on extracted frames.

  1. Run PhotoModularFX
  2. Select the resize dimension (usually by Shortest side: 360,480,520,720)
  3. Choose your project.
    1. Optionally make test with some single frames.
  4. check "ALL in last folder" to process all files in last opened folder.
  5. load a frame from Extracted ones and click Run to elaboarate all frames. Usually this process takes very long. (you can stop it by unchecking "All in last folder" while running)

well, the most is done, now all that remains is to encode the elaborated frames. (placed in \PhotoModularFX\OUT folder)

(3.1)Frames Encoding (Using VideoExtractEncode)

  1. Open VideoExtractEncode
  2. Click "Select Source Folder (Frame)..." , go to \PhotoModularFX\OUT folder and select an elaborated frame.
  3. Setup your encoding preferences.
    1. FPS - Use the same used during extraction. (if you don't remeber it, in the extracted folder there is a file called info.txt )
    2. RESIZE: Here you can choose the size in pixel of your output video (Usually 720p)
    3. AUDIO FROM: Select the MP3 audio file to use. (it is in the \VideoExtractEncode\EXTRACTED\"First chars of video name" folder, the same of the extraced frames)
    4. codec to use, this is a bit tricky param. Use DivX -b 5120k (more Slow, and higher crf means more quality)
    5. Output Filename: Specify the Avi Video filename.
  4. Click ENCODE and wait.
  5. DONE!!! Your video is now saved in VideoExtractEncode Folder !!!

If you encounter some problem or need more help contact the Author: reexre at gmail dot com

(3.2)Frames Encoding (using VirtualDub)

  1. Open VirtualDub

  2. Click "File->Open Video File..." , go to \PhotoModularFX\OUT folder and select an elaborated frame.

  3. Setup your encoding preferences.

    1. Select the Codec: Click "Video->Compression..." (Customize with "Configure" Button.)
    2. Set the FPS: Click "Video->Frame Rate...". on the [Change frame rate to] Field. Put the same value you used for Extraction. Then I suggest to use the oprtion "Convert to" and set the value to 25-30 FPS. (EG not to loose to much quality on Video Upload to YT)
    3. Set the audio to use "Audio->Audio from other file". Select the MP3 audio file to use. (it is in the \VideoExtractEncode\EXTRACTED\"First chars of video name" folder, the same of the extraced frames)
    4. Set the output dimensions. "Video->Full processing Mode". Then "Video Filters..." - "Add..." button - "Resize". In the "Absoulte (Pixel)" height field put the height desired. I usually put at least 720. ("Aspect Ratio" same as source). Choose your "Filter Mode" and on "Codec-friendly Sizeing" set "Multiple of 4" (or 8). This is very useful for various reasons, for example because even if our video has a lower resolution, if uploaded to youtube at a "fake" higher resolution, it loses less quality.
    5. Usually it is useful to save these settings, so click "File->Save Processing settings..." and save it. This setting can be reused for other Videos. Note that inside it it is saved even the Audio file path/name, so when you reuse it for another video ("File->Load Processing settings...") remember to re-select the audio (13.3)
  4. Ok, now we are ready to Encode. Click "File->Save as AVI..." and choose the output video file name.

If you encounter some problem or need more help consider contacting the Author: reexre at gmail dot com or posting your thoughts in the FORUM